ND Law School launches new Program on Private Law

Author: Denise Wager



Notre Dame Law School has recently launched a new research program on private law.

Under the direction of Professor Paul B. Miller, the Law School’s Associate Dean for International and Graduate programs, the Notre Dame Program on Private Law will support and enhance the scholarship of Notre Dame faculty working in private law, as well as the many collaborative initiatives that Miller and others have undertaken in the field.

Bolstered by several recent hires, the Law School now boasts one of the strongest programs in private law in the country.

"The Program on Private Law will capitalize on this momentum, and also help to draw attention to the many important achievements and activities of Notre Dame scholars in this area," Miller said.

The program will support scholars and students in key areas of private law, including contract law, tort law, property law, fiduciary law, trust law, corporate law, remedies, and the law of equity.

The Program on Private Law will extend the impact of the excellent research being done by Notre Dame Law faculty, and will also have payoffs for students by helping the Law School to widen its private law course offerings and by supporting student involvement in faculty research projects.

"The Program on Private Law draws on the considerable strengths of the growing number of our faculty whose scholarship focuses on private law. Under Paul Miller's direction, I am confident the program will become one of our premier programs in the years to come," said Nell Jessup Newton, Joseph A. Matson Dean and Professor of Law at Notre Dame Law School.

Read here about some of the latest Private Law faculty research.

Originally published by Denise Wager at law.nd.edu on November 07, 2018.