Solve SB


Location: South Bend's Technology Resource Center (1165 Franklin St., Suite 100)

The City of South Bend’s Department of Innovation and Technology is hosting a South Bend-specific “ideathon” known as SolveSB the weekend of July 16th and 17th. SolveSB is a collaborative brainstorming event in which individuals from different specialties work together to solve an existing problem. 

SolveSB will call upon local high school students, college-age young adults, and mid-to-late career professionals alike to join in a weekend of fun, competition, and brainstorming. Individuals will form or be placed in project teams that will each work to intensively solve one of two problem statements. Teams will be awarded based on how innovative, pragmatic and equitable their solutions are.

We’re inviting individuals from across our city to collaborate and solve one of two problems facing residents and City stakeholders. Summer 2022 problem statement topics are in Sustainability or Small business development.

For more information and registration, please visit the SolveSB website.

Originally published at