Michelle Sawwan Presents FINs Research Poster

Author: CCI Staff

Michelle Sawwan

Michelle Sawwan, Research Associate at CCI, presented a project poster from the National Institutes of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Food Information Networks (FINs) research grant at the National Science Foundation (NSF) Smart and Connected Communities Principal Investigators (PIs) Meeting in Arlington, Virginia, held from October 10-12, 2022. A key goal of FINs is to design a mobile phone application to optimize healthy food procurement and purchasing decisions for lower-income households. Early project data demonstrated that lower-income heads of households use technology to inform food procurement decisions by finding sales, searching online for healthy recipe ingredients, or finding foods with short preparation times. FINs seeks to design an app that will augment shoppers' existing technology strategies and account for their constraints, hopefully leading to better decisions, and improved health. Along with the project PIs and other team members who attended the S&CC meeting, Michelle shared research insights and learned from other teams building technologies to improve access to food, water, and other community resources.

Originally published by CCI Staff at civicinnovation.nd.edu on November 15, 2022.