Medieval French in the Midwest


Location: 344 Decio Faculty Hall

Medieval French in the Midwest

Research workshop for scholars based in Midwestern institutions and working on Medieval French literature. 

Wednesday, June 12

1:30 pm Christopher Davis (Northwestern), (In)visible Melodies: Grammar and Notation in Troubadour Chansonnier R (B.N. f. Fr. 22453) Response by Elizabeth Hebbard 

2:45 pm Anne Le (Notre Dame), Surviving Sexual Violence in “La fille du comte de Pontieu” Response by Anna Kłosowska 

4:15 pm Peggy McCracken (Michigan), Echos of Echo in Medieval France Response by Johannes Junge Ruhland

Thursday, June 13

9:00 am Anna Kłosowska (Miami), Remarkable Objects: Metal, Silk, Ceramics, Paper, and Ivory in Medieval France Response by Christopher Davis 

10:15 am Elizabeth Hebbard (IU Bloomington), Manuscripts and the Making of the Troubadours Response by Peggy McCracken 

11:30 am Johannes Junge Ruhland (Notre Dame), “Narrative” in the De Gruyter Handbook of Modern Languages and Cultures Response by Anne Le

This is a two-day event, Wednesday, June 12th from noon to 6 pm and on Thursday, June 13th from 8:00 am to noon.

Originally published at