Pop-Up Pregnancy & Family Village: Maternal Health


Location: Classroom C of the St. Joe County Main Library Community Learning Center

Dear Coalition Members,

Photo of march mchc meeting.
March 24' mchc meeting: Dr. Joyce Adams and Sally Dixon presenting the Pop-up Pregnancy and Family Village project.

The Pop-Up Pregnancy and Family Village would like you to be part of their planning process to spread the word in the community.

While there are two upcoming events for the Pop-up Village:

We'd love you to join us for a meeting on Thursday, June 27 to get your ideas on best promotional practices for these events via social media and out in the community.

The meeting will be on July 27 from 9-10am in Classroom C of the St. Joe County Main Library Community Learning Center.

304 S. Main St.
South Bend, IN 46601

Please click here to RSVP for the meeting. We look forward to seeing you and continuing to promote this intitiative!

Originally published at mchc.nd.edu.