Media Mentions: August 2021

July 2021 August 2021 September 2021

  1. Humans vs. automation: Service center agents can outperform technology, study shows

    "A behavioral perspective on service center routing: The role of inertia" is forthcoming in the Journal of Operations Management from Nicholas Berente, the Viola D. Hank Associate Professor, and Kaitlin Wowak, associate professor of information technology, analytics and operations at Notre Dame's Mendoza College of Business.

    Originally published at

  2. Is that long-lasting lipstick toxic? Study raises concerns about PFAS in cosmetics.

    The study was led by scientists at the University of Notre Dame and published in the Journal of Environmental Science & Technology Letters.

    Originally published at

  3. Study Reveals Why Some Organizational Cover-Ups Go Unchecked

    New research from the University of Notre Dame identifies two common types of cover-ups and reveals why some are allowed to continue unchecked.

    Originally published at

  4. The downside of loyalty: Study reveals why some organizational cover-ups go unchecked

    New research from the University of Notre Dame identifies two common types of cover-ups and reveals why some are allowed to continue unchecked.

    Originally published at