8th Annual Notre Dame-Purdue Symposium on Soft Matter & Polymers

Location: Wilmeth Active Learning Center, Purdue University

Event Image

The 8th Annual Notre Dame-Purdue Symposium on Soft Matter & Polymers is scheduled for Saturday, October 7, 2023 at Purdue University. This one-day symposium focuses on the general synthesis and characterization of synthetic soft materials and their broad applications. The symposium includes a keynote speaker, technical sessions with talks from faculty at Notre Dame and Purdue, and a poster session featuring the outstanding work of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from Notre Dame and Purdue with several prizes awarded to top presenters. 

Wu Square

The keynote speaker is Yiying Wu, Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at The Ohio State University. Wu's research focuses on materials chemistry for energy conversion and storage with current investigations including dye-sensitized solar cells (DSC), electrocatalysis and Li-ion batteries. His research encompasses materials synthesis, electrochemistry and photoelectrochemistry with primary interests in oxide semiconductors, graphene, dye molecules and hybrid materials. Wu received his B.S. in chemical physics from the University of Science and Technology of China and his Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of California at Berkeley with Professor Peidong Yang. He then did his postdoctoral research with Professor Galen D. Stucky at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and joined the chemistry faculty at The Ohio State University in the summer of 2005. He won the Cottrell Scholar Award in 2008 and an NSF-CAREER award in 2010.

Symposium registration is now open at the following link. Registration is free thanks to the generous support of sponsors at both Notre Dame and Purdue. All attendees must register for the meeting, and for planning purposes and program preparation, please register by September 29


Call for Posters
Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are invited to showcase their research results in an afternoon poster session with awards given for the best posters. Poster presenters can note their intention to present in the registration link provided above to register their attendance and poster. Please register posters by September 29.

Please address any questions regarding registration and posters to Matt Webber (mwebber@nd.edu). For more information on the topics and scope of the symposium, please contact event organizers Matt Webber (mwebber@nd.edu), Yichun Wang (ywang65@nd.edu), Letian Dou (dou10@purdue.edu), Jianguo Mei (jgmei@purdue.edu), and Brett Savoie (bsavoie@purdue.edu).

Originally published at energy.nd.edu.