C-CAS Semi-Annual Meeting Series - February 28 - March 18

Author: C-CAS

The spring 2022 semi-annual meeting series will take place from 12:00pm - 2:30pm EST on Mondays and Fridays beginning on February 28 and ending on March 18.

The meeting will feature presentations by C-CAS researchers (Feb 28 and March 4) and the Data Chemists Network (March 7). On March 11 and 14, some of our industrial partners will discuss applications of computer assisted synthesis and ML in general in industry. On March 18, we will have a series of career roundtable discussions covering opportunities in industry and academia. As before, there will be ample opportunity to discuss the future of the field and of C-CAS.

On March 15 and 16 we will host a virtual poster session with student presentations taking place on Wednesday, March 16 from 4:00 - 6:00pm EST.  For more information on how to participate, email Olaf Wiest at owiest@nd.edu






Originally published by C-CAS at ccas.nd.edu on February 24, 2022.