What’s It Really Like?: Working in Nuclear at Kinectrics with Marlena Fernandez ‘17


Location: TBA

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Marlena Fernandez ‘17 is a licensed Professional Engineer at Kinectrics with over three years of experience working in the nuclear power industry. Her emphasis is on the design and repair of steel structures, welded and bolted connections, and evaluation of heavy haul paths and lifting devices. Prior to entering the nuclear industry, she gained experience on commercial and industrial construction sites in project management and technical roles, including rooftop solar arrays.

Kinectrics provides lifecycle management services to the power generation, transmission, and distribution industries. Their U.S. offices primarily provide consulting to nuclear power plants across the country. They are hiring engineers and project managers with an interest in nuclear energy.

Join Marlena for lunch in a small group setting to learn more about her career path and potential employment opportunities with Kinectrics.

This event is open to Notre Dame students only.

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Originally published at energy.nd.edu.