Regulations that impact University research are constantly evolving, as are University policies designed to keep pace with them. NDRAC is launching a new monthly Zoom series, Research Hot Topics, to help you - faculty, researchers, staff, postdocs, and grad students - keep up with these changes, clarify confusion, and ensure compliance and integrity in the impactful work you do.

The ResearchWise Hot Topics Series will deliver informative and engaging discussions about emerging topics in the field of research administration. Each monthly topic will be offered twice, once in-person and once virtually, to provide flexibility to fit your schedule.

Experts from NDRAC will present and will be on hand to answer questions on the topic of the day as well as any other research questions you have. From understanding award and contracting processes and data privacy to understanding safety and conflict of interest, we want to make sure you have the updated information you need when you need it. Please join us for networking, learning, and refreshments.

Upcoming Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 Schedule

There are monthly topics from September through May with each topic hosted twice, one in person with refreshments and one via Zoom. The exception to this is our one hybrid December session where lunch is provided to all in person attendees. 

September 2024 Conflict of Interest Jenna McIntosh Wednesday Spetember 11 at 11am
Grace Hall 9th Floor Collaboration Space
Tuesday September 24 at 11am
via Zoom
October 2024 Federal Sponsor Updates: NIH GPS & UG Updates Lori Doll Wednesday October 9 at 11am
Grace Hall 9th Floor Collaboration Space
Tuesday October 22 at 11am
via Zoom
November 2024 Responsible Conduct of Research Eric Felde
& Lori Doll
Wednesday November 6 at 11am
Grace Hall 9th Floor Collaboration Space
Wednesday November 20 at 11am
via Zoom
December 2024 Gifts v. Sponsored Programs Liz Rulli

Wednesday December 11 at 11:30am 
Hybrid, Lunch provided for attendees in Grace Hall 9th Floor Collaboration Space

January 2025 Federal Sponsor Updates Lori Doll Wednesday January 15 at 11am
Grace Hall 9th Floor Collaboration Space
Wednesday January 29 at 11am
via Zoom
February 2025 AI in Research Administration  Carolina Avendano Wednesday February 12 at 11am
Grace Hall 9th Floor Collaboration Space
Wednesday February 26 at 11am
via Zoom
March 2025 Research Security  Lori Doll Wednesday March 12 at 11am
Grace Hall 9th Floor Collaboration Space
Wednesday March 26 at 11am
via Zoom
April 2025 Participant Support: Proposal, to Management, to Monitoring, to Closeout TBA Wednesday April 9 at 11am
Grace Hall 9th Floor Collaboration Space
Wednesday April 23 at 11am
via Zoom
May 2025 Subrecipants: Proposal, to Management, to Monitoring, to Closeout TBA Wednesday May 7 at 11am
Grace Hall 9th Floor Collaboration Space
Wednesday May 21 at 11am
via Zoom

Event registration is required. Once registered, all sessions will be added to your calendar. Come to any or all of the sessions. If you attended the ResearchWise Hot Topics sessions last year, you are automatically registered for this year. There is nothing you need to do.

If you are a new registrant, please go to the registration section.

The ResearchWise Hot Topics series is hosted bi-annually by Notre Dame Research Administration and Compliance. All Notre Dame staff, faculty, and students are invited; there is no charge for attending.

If you have any questions, contact

Previous Hot Topics Seminars

January 2023

Liz Rulli Everything RA's need to know about Faculty Appt Link to slides

February 2023

Lori Doll Research Security and Expanded Disclosure Requirements for Researchers Link to slides

March 2023

Eric Felde New Requirements in Regulated Research Activities Link to slides

April 2023

Greg Luttrell Research Related Agreement Types Link to slides

May 2023

Lori Doll Safe and Equitable Research Environments: Sponsor Policy Updates Link to slides

September 2023

Lori Doll What the Feds Want to Know: Federal Disclosure Requirements Link to slides

October 2023

Liz Rulli Outside Activities, Conflict of Interest, Conflict of Commitment and Committed Effort Link to slides

November 2023

David Ross The ABC's of Grant Proposal Development Link to slides

December 2023

Eric Felde, Lori Doll
& Scott Thompson

NDR Compliance Team: Our Team, Our Partners & Our Roles
(No recording available)
Link to slides

January 2024

Lori Doll

Updates to Sponsor Requirements Link to slides

February 2024

Alisa Murphy, Dante Brinkley & Greg Lutrell

Engaging Foreign Contractors and Consultants Link to slides

March 2024

Chris Ray

International Travel Basics Link to slides

April 2024

Scott Thompson

Regulated Research Data Link to slides

May 2024

Jeff Pethick

Managing Complex International Awards:
A Case Study of the AEGIS Project Sponsored by Unitaid
Link to slides

Research Hot Topics Registration

To attend the sessions, you need to be a member of the NDRAC ResearchWise: Emerging/Hot Topics Google Group.

If you attended the ResearchWise Hot Topics sessions last year, you are automatically registered for this year. There’s nothing you need to do.

If you are a new registrant, use the links below to register.

ND Users

  1. Use your ND account to join the NDRAC ResearchWise: Emerging/Hot Topics Google Group
  2. Click the Join Group button near the top of the group page
    ResearchWise Hot Topic Seminar Series Google Group
  3. Sessions will automatically be added to your calendar, but it can take up to 24 hours after joining