

Sponsor Opportunity Internal Expression of Interest Deadline Sponsor Application Deadline
Kinship Foundation Searle Scholars Program
Application directions as provided to the Notre Dame Limited Submissions Google Group. Send your PDF to by the internal deadline.
07/15/2024 09/30/2024
National Semiconductor Technology Center NSTC Workforce Partner Alliance (WFPA) Program -- Lead
Send 1) a one page cover page including PI name and ND collaborators, and 2) a one page (maximum) project abstract based on section 9.1.2 of the NOFO in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
07/15/2024 07/26/2024
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation The Sloan Research Fellowship Program
Send your compliant NIH Biosketch, one page statement as described in the internal Limited Submissions Google Group message and 3-4 researchers who you would ask to write a letter of support if you are nominated by Notre Dame.
06/27/2024 09/15/2024
W.M. Keck Foundation Research Program
Submit a concept note that is a single-page and in Arial 12 point font with 1 inch margins per the password-protected directions and your NIH Biosketch to by the internal deadline.
06/24/2024 11/01/2024
NSF National STEM Teacher Corps Pilot Program
Send PI name, collaborators and 3 page (max) project summary focused on merit & additional solicitation-specific review criteria in a PDF document to by the internal deadline.
06/20/2024 10/01/2024
NSF Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) -- ADG, SPIO, SPRA, BD-Doctoral
Send 1) Title,Track,Lead PI,ND & external collaborators cover page (1 page max) and 2) a summary aligned with Merit & Additional Solicitation Specific Review Criteria (NOFO pgs. 28 & 29) (2 page max) in one PDF by the internal deadline.
06/18/2024 11/15/2024
NIST Notice of Funding Opportunity: CHIPS Manufacturing USA Institute -- Lead Institution
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a one page (maximum) Institute Impact Statement and Membership Model (pg. 46 of the NOFO) in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
06/13/2024 06/20/2024
NSF Focus on Recruiting Emerging Climate and Adaptation Scientists and Transformers -- Track 1 "Coordination Hub"
Send PI name, ND collaborators, a five page (maximum) project summary based on pg. 11 & 12 of the NOFO and the Review Criteria and Additional Solicitation Specific Review Criteria in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
06/10/2024 01/29/2025
DOE Fusion Innovation Research Engine (FIRE)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria 1, 2 and 3 in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
06/10/2024 07/09/2024
DOE Fiscal Year 2025 Scientific Infrastructure Support for Consolidated Innovative Nuclear Research -- General Scientific Infrastructure (GSI) Support for Universities
Send PI name, collaborators, the proposed title and a two page (maximum) project summary based on merit review criteria in the NOFO in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
06/04/2024 07/17/2024
NSF Accelerating Research Translation (ART)
Send PI name, collaborators and 4 page (max) project summary focused on merit & additional solicitation-specific review criteria in a PDF document to by the internal deadline. Include Lead or Subawardee in your project title.
06/04/2024 09/18/2024
NIH Nutrition Obesity Research Centers (P30 Clinical Trial Optional)
Send PI and collaborator names and a two page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline. Refer to the Scored Review Criterion "Significance" in the NOFO to inform your summary.
06/03/2024 10/09/2024
Send PI and collaborator names and a two page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline. Refer to the Scored Review Criteria Significance in the NOFO to inform your summary.
06/03/2024 10/24/2024
NIH Nutrition Obesity Research Centers Research Resource Center (RRC) (P2C- Clinical Trial Optional)
Send PI and collaborator names and a two page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline. Refer to the Scored Review Criterion "Significance" in the NOFO to inform your summary.
06/03/2024 10/09/2024
NEA Our Town
Send PI, ND collaborators, and a two page (maximum) project summary based on the five criteria listed under "Project Description" on p. 14 of the "Application Instructions" PDF to by the internal deadline.
06/03/2024 08/01/2024
NNSA Predictive Science Academic Alliance Program IV (PSAAP IV) -- Predictive Simulation Centers (PSCs)
Send PI, collaborators and a four page summary addressing 1) Evaluation Criterion 1 – Mission Areas / Topical Research Areas [PSCs only] (p. 50), 2) Criterion 2 (p. 51) and 3) Criterion 3 (p. 51). in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
06/03/2024 10/01/2024
NIH HAZMAT Training at DOE Nuclear Weapons Complex (UH4 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators and a four page (maximum) project summary based on the scored review criteria in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
06/03/2024 07/22/2024
NSF NSF 22-622: NSF's Eddie Bernice Johnson Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science (INCLUDES) Initiative
Send PI name, collaborators, Project Title with Project Type and a project summary addressing the merit review criteria and solicitation-specific review criteria relevant to the Project Type in one five page (maximum) PDF by the internal deadline.
05/30/2024 10/31/2024
NEH Graduate Education in the Humanities: A National Convening
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a two page (maximum) project description that focuses on: 1) Intellectual Rationale and Significance and 2) Impact and Dissemination (from the review criteria) in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
05/28/2024 08/06/2024
NTIA Public Wireless Supply Chain Innovation Fund Grant Program - Open Radio Commercialization and Innovation
Send PI name, ND collaborators, indicate SRFA1 or SRFA2 Track in one cover page and a two page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria of "Project Purpose" in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
05/28/2024 07/10/2024
NIH NCI Pathway to Independence Award for Early-Stage Postdoctoral Researchers (K99/R00) -- Three RFAs
Send your name, institutional mentor name, confirmation of eligibility, and NIH biosketch in one PDF document by the internal deadline. Include the NIH RFA number and Scientific Area in your message.
05/27/2024 06/14/2024
DOJ BJS FY24 Federal Law Enforcement Agency Deaths in Custody Reporting Program, 2024-2026
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria 1 through 4 pgs. 25-26 in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
05/23/2024 07/02/2024
DHHS -- HRSA Maternal and Child Health Policy Innovation Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria 1, 2 and 4 in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
05/21/2024 07/10/2024
HUD FY 2024 and FY 2025 Community Compass Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, Funding Source Requested (NOFO pg. 39) and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO pgs. 52-53 Review Criteria in one PDF to by the internal deadline.+
05/20/2024 06/20/2024
NIH Hazardous Materials Worker Health and Safety Training (U45 Clinical Trials Not Allowed)
Send PI and collaborator names and a two page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline. Refer to the Significance and Innovation review criteria in the NOFO to inform your summary.
05/14/2024 07/08/2024
NSF Scientific Ocean Drilling Coordination Office (SODCO) for the Division of Ocean Sciences
Send PI name, collaborators, project title and a project summary addressing the merit review criteria and solicitation-specific review criteria in one four page (maximum) PDF by the internal deadline.
05/13/2024 07/30/2024
USAID Promoting Impact and Learning with Promoting Impact and Learning with Cost-Effectiveness Evidence (PILCEE)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a one page (maximum) executive summary in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
05/13/2024 06/04/2024
American Diabetes Association 2024 Pathways to Stop Diabetes – Initiator or Accelerator Award
Send your one page (maximum) project summary and your NIH biosketch in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
05/13/2024 07/17/2024
NIH Cystic Fibrosis Research and Translation Centers (P30 Clinical Trial Optional)
Send PI and collaborator names and a two page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date. Refer to the Significance and Innovation review criteria in the NOFO to inform your summary.
05/13/2024 07/17/2024
USAID Ethiopia Health Security Activity
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria 1, 2 and 3 in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
05/13/2024 06/10/2024
USAID Democracy Indicators Monitoring Survey 4 (DIMS4)
Send PI and collaborator names and a three page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date. Refer to the three review criteria in the NOFO pgs.36-38 to inform your summary.
05/08/2024 05/30/2024
NSF NSF 24-565: NSF Regional Innovation Engines -- Lead Organization
Submit a 1 page (max) cover page of 1) Proposed Title, Lead PI, 4 co-PIs (max), 4 participating organizations (max), 2) a 1 page (max) synopsis (NOFO pg. 22) and 3) a 1 page (max) project summary (NOFO pg. 25) to by the internal deadline.
05/08/2024 06/18/2024
Brain Research Foundation 2025 Scientific Innovations Award
Send a one page (maximum) project summary and a NIH biosketch in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
05/07/2024 06/25/2024
DOJ FY24 STOP School Violence Program Competitive Solicitation
Send PI and collaborator names and a three page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date. Refer to the six review criteria in the NOFO pg. 28 to inform your summary.
05/07/2024 06/20/2024
DOS Enhancing IP Frameworks for a Secure Semiconductor Ecosystem
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a four page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria pages 32 & 33 in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
05/06/2024 06/21/2024
NIH Team-Based Design in Biomedical Engineering Education (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI and collaborator names and a two page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date. Refer to the review criteria in the NOFO to inform your summary.
04/29/2024 05/30/2024
NIH Director’s Early Independence Awards (DP5 Clinical Trial Optional)
Confirm eligibility per restrictions in the solicitation (one page maximum), prepare a two page (maximum) research strategy and your current NIH-format biosketch in one PDF document and send to by the internal deadline.
04/29/2024 09/06/2024
USAID -- Ukraine USAID-Kiev Countering Trafficking in Persons and Support to Vulnerable Populations (CTIP/V) Activity
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) concept note based on Criteria 1 & 2 pg. 26 of the NOFO in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
04/25/2024 05/17/2024
CDC -- DHHS Regional Centers for Public Health Preparedness and Response -- Region 5
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a four page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review 1) Approach & 2) Evaluation & Performance Measurement in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
04/25/2024 05/21/2024
ARPA-H Personalized Regenerative Immunocompetent Nanotechnology Tissue (PRINT)
Send PI, all ND & all external collaborators and a 3 page (max) executive summary (pg. 24 NOFO) with a focus on Innovation & Impact (pg. 22 NOFO) in one PDF by the internal deadline.
