City of South Bend’s Climate Action Planning Open House


Location: IU Civil Rights Heritage Center (1040 W Washington St)

Over the past year, the South Bend Office of Sustainability has been taking steps to update the City’s Climate Action Plan. The City’s first plan was completed in 2019, and every 5 years, they are required to update the plan. It is their goal to finalize the plan in the fall of 2024.

The Climate Action Plan is the Office of Sustainability’s guiding document that informs their work work. The overarching goal of the plan is for the City to be carbon neutral – zero emissions that cause climate change – by 2050. The plan provides a framework of strategies to achieve this goal. The plan update is also considering strategies to adapt and be resilient to climate change. In the open house, you will have an opportunity to comment on draft goals and strategies. You will also have an opportunity to hear from Climate Action Ambassadors, who are supporting community engagement. You can RSVP for the event here.

Will You Join?

As climate change impacts us in different ways, the City wants your input to ensure strategies are grounded in data and community feedback.

It takes a community effort to address climate change, and we hope you can attend the event.

Not Able to Attend?

Not to worry! There are still plenty of opportunities to provide feedback. Visit Together South Bend to provide feedback online and to stay up to date on the plan’s progress.

Originally published at