Mark McGowan on "Catholic Children in Protestant Towns: The Fate of Irish Famine Orphan Children in British North America"


Location: Room 1050 Jenkins Nanovic Hall

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Dr. Mark McGowan is a Professor of History and Celtic Studies at the University of St. Michael's College in the University of Toronto.

St. Michael’s Principal from 2002–2011, Dr. McGowan is an historian renowned for his work on the Catholic Church in Canada and the Great Irish Famine, as well as the lasting impact that the Famine’s mass migration had on Canada.

He has won multiple awards for both his teaching and writing, and is well known for his work in Catholic education, including the history of Catholic education in Ontario. He has served as a consultant to the Institute for Catholic Education. His latest bookIt’s Our Turn: Carrying on the Work of the Pioneers of Catholic Education in Ontario was published by Novalis in 2019.

The subject of his talk at Notre Dame will be "Catholic Children in Protestant Towns: The Fate of Irish Famine Orphan Children in British North America."

Originally published at