04/24/2024 05/28/2024
DOD -- AFOSR FY24 Defense Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (DEPSCoR) – Capacity Building
Send title per NOFO pg. 16, PI name, ND collaborators and a four page (maximum) project summary addressing evaluation criteria 1-4 in the NOFO pgs. 38-39 to by the internal deadline date.
04/24/2024 06/24/2024
NIH Neuroscience Development for Advancing the Careers of a Diverse Research Workforce (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a three page (maximum) project summary based on the scored review criteria in the NOFO and the proposed title in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
04/22/2024 09/26/2024
NIH Diabetes Research Centers (P30 Clinical Trial Optional)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, the proposed title and a 2 page (maximum) project summary based on the scored review criterion "Significance" as described in the NOFO in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
04/18/2024 06/18/2024
DOS Space Experiential Learning Center (SELC)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a one page (maximum) project summary in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
04/18/2024 06/03/2024
DOS Bureau of Counterterrorism -- Building the Capacity of the CT Court Tribunals Administration and Security -- Philippines
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria 1 and 2 on pg. 9 in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
04/17/2024 06/03/2024
USAID Global Health (GH) Social and Behavior Change (SBC) Activity -- Prime
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the A. Technical Approach 1, 2 and 3 NOFO pg. 69 Review Criteria in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
04/16/2024 05/29/2024
Pew Charitable Trust Pew Biomedical Scholars
In one PDF, include your two (2) page maximum research summary, confirmation of eligibility and CV in current NIH biosketch format highlighting your work as an independent investigator to by the internal deadline.
04/08/2024 05/17/2024
NIH Nathan Shock Centers Coordinating Center (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a three page (maximum) project summary based on the scored review criteria in the NOFO and the proposed title in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
04/08/2024 06/15/2024
DOS 2024 Child Protection Compact (CPC) Partnership Programming in Nepal
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the seven (7) required components within the project narrative (pg. 15 of the NOFO) in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
04/08/2024 05/16/2024
DOS -- U.S. Mission to India Climate Change Reporting Workshop
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a two page (maximum) proposal summary in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
04/08/2024 05/13/2024
NIH Jointly Sponsored Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Institutional Predoctoral Training Program in the Neurosciences (T32 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI and collaborator names and a 3 page (max) summary addressing scored review criteria 1) Rationale, Program Purpose and Goals; 2) Preceptors/Mentors and 3) Training Record per the NOFO in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline.
04/05/2024 05/25/2024
NIH Neuroscience Development for Advancing the Careers of a Diverse Research Workforce (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name and collaborators on one cover page and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the scored review criteria in the NOFO and the proposed title in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
03/27/2024 09/26/2024
NIH Bridges to the Doctorate Research Training Program (T32)
Send PI name and collaborators on a cover page and a five page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Scored and Additional Review Criteria in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
03/27/2024 09/27/2023
DOS Semiconductor Security Academy
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on Two Review Criteria 1) Quality and Feasibility of Project Idea and 2) Program Planning/Ability to Achieve Objectives in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
03/26/2024 05/03/2024
NSF National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) Program
Send PI and collaborator names and a four page (maximum) project summary, addressing a) Intellectual Merit, b) Broader Impacts and c) Each of the five solicitation-specific review criteria in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
03/21/2024 09/06/2024
DOS DRL FY23 Combatting Transnational Repression Globally
Complete cover page and executive summary described in items 3 and 4 on page 7 of the NOFO and submit as one PDF to by the internal deadline.
03/20/2024 05/06/2024
DOS U.S. Mission to India -- Nexus 3.0
Send PI and collaborators on one cover page and outline the proposed program, including program objectives and anticipated impact in a two page summary, combine into one PDF and send to limited@nd.edy by the internal deadline.
03/18/2024 05/06/2024
DOC FY2024 CHIPS R&D National Advanced Packaging Manufacturing Program (NAPMP) Materials & Substrates
Submit in one PDF to a five page (maximum) concept note following guidance pgs. 41-42 of the NOFO (relevant content excerpted below) with Concept Paper Selection Factors p.64 to guide your content.
03/18/2024 04/12/0204
USAID SPARK_7200AA24APS00004_Addendum -- Prime
Send PI name and collaborators and a three page (maximum) summary based on the NOFO Review Criterion 1 (pg. 26) and Criterion 2 (pg. 27) in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
03/18/2024 04/08/2024
DOS DRL Enhancing Inclusive Participation and Accountability on Human Rights within ASEAN -- Prime
Send your cover page with PI and collaborators and a one page (maximum) executive summary as described on page 6 of the NOFO to by the internal deadline.
03/12/2024 04/26/2024
NSF Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions (ADVANCE) -- Institutional Transformation Track
Send PI name, ND collaborators, a three page (maximum) project summary based on the Review Criteria and Additional Solicitation Specific Review Criteria in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
03/11/2024 04/25/2024
NSF Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) -- Research Partnerships (PFI-RP) track only
Send PI name and project summary focused on merit and additional review criteria per the NOFO and justification of eligibility per the NOFO in one PDF document (3 pages maximum) to by the internal deadline.
03/07/2024 05/07/2024
DOJ OVW Fiscal Year 2024 Rural Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Program
Send PI name and collaborators in a two page (maximum) abstract focused on proposal narrative elements 1A, B & C page 31 of the NOFO in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
03/07/2024 04/12/2024
EPA Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a four page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria in one PDF to by the internal deadline. Clarify Track 1 or Track 2 focus in your summary.
03/06/2024 11/21/2024
DHHS Effectiveness of Telehealth-Based Programs to Detect Glaucoma Among High-Risk Populations in Community Health Settings
Send PI & ND collaborators in one cover page & a one page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria "Significance" pg. 28 in one PDF to by the internal deadline. Note Component A or B focus in your summary.
03/05/2024 03/22/2024
DOS FY 2024 Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellowship
Send PI & collaborators in one cover page & a two page (maximum) project summary, addressing review criteria 1, 2 & 3 (pgs. 19 & 20) in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
03/05/2024 04/16/2024
NSF NSF 24-537: General Social Survey Competition
Send PI and collaborator names and a three page (maximum) project summary, addressing a) Intellectual Merit, b) Broader Impacts and c) Each of the solicitation-specific review criteria in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
03/05/2024 08/15/2024
NRC U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), Research and Development Grant, Fiscal (FY) 2024
Send PI & collaborators in one cover page & a three page (maximum) project summary, addressing review criteria 1 through 5 (pgs. 21 & 22) in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
03/04/2024 04/01/2024
NSF Innovation Corps Hubs Program (I-Corps™ Hubs)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria including the Solicitation-specific Review Criteria in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
03/04/2024 04/25/2024
NSF CyberCorps(R) Scholarship for Service (SFS)
Send PI & collaborators in one cover page & a three page (maximum) project summary, addressing a) Intellectual Merit, b) Broader Impacts & c) Each of the solicitation-specific review criteria in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
03/04/2024 07/15/2024
DOL Job Corps Information Technology Academy/Hub
Send PI & collaborators in one cover page & a two page (maximum) project summary, addressing two review criteria (goals, p. 17 & design p. 18) in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
03/04/2024 04/09/2024
CDC Implementing Evidence-Based Health Promotion Programs for Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Tourette Syndrome (TS)
Send PI name and ND collaborators in one cover page and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria Approach (p. 38) and Evaluation (p. 39) in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
03/02/2024 04/15/2024
USDA-NIFA Equipment Grants Program
Send PI, ND collaborators, estimated budget and a 3 page maximum project summary addressing the 4 review criteria on page 20 of the NOFO in one PDF document to
02/29/2024 05/03/2024
Google Research Google Ph.D. Fellowship Program -- United States
Eligible Ph.D. students submit in one PDF: 1) CV including primary advisor name & Google Research Area; and 2) student essays per the NOFO -- a) on impact of research (2 pages max) & b) on leadership experience (2 pages max) to
02/28/2024 05/08/2024
DOE Advancements in Artificial Intelligence for Science
Send your three page (maximum) internal application based on the guidance shared with the NDR Limited Submission Google Group in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
02/26/2024 03/19/2024
DOS FY 2024 Professional Fellows Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a one page (maximum) executive summary including theme area based on the NOFO in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
02/21/2024 04/05/2024
DOS FY 2024 Professional Fellows Congress
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a one page (maximum) executive summary based on the NOFO in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
02/21/2024 04/05/2024
Bangladesh USAID-Dhaka USAID Enabling Environment for Climate Resilience Activity (EECRA) -- Lead
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a four page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria 1 through 4 in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
02/20/2024 03/21/2024
DOS DRL Improving remedy, accountability, and deterrence for the repressive misuse of spyware in Europe and Eurasia
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a one page (maximum) project summary based on the executive summary requirements in the NOFO in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
02/20/2024 04/15/2024
DOS PD Poland American Spaces Grant Funding 2024 -- WAW-NOFO-FY24-03
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a two page (maximum) project justification and description based on page 2 of the PD in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
02/19/2024 04/04/2024
USAID -- Vietnam USAID Strengthening Local Health Security -- Lead
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a two page (maximum) executive summary based on the NOFO in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
02/19/2024 03/22/2024
DOE Accelerated Research in Quantum Computing
Send PI name, ND collaborators, Topic 1 or 2 label and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Pre-Application Review Criteria pgs. 13-14 in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
02/19/2024 05/08/2024
ARPA-H Platform Accelerating Rural Access to Distributed & InteGrated Medical care (PARADIGM)
Send PI, all collaborators and affiliations, Technical Area Number (TA#) and Name and a two page project summary of overall scientific and technical merit in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
02/19/2024 02/27/2024
NIH Assessment of Climate at Institutions (ACt) Award (RC2 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators and sponsoring senior-level administrator per the NOFO and address both the scored review criteria and criteria specific to this NOFO in one four page PDF sent to by the internal deadline.
02/19/2024 07/01/2024
DOD AFOSR Fiscal Year 2024 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the three NOFO Evaluation Criteria pg. 33 in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
02/13/2024 04/12/2024
NSF Innovations in Graduate Education (IGE)
Send PI name, collaborators, and a 3 page (maximum) project summary based on the two NOFO review criteria in one PDF document to by the internal deadline. Include the proposed title of your project., and Track 1 or 2 designation.
