

  1. Astrophysicists produce the first age map of the halo of the Milky Way

    p(image-right). ! Carollo, left, Timothy Beers and Vinicius Placco)! "Watch video": !! University of Notre Dame astronomer "Timothy Beers": and...

  2. Psychologist Explores What Happens When We Sleep

    p(image-right). ! Payne)! What’s going on in your head while you sleep? The research of Jessica Payne, associate professor and...

  3. Three questions with political scientist Rev. Robert Dowd

    p(image-right). ! Robert Dowd, C.S.C.)! "Rev. Robert Dowd, C.S.C.":, assistant professor of political science at the University of Notre Dame,...

  4. Hummon receives ACS Rising Star Award

    Amanda Hummon, the Husking Foundation, Inc. Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, has received a 2016 Rising Star Award from...