ACMS Colloquium: Marinho Bertanha, University of Notre Dame


Location: 127 Hayes-Healy Center

Marinho Bertanha

Marinho Bertanha

University of Notre Dame

3:45 PM
127 Hayes-Healy Center
A tea will precede the event at 3:15 pm in 101A Crowley Hall.

Title: Causal Inference in Models with Discontinuities

Abstract: My research is in econometric theory and focuses on designing new methods for applied economists that work with individual-level data. In this talk, I'll present an overview of my research agenda and current projects. My research fits into two main areas: (1) models with discontinuities, that is, estimation in settings where a policy or treatment variable changes abruptly as a function of individual characteristics; and (2) resampling methods, that is, computational methods that reshuffle data to evaluate the magnitude of estimation error. I have also worked to a lesser extent on sample selection and spatial econometrics. Area (1) includes regression discontinuity designs, bunching designs, and matching theory. Area (2) includes bootstrap, permutation tests, and placebo randomization tests. Most of my work involves theoretical demonstrations on identification, estimation, and inference, in addition to illustrations using real-world and simulated data.

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