02/13/2024 04/22/2024
DOE Platform Technologies for Transformative Battery Manufacturing DE-FOA-0003236
Send PI name, ND collaborators, TA area and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Concept Paper Technical Review Criteria pgs. 71 & 72 in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
02/12/2024 03/04/2024
DOE Data Reduction for Science
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria 1 -- Scientific Merit and 2 -- Appropriateness of Method in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
02/05/2024 03/19/2024
DOE EXPRESS: 2024 Exploratory Research for Extreme Scale Science
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria 1 -- Scientific Merit and 2 -- Appropriateness of Method in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
02/01/2024 02/29/2024
ARPA-H Transplantation of Human Eye Allografts (THEA)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a two page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO 75N99224R0002 Application Review Criteria 1 and 2 (pg. 36) in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
02/01/2024 03/01/2024
Citi Foundation Citi Foundation Global Innovation Challenge: Homelessness
Send PI, collaborators & 3 pg. (max) summary of your innovative solution to homelessness. List Target Geography & address how your project will serve low-income communities as defined by local standards & definitions of the selected Target Geography.
02/01/2024 02/13/2024
DOE Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRC)
Send PI name, collaborators and a five page (maximum) summary based on the selected NOFO Application Review Criteria detailed below in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
02/01/2024 02/28/2024
The Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR) 2024 New Innovator in Food and Agriculture Research Award (NIA)
Send confirmation of eligibility and research program description (4 pages maximum) per the NOFO in one PDF by the internal deadline. Name Priority 1, 2 or 3 in your summary.
01/31/2024 02/21/2024
DOE Research in Basic Plasma Science & Engineering
Send PI & collaborators in a 3 page (max) summary of 1) your scientific hypothesis & 2) clear & concise description of the objectives & technical approach as elaborated on pg. 12 of the NOFO in one PDF to prior to the internal deadline.
01/30/2024 02/09/2024
NIH Collaborative Program Grant for Multidisciplinary Teams (RM1 - Clinical Trial Optional)
Send PI name and all collaborators and your four page (maximum) project summary based on the scored review criteria in the NOFO in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
01/30/2024 05/29/2024
Agilent Agilent Early Career Professor Award 2024
Send your summary of research (2 page limit) and CV (3 page limit) per the NOFO in one PDF to by the internal deadline. Title your email message "Agilent Early Career Professor Award 2024".
01/25/2024 02/23/2024
Breast Cancer Alliance Young Investigator Grant
Send your one page LOI with the project title and hypothesis, an outline of the research aim(s) and methods, and a discussion of the project’s potential impact and your current NIH Biosketch in one PDF by the internal deadline.
01/23/2024 03/31/2024
Breast Cancer Alliance Exceptional Grant Program
Send your one page LOI with the project title and hypothesis, an outline of the research aim(s) and methods, and a discussion of the project’s potential impact and your current NIH biosketch in one PDF by the internal deadline.
01/23/2024 03/31/2024
G. Harold and Leila Y. Mathers Foundation Spring 2024 Basic Science Research Grant
Send your one page maximum project summary and your NIH-formatted biosketch in one PDF to Faculty at any stage of their career are encouraged to apply to this program.
01/22/2024 03/24/2024
NIH Limited Competition: Basic Instrumentation Grant (BIG) Program (S10 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a four page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Scored Review Criteria 1 through 4 in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
01/16/2024 06/03/2024
NEA Grants for Arts Projects
Send PI name and one page project summary focused on the artistic excellence and artistic merit review criteria in the NOFO in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
01/16/2024 02/15/2024
DOS FY 2024 Increase and Diversify Education Abroad for U.S. Students (IDEAS) Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a four page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria 1 through 6 in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
01/09/2024 03/11/2024
W.M. Keck Foundation Research Program
Submit your current biosketch in NIH format and a 1 page (maximum) concept note (Arial 12 point font with 1 inch margins) in one PDF document to by the internal deadline. Click the PDF icon below for concept note directions.
01/08/2024 05/01/2024
NSF Centers for Innovation and Community Engagement in Solid Earth Geohazards
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
01/08/2024 03/15/2024
DOS DRL Protecting Freedom of Expression in Ukraine
Send PI, collaborators and executive summary described on page 10 of the NOFO (maximum 2 pages) in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
01/03/2024 01/24/2024


Sponsor Opportunity Internal Expression of Interest Deadline Sponsor Application Deadline
DOE Bioimaging Research Approaches for the Bioeconomy & the Environment
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a 3 page (max) project summary based on the NOFO Review Criteria 1) Scientific/Technical Merit of the Project & 2) Appropriateness of the Proposed Method/Approach in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
12/18/2023 03/05/2024
Google Cybersecurity Clinics
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Selection Criteria in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
12/14/2023 03/01/2024
Wake Forest University -- The Program for Leadership and Character Educating Character Initiative -- Institutional Impact Track Only
Send PI name and a two page (maximum) description of proposed project and its alignment with the Institutional Impact Grant program detailed below in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline.
12/14/2023 02/29/2024
DOE Critical Materials Accelerator -- DE-FOA-0003155
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a seven page (maximum) project summary based on the Concept Paper content NOFO pages 52 & 53 in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
12/12/2023 03/22/2024
NIH Nursing Research Education Program in Firearm Injury Prevention Research: Short Courses (R25 Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and 3 page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Scored Review Criteria and Criteria Specific to this NOFO in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
12/11/2023 01/25/2024
Ono Pharma Foundation Ono Pharma Breakthrough Science Initiative Awards Program
Send NIH-formatted biosketch (5 pages maximum), a one page abstract of 150 or fewer words, a one page vision of proposed research and confirmation of eligibility in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
12/11/2023 02/15/2024
NIH NCI Pathway to Independence Award for Early-Stage Postdoctoral Researchers
Send your name, institutional mentor name, confirmation of eligibility, and NIH biosketch in one PDF document to by the internal deadline. Include the NIH RFA number and the chosen topic in your email message line.
12/05/2023 02/14/2024
NIH Graduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (G-RISE) (T32)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and 3 page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria of 1) Rationale, Mission, and Objectives and 2) Curriculum and Overall Training Plan in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
12/04/2023 01/29/2024
NEH Humanities Research Centers on Artificial Intelligence
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria 1, 2 and 5 in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
11/30/2023 02/14/2024
NIH Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD) (T32)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and 3 page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria of 1) Rationale, Mission, and Objectives and 2) Curriculum and Overall Training Plan in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
11/30/2023 01/29/2024
ARPA-H APECx Antigens Predicted for Broad Viral Efficacy through Computational Experimentation
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a 4 page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Concept Note sections C, D, E & F (pgs. 31&32) in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
11/27/2023 12/01/2023
DOS Bureau of International Security-Nonproliferation Program -- 15 different opportunities
Send PI, collaborators. number of opportunity and project summary in aligment with the stated DOS program goals in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
11/27/2023 01/31/2024
Mary Kay Ash Foundation Cancer Grant
Send your five page (maximum) NIH biosketch and one page (maximum) project summary in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
11/27/2023 02/01/2024
DOC National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) Collaborative Science Program 2024 -- NOAA-NOS-OCM-2024-2008212
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a 2 page (maximum) project summary based on the Application Review Criteria "Importance and/or relevance and applicability of proposed project to the program goals" in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
11/20/2023 12/01/2023
NEH National Digital Newspaper Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a one page (maximum) project summary based on Review Criteria 1 and 3 on NOFO p. 31 in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
11/15/2023 01/12/2024
NIH Silvio O. Conte Digestive Diseases Research Core Centers (P30 Clinical Trial Optional)
Send PI name, collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the five NOFO scored review criteria in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
11/15/2023 02/22/2024
Mellon Foundation Exploring Democracy, Environmental Justice, and Social Justice
Send PI name and a 2 page (maximum) description of proposed project and its alignment with one of the three program areas detailed below in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date.
11/15/2023 02/15/2024
ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards
Compile into one PDF elements 1, 2 and 3 of the faculty application instructions found here: and submit to by the internal deadline.
11/13/2023 01/08/2024
DOE Environmental System Science (ESS) -- DE-FOA-0003196
Send PI name, collaborators, and a 3 page (max) project description focusing on the Scientific and/or Technical Merit of the Project & Appropriateness of the Proposed Method or Approach in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
11/13/2023 11/29/2023
The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program
Send biosketch (5 pgs max) & research/teaching statement (2 pgs max) focused on your past accomplishments as an independent faculty member, future plans & dedication to education in the chemical sciences in one PDF by the internal deadline.
11/13/2023 02/01/2024
Meta Llama Impact Grants
Send PI name, collaborators and concept note to by the internal deadline date.
11/13/2023 11/15/2023
DOE Atmospheric System Research (ASR) -- DE-FOA-0003194
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on Scientific Merit and Appropriateness of the Method described in the NOFO pgs. 35 & 36 in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
11/08/2023 02/13/2024
NIH Biomedical Research Facilities (C06 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the five NOFO scored review criteria in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
11/07/2023 01/25/2024
DHHS -- HRSA National Rural Health Policy, Community, and Collaboration Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a four page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria 1 through 5 in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
11/07/2023 11/30/2023
NIH Advancing Research Careers (ARC) Institutionally-Focused Research Education Award to Promote Diversity (UE5 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators & a 4 page (max) summary focused on the scored review criteria, including the criteria "specific to this NOFO" in a PDF document to by the internal deadline.
11/06/2023 01/29/2024
NIH NIH Blueprint and BRAIN Initiative Program for Enhancing Neuroscience Diversity through Undergraduate Research Education Experiences (BP BRAIN-ENDURE) (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators and a 3 page (maximum) project summary focused on the scored review criteria (significance, investigators, innovation, approach and environment) in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
11/02/2023 02/15/2024
NIH Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP)(R25 - Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators and a 3 page (maximum) project summary focused on the scored review criteria and the additional review criteria 1, 2 & 3 and the proposed title in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
11/01/2023 01/31/2024
St. Baldrick’s Foundation St. Baldrick’s Research Grant -- Spring 2024
Send your NIH-formatted biosketch and one page research summary in one PDF document to by the internal deadline date. Put "St. Baldrick’s Foundation Research Grant -- Spring 2024" in your message line.
10/31/2023 12/08/2023
St. Baldrick’s Foundation St. Baldrick’s Scholars -- Spring 2024
Send your NIH-formatted biosketch and one page research summary in one PDF document to by the internal deadline date. Put "St. Baldrick’s Foundation Scholars -- Spring 2024" in your message line.
10/31/2023 12/08/2023
NIH Modern Equipment for Shared-use Biomedical Research Facilities: Advancing Research-Related Operations (R24 Clinical Trials Not Allowed)
Send PI and collaborator names and a three page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date. Address the five scored review criteria from the NOFO in your summary.
10/19/2023 11/15/2023
NSF Competition for the Management of Operation and Maintenance of the National Geophysical Facility
Send PI & collaborators in a 8 page (max) summary, addressing a) Intellectual Merit, b) Broader Impacts & c) Additional Solicitation Specific Review Criteria in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
10/19/2023 12/01/2023
DOD OSD ManTech Program, Manufacturing Education and Workforce Development
Send PI name, collaborators, and a four page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria A,B, C & D in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
10/18/2023 11/06/2023
NSF NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM)
Send PI & collaborators and a 3 page (maximum) project summary addressing merit review and solicitation specific criteria per NOFO pgs. 18&19 (listing track # and STEM-eligible discipline) in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
10/18/2023 02/20/2024
Retirement Research Fund, dba Foundation for Aging Research Grants
Send your one page maximum project summary and your NIH-formatted biosketch in one PDF to
10/11/2023 11/02/2023
Mathers Foundation Winter 2023/2024 Basic Science Research Grant
Send your one page maximum project summary and your NIH-formatted biosketch in one PDF to Faculty at any stage of their career are encouraged to apply to this program.
10/11/2023 12/01/2023
DOE Innovative DEsigns for high-performAnce Low-cost HVDC Converters (IDEAL HVDC)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a two page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Concept Paper Review Criteria pages 52 & 53 in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
10/09/2023 11/14/2023
NSF Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) -- Research Partnerships (PFI-RP) track only
Send PI name, four page (maximum) project summary focused on merit and additional review criteria per the NOFO and justification of eligibility per the NOFO in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
10/05/2023 01/02/2024
NIH National Center for Construction Safety and Health Research and Translation (U54)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a four page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria "Significance" for each of the four "Individual Cores" in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
09/26/2023 11/02/2023
NIH NIOSH Centers of Excellence for Total Worker Health® (U19)
Send PI name and all collaborators and your four page (maximum) project summary based on the scored review criteria "Overall TWH Center of Excellence" in the NOFO in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
09/25/2023 10/30/2023
NIH Collaborative Program Grant for Multidisciplinary Teams (RM1 - Clinical Trial Optional)
Send PI name and all collaborators and your four page (maximum) project summary based on the scored review criteria in the NOFO in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
09/25/2023 01/26/2024
DOS Symposium on Strategic Subnational Diplomacy
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
09/21/2023 11/01/2023
Brain Research Foundation Seed Grant Program
Send your one page research statement and biosketch in one PDF document by the internal deadline. The PI must be a full-time Assistant or Associate Professor working in the field of neuroscience.
09/20/2023 11/21/2023
NIH NINDS Clinical Trial Methods in Clinical Neurological Disorders Course (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name and all collaborators and your four page (maximum) project summary based on the scored review criteria in the NOFO in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
09/20/2023 10/23/2023
Carnegie Corporation of New York Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program
Send your five page (maximum) CV and one page (maximum) research summary/project description in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
09/15/2023 11/15/2023
NIH The NCI Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition Award (F99/K00 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page.
09/14/2023 11/17/2023
Mellon Foundation New Directions Fellowships
Send PI name, year of doctorate, and a one page description of new disciplinary training plan and goals in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date.
09/14/2023 11/03/2023
New York Academy of Sciences The Blavatnik National Awards for Young Scientists
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page.
09/13/2023 11/01/2023
USAID -- India/New Delhi Higher Education Partnership for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (HEP-DRI) Activity Addendum under HELIX APS
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on pages 28 & 29 of Annex 1- Concept Note Template in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
09/12/2023 10/03/2023
DHHS -- HRSA Early Hearing Detection and Intervention National Network
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
09/12/2023 11/06/2023
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Moore Inventor Fellows
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page.
09/12/2023 12/13/2023
NIH Occupational Safety and Health Education and Research Centers (T42)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a two page (maximum) project summary based on the review criteria in the NOFO and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
09/11/2023 10/24/2023
NSF Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP)
Send PI & collaborators in a 4 page (max) summary, addressing a) Intellectual Merit, b) Broader Impacts & c) Additional Solicitation Specific Review Criteria from the NOFO in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
09/05/2023 11/17/2023
DOS Global Cyber and Digital Policy Training
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
09/05/2023 09/18/2023
NSF Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Program: Instrument Acquisition or Development
Complete your internal application and submit to the Google Form link in the directions posted here by the internal deadline.
09/05/2023 11/15/2023
NEH Summer Stipends
Send PI name, eligibility confirmation & humanities category per the solicitation & a two page (maximum) project summary in one PDF document to by the internal deadline. See p. 18 of the NOFO for review criteria to guide your summary.
08/31/2023 09/20/2023
TD Bank The 2023 TD Ready Challenge
In a one page PDF, send 1) innovative solutions to help address systemic barriers to affordable housing and 2) confirmation of geographical eligibility per the web site to by the internal deadline.
08/28/2023 09/13/2023
DOS FY 2024 TechWomen
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
08/28/2023 10/06/2023
The GitLab Foundation Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Economic Opportunity
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page (link below), then use your netid and password.
08/28/2023 09/13/2023
NSF National Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research Institutes -- Group 1 -- Theme 1: AI for Astronomical Sciences and Group 2 -- Theme 2: AI for Discovery in Materials Research and Theme 3: Strengthening AI
Send PI & collaborators in a 4 page (max) summary, addressing a) Intellectual Merit, b) Broader Impacts & c) Additional Solicitation Specific Review Criteria in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
08/23/2023 10/31/2023
University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics (UCAH) Prototype Project Proposals: TEES/JHTO-RPP-2023-001
Send PI name, all collaborators and organizations, and a four page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria 4.1.1. Factor 1 and Factor 2 in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
08/18/2023 09/11/2023
NSF Research Security and Integrity Information Sharing Analysis Organization (RSI-ISAO)
Send PI and collaborator names and a four page (maximum) project summary, addressing a) Intellectual Merit, b) Broader Impacts and c) Additional Solicitation Specific Review Criteria in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
08/17/2023 09/08/2023
DOS Diversifying Semiconductor Supply
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria 1, 2 and 4 in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
08/17/2023 09/29/2023
DOL Strengthening Civil Society to Protect and Advocate for Migrant Workers
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria Problem Analysis and Project Design in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
08/14/2023 09/26/2023
NSF Predictive Intelligence for Pandemic Prevention Phase II (PIPP Phase II Centers Program)
Send PI & collaborator names & a four page (max) document as described in the NOFO LOI directions: Title including Theme # & Project Information (Synopsis & Additional Solicitation Specific Criteria) in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
08/09/2023 08/25/2023
The Greenwall Foundation The Greenwall Faculty Scholars Program in Bioethics
Send a current biosketch (5 page max) and summary of proposed research and its significance (1 page max) in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
08/09/2023 09/18/2023
NSF National Quantum Virtual Laboratory (NQVL) -- Quantum Science and Technology Demonstrations (QSTD): I. Pilot Phase
Send PI and collaborator names and a four page (maximum) project summary, addressing a) Intellectual Merit, b) Broader Impacts and c) Pilot Phase solicitation-specific review criteria in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
08/08/2023 11/30/2023
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission University Nuclear Leadership Program -- Scholarship or Fellowship or Distinguished Faculty Advancement Grant
Send one PDF with PI name, ND collaborators & a two page project summary to List area of interest -- Scholarship, Fellowship or Distinguished Faculty Advancement -- and tailor your summary to the criteria listed on pp. 24-25 of the NOFO.
08/07/2023 09/08/2023
NIH NIH Institutional Excellence in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in Biomedical and Behavioral Research Prize Competition
Four page (maximum) summary of 1) the state of diversity prior to the implementation of the interventions; 2) the intervention; 3) the outcomes and 4) the innovation demonstrated in one PDF to prior to the internal deadline.
08/03/2023 09/26/2023
The Kinship Foundation Searle Scholars Program
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below, then use your netid and password.
07/26/2023 09/15/2023
DOS Space Experiential Learning Center -The American Center New Delhi
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a one page (maximum) project summary in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
07/25/2023 08/18/2023
NSF Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) -- Research Partnerships (PFI-RP) track only
Send PI name, four page (maximum) project summary focused on merit and additional review criteria per the NOFO and justification of eligibility per the NOFO in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
07/19/2023 09/05/2023
W.M. Keck Foundation Research Program
Submit your current CV and a one page (maximum) concept note in one PDF document to by the internal deadline. Click the PDF icon below for concept note directions.
07/19/2023 11/01/2023
NIH Superfund Hazardous Substance Research and Training Program (P42 Clinical Trial Optional)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria of Significance and Innovation in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
07/17/2023 10/02/2023
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Sloan Research Fellowships
Submit your NIH biosketch and one page (maximum) statement describing your significant scientific work and immediate research plans in one PDF to by the internal deadline. Include your Sloan Research Area in your one page header.
07/11/2023 09/29/2023
DOS Track 1.5 Dialogue on Global Water Security
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a two page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria on Quality and Program Design and Support of Equity in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
07/11/2023 07/30/2023
NSF Cyberinfrastructure Technology Acceleration Pathway (CITAP)
Send PI and collaborator names and a four page (maximum) project summary, addressing a) Intellectual Merit, b) Broader Impacts and c) Each of the seven solicitation-specific review criteria in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
07/10/2023 09/06/2023
DOE Fiscal Year 2024 Scientific Infrastructure Support for Consolidated Innovative Nuclear Research
Send PI name, collaborators, the proposed title and a two page (maximum) project summary based on merit review criteria in the NOFO in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
07/10/2023 08/24/2023
DOS Accountability for Afghan Victims and Survivors
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a one page (maximum) executive summary based on the NOFO description page 10 in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
07/10/2023 07/25/2023
NIH NIH Director’s Early Independence Awards (DP5 Clinical Trial Optional)
Confirm eligibility per restrictions in the solicitation, prepare a two page (maximum) research strategy and your current NIH-format biosketch in one PDF document and send to by the internal deadline.
07/10/2023 09/06/2023
NSF Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science (NSF INCLUDES)
Send PI name, collaborators, Project Title with Project Type and a project summary addressing the merit review criteria and solicitation-specific review criteria in one five page (maximum) PDF by the internal deadline.
07/10/2023 10/24/2023
NIH NIH Neuroscience Development for Advancing the Careers of a Diverse Research Workforce (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a three page (maximum) project summary based on the scored review criteria in the NOFO and the proposed title in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
07/06/2023 09/26/2023
NSF BioFoundries to Enable Access to Infrastructure and Resources for Advancing Modern Biology and Biotechnology (BioFoundries)
Send PI and collaborator names and a four page (maximum) project summary, addressing a) Intellectual Merit, b) Broader Impacts and c) Each of the nine solicitation-specific review criteria in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
07/05/2023 08/01/2023
DOS -- U.S. Mission to Kazakhstan University Partnership Program (UPP)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a 3 page (max) project summary re: the NOFO Review Criteria 1) Quality and Feasibility of the Program Idea and 2) Project Planning/Ability to Achieve Objectives in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
06/26/2023 07/26/2023
NIH Superfund Hazardous Substance Research and Training Program (P42 Clinical Trial Optional)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a four page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO "Scored Review Criteria -- Overall" in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
06/20/2023 10/02/2023
NEH Climate Smart Humanities Organizations
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on criteria 1, 3 and 4 from pp. 33-34 in "Climate Smart Humanities Organizations" in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
06/19/2023 09/14/2023
NIH Bridges to the Doctorate Research Training Program (T32)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a five page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Scored and Additional Review Criteria in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
06/19/2023 09/27/2023
DOS Supporting English Language Training for Ukrainian Professionals and Civil Servants
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) statement based on the NOFO C.1. in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
06/19/2023 07/05/2023
DOS -- Bureau of International Narcotics-Law Enforcement Justice Sector Training, Research, and Coordination (JusTRAC) 3.0
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the Project Analysis & Design (p. 18 of the NOFO) in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
06/19/2023 07/31/2023
EPA FY24 Brownfields Job Training Grant
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Review Criteria 1 and 2 in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
06/19/2023 08/02/2023
NSF National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) Program
Send PI and collaborator names and a four page (maximum) project summary, addressing a) Intellectual Merit, b) Broader Impacts and c) Each of the five solicitation-specific review criteria in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
06/12/2023 09/06/2023
SVRI -- Sexual Violence Research Initiative The SVRI Research Grant 2024 -- Knowledge for Action to End Violence against Women (VAW) and Violence against Children (VAC)
Send PI name, list of in-country partners and two page (maximum) project summary to by the internal deadline.
06/08/2023 07/06/2023
DOS Reducing Lead Pollution -- Bureau of Oceans - Int. Environmental - Scientific
Send PI name and 4 page (max) summary of NOFO criteria Quality and Program Design; Program Planning/Ability to Achieve Objectives; Monitoring & Evaluation/Sustainability and Support of Equity and Underserved Communities.
06/05/2023 06/30/2023
NSF Faculty Development in geoSpace Science (FDSS)
Prepare a 4 page (max) summary based on all NOFO review criteria. Include a 1 page (max) support letter from the relevant leader with hiring authority should an award be made. Combine into one PDF and send to by the internal deadline.
06/01/2023 09/18/2023
NEA Our Town
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a two page project summary based on the NOFO Review Criteria and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
06/01/2023 08/03/2023
DOS Justice for Underserved Disabled Youth Initiative (JUDY Initiative) -- Eastern Europe, Eurasia, and/or Central Asia
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a one page (maximum) executive summary based on the NOFO directions in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
05/30/2023 06/30/2023
DHS Terrorism and Targeted Violence Research and Evaluation
Send PI and collaborator names and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO review criteria pgs. 23&24 in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
05/23/2023 06/23/2023
Alkermes Alkermes Inspiration Grants® 2023
Complete the four page (maximum) proposal described at the link provided in one PDF and submit to by the internal deadline.
05/23/2023 06/01/2023
DOE Inertial Fusion Energy Science & Technology Accelerated Research (IFE-STAR)
Send PI name, collaborators, and a four page (maximum) project description of the objectives and technical approach of the proposed research in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
05/22/2023 05/30/2023
Edward Mallinckrodt, Jr. Foundation Young Biomedical Investigator Grant
Send your one page (maximum) project summary and five page (maximum) NIH biosketch in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
05/17/2023 08/01/2023
DOS DRL Strengthening Migrant Workers’ Rights in Southeast Asia
Send PI and collaborator names and a two page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO review criteria pg. 20 in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
05/17/2023 06/14/2023
DOEd Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE): Higher Education Programs (HEP): Modeling and Simulation Program (MSP), Assistance Listing Number 84.116S
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
05/16/2023 06/23/2023
DHS Center of Excellence for Homeland Security in the Arctic
Send PI and collaborator names and a five page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO review criteria A-D pgs. 61-62 in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
05/15/2023 06/19/2023
NIH Education and Training Program for Outsourcing Facility Industry (UE5) Clinical Trials Not Allowed
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a four page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Scored Review Criteria in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
05/15/2023 06/30/2023
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Data Visualization of Structural Racism and Place
Send PI name, CV and a one page (maximum) project summary in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
05/12/2023 06/02/2023
DOS -- U.S. Mission to India Strengthening Institutions Combatting Gender Based Violence
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
05/11/2023 06/15/2023
American Diabetes Association 2023 Pathways to Stop Diabetes – Initiator Award or Accelerator Award
Send your one page (maximum) project summary and your NIH biosketch in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
05/10/2023 08/01/2023
USAID Global Health Program Evaluation, Analysis, Research and Learning (GH PEARL)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO GH PEARL Evaluation Criteria in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
05/09/2023 06/16/2023
DOS International Media Reporting Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Proposal Review Criteria in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
05/09/2023 05/22/2323
DOS FY 2023 American Spaces Digital Literacy and Training Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Application Review Criteria (Section E.2.) in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
05/09/2023 06/07/2023
DOS Countering the Trafficking of Protected Marine Species in South Asia
Send PI name, ND collaborators, a three page (maximum) project summary focused on the Technical Evaluation Criteria described in the NOFO in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
05/08/2023 06/20/2023
DOS Implementation of the Gang Resistance Education And Training (G.R.E.A.T.) Program – Training and Technical Assistance Support through Central America
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Technical Evaluation Criteria in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
05/08/2023 06/02/2023
NSF CyberCorps(R) Scholarship for Service (SFS) -- Defending America's Cyberspace
Send PI name, ND collaborators, a three page (maximum) project summary focused on Merit Review Criteria and Additional Solicitation Specific Review Criteria in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
05/08/2023 07/17/2023
DOS FY 2023 U.S. Speaker Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO Review Criteria in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
05/05/2023 05/30/2023
DOS U.S. Embassies Seoul and Tokyo Trilateral Youth Leadership Forum
Send PI name, ND collaborators, a three page (maximum) project summary focused on the Application Review Criteria described in the NOFO in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
05/04/2023 05/22/2023
DOL Building Pathways to Infrastructure Jobs Grant Program
Send PI, ND collaborators, external collaborators and a four page (maximum) summary based on the NOFO review criteria beginning page 66 in one PDF document to by the internal deadline. Include Track selected.
05/02/2023 07/07/2023
DOS Academy for Women Entrepreneurs Open Cooperative Agreement 2023
Send PI name, ND collaborators and a two page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO review criteria in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
05/02/2023 05/30/2023
DHHS -- HRSA State Maternal Health Innovation Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and a four page (maximum) project summary based on review criteria 1-5 in the NOFO in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
05/02/2023 06/02/2023
AFRL University Day -- FA8651-22-S-0001CALL03
Send PI name, ND collaborators and a two page (maximum) project summary declaring the Research Area Topic (p. 2 of the NOFO) and based on the Technical Evaluation Criteria (pg. 6 of the NOFO) in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
05/01/2023 05/18/2023
DOS -- U.S. Mission to Armenia Promoting STEM Education and Youth Entrepreneurship
Send PI name, ND collaborators and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO review criteria in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
05/01/2023 05/14/2023
United States Small Business Association PRIME 2023-01 -- SB-OCAPR-23-001
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO evaluation criteria section 5 in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
05/01/2023 05/18/2023
DOS -- U.S. Mission to India Developing A Framework To Counter Cyber-enabled Human Trafficking (CEHT)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO review criteria to by the internal deadline.
05/01/2023 05/26/2023
USAID Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) Legacy and Localization
Send PI and collaborator names and a three page (maximum) summary focused on NOFO Phase 1 Concept Note Evaluation Criteria 1 & 2 in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
05/01/2023 06/01/2023
DOE Domestic Near Net Shape Manufacturing to Enable a Clean and Competitive Economy -- DE-FOA-0003023
Send PI name, ND collaborators, a three page (maximum) pre-application per pg. 48 of the NOFO focused on Concept Paper Criterion in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
05/01/2023 06/23/2023
NIH Team-Based Design in Biomedical Engineering Education (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI and collaborator names and a two page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date. Refer to the review criteria in the NOFO to inform your summary.
04/27/2023 05/30/2023
Brain Research Foundation Scientific Innovations Award
Send a one page (maximum) project summary and a biosketch in one PDF document to by the internal deadline date.
04/27/2023 06/22/2023
DHHS -- HRSA Rural Communities Opioid Response Program – Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health
Send PI name, ND collaborators, a two page (maximum) project summary based on review criteria 1 & 2 in the NOFO and the relevant Rural Health Eligibility Target Area in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
04/27/2023 05/24/2023
DOJ Community Supervision Leadership Learning Lab Training
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a two page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO selection criteria in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
04/26/2023 06/06/2023
NIH Enhancing Science, Technology, EnginEering, and Math Educational Diversity (ESTEEMED) Research Education Experiences (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators and a two page (maximum) project summary based on the scored review criteria in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
04/25/2023 06/07/2023
DOD -- AFOSR 2023 (FY23) Defense Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (DEPSCoR) – Capacity Building
Send PI, ND collaborators and a four page (maximum) project summary addressing evaluation criteria 1-4 in the NOFO to by the internal deadline date.
04/24/2023 06/12/2023
The Pew Charitable Trusts Pew Biomedical Scholars
Send your two (2) page maximum research summary including your declaration of eligibility and your five (5) page maximum CV highlighting your work as an independent investigator in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
04/24/2023 05/17/2023
AmeriCorps FY 2023 Days of Service Grants
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the Goals and Planned Projects guidance pages 15&16 in the NOFO in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
04/24/2023 05/16/2023
Thermo Fisher Scientific -- Precision Oncology The Oncomine Clinical Research Grant Program
Send 1) PI CV (no page limitation) and 2) title of project, objectives and research plan and methods in two pages (maximum) in one PDF document to by the internal deadline date.
04/24/2023 05/15/2023
NRC U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), Research and Development Grant, Fiscal Year (FY) 2023
Send your three page (maximum) summary in PDF format to by the internal deadline. Use the executive summary content on page 9 and the selection criteria on page 20 of the NOFO to inform the content of your internal application.
04/13/2023 05/26/2023
NSF Building the Prototype Open Knowledge Network (Proto-OKN)
Send PI and collaborator names and a 4 page (maximum) summary (listing Theme 1, 2 or 3) based on the review criteria and additional review criteria 1-5 in the NOFO in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline.
04/12/2023 06/20/2023
DHHS - HRSA Health Careers Opportunity Program: The National HCOP Academies
Send PI and collaborator names and a three page (maximum) summary focused on review criteria 1-4 in one PDF format to prior to the internal deadline.
04/12/2023 05/24/2023
DOS FY 2023 TechGirls Program
Send PI name, collaborators, and a one page (maximum) project summary in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
04/10/2023 05/15/2023
NIH Jointly Sponsored Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Institutional Predoctoral Training Program in the Neurosciences (T32 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI and collaborator names and a 4 page (max) summary addressing scored review criteria 1) Rationale, Program Purpose and Goals; 2) Preceptors/Mentors and 3) Training Record per the NOFO in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline.
04/10/2023 05/25/2023
DOS FY 2023 BridgeUSA Global STEM Scholarship Fund
Send PI name, ND collaborators and a three page (maximum) project summary based on NOFO criteria pgs. 32-33 in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
04/10/2023 05/10/2023
DOE Science Foundations for Energy Earthshots -- DE-FOA-0003003
Send PI name, ND collaborators, a three page (maximum) pre-application per pgs. 21 & 22 of the NOFO in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
04/05/2023 04/25/2023
NSF ADVANCE -- ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions (ADVANCE) Adaptation, Catalyst or IT-Preliminary Track 2023
Send PI name, ND collaborators, a two page (maximum) project summary and the proposed title in one PDF to by the internal deadline. List track of interest. Notre Dame can submit one of the three types listed.
04/05/2023 08/04/2023
The Dollar General Literacy Foundation Youth Literacy
Send PI name, collaborators, and a one page (maximum) project summary in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
04/04/2023 04/27/2023
DHHS -- HRSA Integrated Maternal Health Services
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a four page (maximum) project summary based on NOFO criteria 1-5 in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
04/04/2023 05/24/2023
NIH NIA Expanding Research in AD/ADRD (ERA) Summer Research Education Program (R25 - Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and three page (maximum) project summary focused on the NOFO scored review criteria and additional questions in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
03/29/2023 05/24/2023
DOS FY 2023 BridgeUSA Ukrainian Academic Fellows Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators and a three page (maximum) project summary based on NOFO criteria pgs. 26-27 in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
03/29/2023 05/15/2023
DOE Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office (IEDO) FY23 Multi-Topic FOA DE-FOA-0002997
Send PI name, ND collaborators, Title including Topic Number and theme and a three page (maximum) Technology Description per pg. 66 of the NOFO in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
03/29/2023 04/17/2023
NIH Coordination Center for the Models of Infectious Disease Agent Study (MIDAS) Program (R24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name and all collaborators and your four page (maximum) project summary based on the scored review criteria in the NOFO and criteria specific to this NOFO in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
03/27/2023 05/15/2023
DOJ OVW Fiscal Year 2023 Grants to Reduce Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking on Campus Program Solicitation
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and a two page (maximum) abstract per pg. 24 in the NOFO in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
03/27/2023 05/04/2023
DOE Scientific Discovery Through Advanced Computing (SCiDAC) - FES Partnerships
Send PI name, ND collaborators a two page pre-proposal responsive to evaluation criteria p. 15 of the NOFO in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
03/27/2023 05/19/2023
NEH Infrastructure and Capacity Building Challenge Grants
Send PI name, ND collaborators and a three page (maximum) narrative that addresses the review criteria NOFO page 29 in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
03/20/2023 05/17/2023
Council on Library and Information Resources Recordings at Risk
Send PI and ND collaborators and a 2 page (maximum) summary of the source materials to be digitized, activities to be undertaken during the project, and the significance of the project for scholarship in one PDF by the internal deadline.
03/15/2023 04/19/2023
DHHS -- CDC Clinical and Applied Research Strategies for the Prevention and Control of Fungal Diseases
Send PI name, ND collaborators and a three page (maximum) project summary based on scored review criteria NOFO pgs. 28-30 in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
03/14/2023 04/28/2023
Citi Foundation $25 Million Global Innovation Challenge -- Food Security
Send PI, ND collaborators and a 2 page (maximum) project overview that addresses the guidance at the icon in one PDF document to by 5 PM Eastern 3/13/23. Questions? Contact Sarah Forner at
03/13/2023 03/22/2023
DOC Geospatial Modeling Grant -- NOAA-NOS-NGS-2023-2007815
Send PI name, ND collaborators, a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO criteria pgs. 26-28 in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
03/13/2023 04/24/2023
DOE Quantum Testbed Pathfinder -- DE-FOA-0003005
Send PI name, ND collaborators, a three page (maximum) project summary based on Scientific and/or Technical Merit of the Project and Appropriateness of the Proposed Method or Approach in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
03/13/2023 05/03/2023
DHHS -- CDC Building capacity for implementing evidence-based epilepsy self-management supports in health care settings
Send PI name, collaborators and their organizations, a four page (maximum) project summary responsive to Phase II review criteria in the NOFO and the proposed Component Number in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
03/10/2023 04/17/2023
NSF Accelerating Research Translation (ART)
Send PI name, collaborators and 4 page (max) project summary focused on merit & additional solicitation-specific review criteria in a PDF document to by the internal deadline. Include Lead or Subawardee in your project title.
03/09/2023 05/09/2023
DOS DRL Inclusive Approaches to Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in Northern Central America
Send PI name and collaborators and a one page (maximum) executive summary per pg. 8 of the NOFO in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
03/06/2023 04/12/2023
USDA -- NIFA Women and Minorities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Fields Program
Send PI name and three page (maximum) summary responsive to NOFO criteria page 22 in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
03/06/2023 04/19/2023
DOD Military Health System Research (MHSR) -- 24-DHA-MHSR
Send PI and collaborator names and a five page (maximum) summary following the Narrative outline pg. 8&9 in the NOFO in PDF format to by the internal deadline date.
03/02/2023 03/17/2023
DOE Large Wind Turbine Materials and Manufacturing DE-FOA-00002960
Send PI and collaborator names and a two page (maximum) summary focused on the NOFO technical review criteria for Concept Notes with title and Topic Area number in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date.
02/27/2023 03/23/2023
ORAU Innovation Partnerships Program
Send PI, theme area, purpose and scope of event and intended outcomes in a two page (maximum) PDF document to by the internal deadline.
02/27/2023 04/01/2023
Breast Cancer Alliance Exceptional Project Grants
Send your one page (maximum) project summary and NIH biosketch in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
02/27/2023 03/31/2023
DOE Onsite Energy Technical Assistance Partnerships
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO review criteria and the proposed title in one PDF to by the internal deadline. State Track 1 or Track 2.
02/23/2023 04/21/2023
Lockheed Martin University Partnerships with Notre Dame 2023 Funding Opportunity
Return your completed internal application (template below) to by the internal deadline. Questions? Contact
02/23/2023 03/10/2023
The New York Academy of Sciences and Takeda Innovators in Science Award
Send your one page Research Statement and a Biosketch highlighting your achievements as an independent investigator in one PDF document by the internal deadline date. Categories are Early-Career Scientist and Senior Scientist.
02/21/2023 03/31/2023
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Sawyer Seminar
Send a 1-2 pg PDF including the core faculty team (and a list of participants from other institutions, if applicable); the Seminar theme and its relevance and originality; and the Seminar meeting timeline, listing potential topics and case studies.
02/16/2023 04/14/2023
DOE EXPRESS: 2023 Exploratory Research for Extreme Scale Science
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a two page (maximum) project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline. Note the merit review criteria in the NOFO to guide your summary.
02/15/2023 04/19/2023
NIH Collaborative Program Grant for Multidisciplinary Teams (RM1 - Clinical Trial Optional)
Send PI name and all collaborators and your four page (maximum) project summary based on the scored review criteria in the NOFO in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
02/15/2023 05/26/2023
NSF Scholarships in STEM Network (S-STEM-Net) S-STEM Research Hubs
Send PI, collaborator names and a two page (maximum) summary based on the review criteria NOFO in one PDF to prior to the internal deadline date.
02/15/2023 03/29/2023
USAID Enhancing Nutrition Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning in the Health Sector (NuMERAL)
Send PI, collaborators and a five page (maximum) concept note aligned with evaluation criteria 1, 2 and 3 in one PDF by the internal deadline.
02/14/2023 03/15/2023
DOE Energy Innovation Hub Program: Research to Enable Next-Generation Batteries and Energy Storage
Send your five page (maximum) pre-proposal document as described on pages 13-14 of the NOFO with reference to review criteria pages 36-38 to by the internal deadline.
02/09/2023 05/18/2023
USAID Comprehensive Action for Climate Change Initiative (“CACCI”)
Send PI name, collaborators and a five page (maximum) executive summary based on Factors 1 & 2 NOFO review criteria in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
02/08/2023 03/01/2023
NIH Alzheimer's Disease Research Centers (P30 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO scored review criteria in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
02/07/2023 06/14/2023
Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research New Innovator
Send confirmation of eligibility and research program description (4 pages maximum) per the NOFO in one PDF by the internal deadline.
02/06/2023 02/22/2023
NIH Programs for Inclusion and Diversity Among Individuals Engaged in Health-Related Research (PRIDE) Coordination Center (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, collaborators, and a four page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO scored review criteria in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
02/03/2023 03/10/2023
NIH Programs for Inclusion and Diversity Among Individuals Engaged in Health-Related Research (PRIDE) (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, collaborators, and a four page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO scored review criteria in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
02/03/2023 03/10/2023
DOE Scientific Machine Learning for Complex Systems DE-FOA-0002958
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO review criteria and the proposed title in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
02/02/2023 04/12/2023
NIH NIAMS Skin Biology and Diseases Resource-based Centers (P30 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, collaborators, and a four page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO review criteria in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
01/31/2023 05/18/2023
DOE Reaching a New Energy Sciences Workforce for High Energy Physics (RENEW-HEP)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the criteria in pages 29-32 of the NOFO in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
01/30/2023 03/31/2023
NIH Biomedical Research Facilities (C06 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO review criteria in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
01/30/2023 02/24/2023
NIH Autoimmunity Centers of Excellence, Basic Research Program (U19 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, collaborators, and a four page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO review criteria in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
01/30/2023 05/19/2023
NIH NIAMS Resource-based Centers for Bone, Muscle and Orthopaedic Research (P30 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, collaborators, and a four page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO review criteria in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
01/30/2023 05/18/2023
Luce Foundation Advancing Public Knowledge on Democracy, Race and Religion in America
Send PI name, one page (maximum) project summary and five page (maximum) resume in one PDF document by the internal deadline.
01/26/2023 02/15/2023
DOE Innovative Fusion Technology and Collaborative Fusion Energy Research in the DIII-D National Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators and a three page (maximum) project summary based on NOFO pages 29-30 in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
01/24/2023 02/15/2023
NSF Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) -- RP Track Only
Send PI name, four page (maximum) project summary focused on merit and additional review criteria per the NOFO and justification of eligibility per the NOFO in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
01/23/2023 05/02/2023
DOE DE-FOA-0002864: Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office (AMMTO), the Building Technologies Office (BTO), and DOE’s Office of Electricity (OE) FY22 MULTI-TOPIC FOA
Send PI name, ND collaborators, the number and title of the subtopic area per NOFO p. 34 and a three page (maximum) project summary based on the concept paper review criteria per NOFO p. 74 in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
01/17/2023 02/03/2023
NSF Pathways into the Earth, Ocean, Polar and Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences (GEOPAths)
Send PI name, ND collaborators and a three page (maximum) project description in one PDF to by the internal deadline. The project description should be based on the review criteria described in the NOFO.
01/17/2023 03/27/2023
NSF Cultural Transformation in the Geoscience Community (CTGC)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, a three page (maximum) project description and name of selected track in one PDF to by the internal deadline. The project description should be based on the review criteria described in the NOFO.
01/12/2023 04/03/2023
DOE Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Resources for Fusion Energy Sciences
Send PI name, ND collaborators, a one page project summary and a one page research description per p. 17 of the NOFO in one PDF document by the internal deadline. Merit review criteria on pages 28 & 29 of the NOFO should guide your response.
01/11/2023 01/31/2023
NSF Innovations in Graduate Education (IGE) Program
Send PI and collaborator names and a three page (maximum) project summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline. Refer to all merit review criteria in the solicitation to guide the content of your project summary.
01/05/2023 03/25/2023
W.M. Keck Foundation Research Program
Submit your CV and concept note that is single-page, Arial 12 point font with 1 inch margins in one PDF by the internal deadline.
01/05/2023 05/01/2023


Sponsor Opportunity Internal Expression of Interest Deadline Sponsor Application Deadline
DOE DE-FOA-0002828:Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) FOA to Address Key Deployment Challenges for Offshore, Land-Based, and Distributed Wind -- Topic 1 or Topic 2
Send PI name, collaborators, Topic Number and a three page (maximum) concept note per the "concept paper criterion" pgs. 84-85 in the NOFO in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
12/19/2022 01/20/2023
NEA Grants for Arts Projects
Send PI name and one page project summary focused on the artistic excellence and artistic merit review criteria in the NOFO in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
12/19/2022 02/09/2023
DOE Research in Basic Plasma Science and Engineering
Send PI, collaborator names and a three page (maximum) summary based on the review criteria NOFO pgs. 25 & 26 to prior to the internal deadline date.
12/19/2022 01/12/2023
NEA Poetry Out Loud National Finals Competition
Send Project Lead, ND collaborators and a one page (maximum) project summary based on the review criteria pp. 7 & 8 in the NOFO to by the internal deadline.
12/15/2022 01/17/2023
NSF NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM)
Send PI & collaborators and a 3 page (maximum) project summary addressing merit review and solicitation specific criteria per NOFO pgs. 18&19 (listing track # and STEM-eligible discipline) in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
12/15/2022 03/02/2023
NSF Expanding Capacity in Quantum Information Science and Engineering (ExpandQISE)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a three page (maximum) project summary focused on merit review criteria in the NOFO and the proposed title to in one PDF document by the internal deadline.
12/13/2022 02/03/2023
State of Indiana -- Family and Social Services Administration/Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Bureau of Substance Abuse Prevention and Mental Health Promotion Planning, Implementation and Evaluation of Programs to Address Substance Abuse Prevention and Mental Health Promotion at Indiana’s Institutions of Higher Education
Send PI and collaborator names and a three page (maximum) summary focusing on NOFO proposal narrative sections 1, 2 and 3 in one PDF to prior to the internal deadline.
12/12/2022 01/13/2023
NIH Environmental Health Sciences Core Centers (EHSCC) (P30 Clinical Trial Optional)
Send PI name, collaborators, and a four page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO review criteria in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
12/12/2022 04/19/2023
NIH NIH Research Evaluation and Commercialization Hubs (REACH) Awards (U01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a four page (maximum) project summary based on the seven-element Research Strategy described in the NOFO to by the internal deadline.
12/12/2022 02/09/2023
NSF Advanced Computing Systems & Services: Adapting to the Rapid Evolution of Science and Engineering Research
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary focused on merit review and additional merit review criteria in the NOFO to in one PDF document by the internal deadline.
12/12/2022 02/13/2023
DHHS -- CDC Public Health Epidemiology, Prevention and Control of Influenza and Other Respiratory Pathogens in China
Send PI name, collaborators, and a four page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO review criteria in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
12/08/2022 02/09/2023
NSF Strengthening the Cyberinfrastructure Professionals Ecosystem (SCIPE)
Send PI and collaborator names and a three page (maximum) summary based on the NOFO review criteria in one PDF to prior to the internal deadline date.
12/05/2022 02/23/2023
NIH NCI Pathway to Independence Award for Outstanding Early Stage Postdoctoral Researchers (K99/R00 - Independent Clinical Trial Required)
Send your name, institutional mentor name, confirmation of eligibility, and NIH biosketch in one PDF document by the internal deadline. Include the NIH RFA number in your message.
11/30/2022 02/28/2023
NIH NCI Pathway to Independence Award for Outstanding Early Stage Postdoctoral Researchers (K99/R00 - Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send your name, institutional mentor name, confirmation of eligibility, and NIH biosketch in one PDF document by the internal deadline. Include the NIH RFA number in your message.
11/30/2022 02/28/2023
NIH NCI Pathway to Independence Award for Outstanding Early Stage Postdoctoral Researchers (K99/R00 - Independent Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required)
Send your name, institutional mentor name, confirmation of eligibility, and NIH biosketch in one PDF document by the internal deadline. Include the NIH RFA number in your message.
11/30/2022 02/28/2023
DOS Advancing Advancing Nuclear Safety, Security, and Nonproliferation through the FIRST Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, and a three page (maximum) project summary based on criteria listed in E.1. of the NOFO to by the internal deadline.
11/28/2022 01/31/2023
Mary Kay Ash Foundation Innovative/Translational Cancer Research Grant
Send your five page (maximum) NIH biosketch and one page (maximum) project summary to by the internal deadline. Click the icon below for more information on the opportunity.
11/15/2022 02/01/2023
NSF Ethical and Responsible Research (ER2)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, a two page (maximum) project summary guided by the merit review criteria in the NOFO in one PDF document to by the internal deadline. State type of proposal in your project summary title.
11/10/2022 01/23/2023
St. Baldrick's Foundation -- Conquer Kids' Cancer Spring Grant Cycle -- Research Grant
Send your five page (maximum) NIH biosketch and one page (maximum) research statement in one PDF document to by the internal deadline. Use "Research Grant" in your research summary title.
11/08/2022 02/17/2023
St. Baldrick's Foundation -- Conquer Kids' Cancer Spring Grant Cycle -- Scholar Grant
Send your five page (maximum) NIH biosketch and one page (maximum) research statement in one PDF document to by the internal deadline. Use "Scholar Grant" in your research summary title.
11/08/2022 02/17/2023
The Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program
Send your biosketch (5 pages max) & research/teaching statement (2 pages max) focused on your past accomplishments as an independent faculty member, future plans & dedication to education in the chemical sciences in one PDF by the internal deadline.
11/07/2022 02/01/2023
NIH Occupational Safety and Health Education and Research Centers (T42)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a two page (maximum) project summary based on the review criteria in the NOFO and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
11/07/2022 01/09/2023
Brain Research Foundation Seed Grant Program
Send PI name, your one page (maximum) research statement and five page (maximum) NIH-compliant biosketch to by the internal deadline.
11/02/2022 12/23/2022
ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page.
11/02/2022 01/09/2023
NSF Major Research Instrumentation Program: (MRI) Instrument Acquisition or Development
The instructions for your internal application appear in the PDF document. You will submit your PDF document to the Google Form listed in the document before 11:59 PM Eastern on 11/1/22.
11/01/2022 01/19/2023
American Heart Association Strategically Focused Research Network (SFRN) on Biologic Pathways of Chronic Psychosocial Stressors on Cardiovascular Health
Send PI and co-PI names with your three page (maximum) project summary using the Peer Review Criteria for Project Applications Phase 1 posted in the NOFO, focused on three projects from two science disciplines in one PDF by the internal deadline.
10/24/2022 01/19/2023
University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics (UCAH) UCAH-Core-Solicitation-2022-002_Topics_All89
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page.
10/20/2022 01/01/9999
DOE Fiscal Year 2023 Scientific Infrastructure Support for Consolidated Innovative Nuclear Research Department of Energy
Send PI name, collaborators, the proposed title and a two page (maximum) project summary based on merit review criteria in the NOFO in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
10/11/2022 11/29/2022
HRSA Infant, Child, and Adolescent Preventive Services (ICAPS) Program with Additional Funding for Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Activities
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page (maximum) project summary and the proposed title in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
10/11/2022 12/14/2022
NSF Quantum Sensing Challenges for Transformational Advances in Quantum Systems (QuSeC-TAQS)
Send names of a minimum of three senior personnel, title, a one page (maximum) project summary and a two page (maximum) project description per the NOFO directions for pre-proposals one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
10/11/2022 04/03/2023
NSF Pathways into the Earth, Ocean, Polar and Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences (GEOPAths) -- Lead
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a three page (maximum) project summary focused on the review criteria in the NOFO and the proposed title and track to by the internal deadline.
10/10/2022 01/01/9999
USAID Community Nutrition and Health Activity -- Bangladesh USAID-Dhaka -- Lead
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a two page (maximum) project summary based on review criteria on NOFO pages 52 & 53 and the proposed title in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
10/10/2022 10/30/2022
NSF Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) -- Research Partnerships (PFI-RP) track only
Send PI name, collaborators and their organizations, a three page (maximum) project summary in alignment with the merit review criteria NOFO pages 14 & 15 and the proposed title in one PDF document to by the internal deadline
10/04/2022 01/11/2023
NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM)
Send tile, PI and ND collaborators on the cover page and a one page (maximum) project summary per NOFO pg. 11 (addressing track number and STEM-eligible discipline of focus) in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
10/04/2022 02/20/2023
NEH National Digital Newspaper Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a three page (maximum) project summary based on the review criteria NOFO p. 29 & p. 30 and the proposed title in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
10/03/2022 01/12/2023
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Moore Inventor Fellows
Your statement of invention in accordance with NOFO p. 3 and current CV per NOFO p. 3 in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
09/27/2022 11/14/2022
USAID Citizens Against Corruption (CAC) Activity -- Macedonia USAID-Skopje -- Prime
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a two page (maximum) project summary based on NOFO criteria pages 30 & 31 and the proposed title in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
09/27/2022 10/14/2022
VentureWell VentureWell Course and Program (C&P) Grants
Send CV and a one page (maximum) summary that addresses "Context" per the NOFO "proposal components" and described below in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
09/26/2022 11/02/2022
DOE Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization FOA (DE-FOA-0002804)
Send Title, Topic Area & Number (NOFO pg. 13), PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators & their organizations, and a two page (maximum) technology description (NOFO pg. 52) in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
09/15/2022 10/12/2022
The Blavatnik Family Foundation The Blavatnik National Awards for Young Scientists
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page.
09/13/2022 11/09/2022
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Gilliam Fellowships for Advanced Study
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page.
09/12/2022 12/08/2022
Google Research Google Ph.D. Fellowship Program -- United States
Eligible Ph.D. students submit in one PDF: 1) CV including primary advisor name & Google Research Area; and 2) student essays per the NOFO -- a) on impact of research (2 pages max) & b) on leadership experience (2 pages max) to
09/12/2022 10/06/2022
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission University Nuclear Leadership Program (formerly the Integrated University Program), Scholarship or Fellowship or Distinguished Faculty Advancement Grant
Send one PDF with PI name, ND collaborators & a two page project summary to List area of interest -- Scholarship, Fellowship or Distinguished Faculty Advancement -- and tailor your summary to the criteria listed on pp. 23-24 of the NOFO.
09/08/2022 10/20/2022
NIH Modern Equipment for Shared-use Biomedical Research Facilities: Advancing Research-Related Operations (R24 Clinical Trials Not Allowed)
Send PI and collaborator names and a three page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date. Address the scored and additional review criteria from the NOFO in your summary.
09/07/2022 11/07/2022
NIH The NCI Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition Award (F99/K00 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page.
09/06/2022 11/18/2022
Johnson & Johnson WiSTEM2D Scholars Award -- For Early and Mid-Career Female Leaders
Send your name and category (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Manufacturing or Design), your 3 page resume as described in the funding opportunity, and your 1 page research summary in a single PDF to by the internal deadline.
08/25/2022 09/30/2022
USAID Advancing Health and Malaria Services -- Senegal
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a three page (maximum) project summary based on review criteria on pages 66-67 in the NOFO and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
08/25/2022 09/23/2022
NIH Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP)(R25 - Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a two page project summary (focused on the review criteria in the NOFO) and the proposed title in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
08/18/2022 01/31/2023
NSF Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science (NSF INCLUDES)
Send PI name, collaborators, Project Title with Project Type and a project summary addressing the five design elements described on pages 9 & 10 of the NOFO (shared vision through sustainability) in one five page (maximum) PDF by the internal deadline.
08/15/2022 10/25/2022
The Mellon Foundation New Directions Fellowship
Send PI name, year of doctorate, and a one-page description of new disciplinary training plan and goals in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date.
08/08/2022 09/23/2022
The Greenwall Foundation Faculty Scholars Program in Bioethics-- for junior faculty
Send PI name and a two page (maximum) proposed project summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date.
08/08/2022 09/19/2022
USAID Uganda Health Activity
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a three page (maximum) project summary based on the review criteria in the NOFO and the proposed title in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
08/01/2022 08/22/2022
DOS Civil Society Program to Counter Disinformation in Ukraine
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a two page executive summary that is shaped by the review criteria in the NOFO and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
08/01/2022 08/19/2022
NEH Summer Stipends
Send PI name, eligibility confirmation & humanities category per the solicitation & a two page (maximum) project summary in one PDF document to by the internal deadline. See p. 18 of the NOFO for review criteria to guide your summary.
07/26/2022 09/21/2022
DOE Community Geothermal Heating and Cooling Design and Deployment -- DE-FOA-0002632
Send a three page maximum concept note that addresses the review criteria in the NOFO and submit one PDF to by the internal deadline.
07/25/2022 10/11/2022
ORAU Events Sponsorship Program -- for events occurring between October 1 thru April 30
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
07/25/2022 09/01/2022
NIH NIH Neuroscience Development for Advancing the Careers of a Diverse Research Workforce (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a three page (maximum) project summary based on the scored review criteria in the NOFO and the proposed title in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
07/11/2022 09/26/2022
W.M. Keck Foundation Research Program
Send your one page concept note in Arial 12 point font with 1 inch margins and your CV in one PDF to by the internal deadline. Use your netid to access the instructions after clicking the PDF icon on the Limited Submissions web page.
07/11/2022 11/02/2022
NSF Pathways into the Earth, Ocean, Polar and Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences (GEOPAths) -- Lead
Send PI and collaborator names and a one page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date.
07/07/2022 09/12/2022 Impact Challenge on Climate Innovation
Send PI name, collaborators, the proposed title, a one page (maximum) project summary and the PI's CV in one PDF document to, and by 11:59 PM Eastern Time before or on the internal deadline.
07/07/2022 07/29/2022
The Kinship Foundation Searle Scholars Program
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page (link below), then use your netid and password.
07/07/2022 09/30/2022
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Sloan Research Fellowships
Send your current NIH or NSF biosketch & one page (maximum) statement describing your significant scientific work & immediate research plans (include your Sloan Research Area in your one page header) in one PDF to by the internal due date.
07/07/2022 09/15/2021
DOE FY22 Scale-Up of Integrated Biorefineries and Greenhouse Gas Reduction in First Generation Ethanol Production (Scale-Up+) -- Subtopic Areas 2a, 2b, 3a, or 3b only
Send PI and collaborator names and a one page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date. Include Subtopic Area 2a, 2b, 3a, or 3b in the filename of the submission.
06/28/2022 09/09/2022
DOS Advancing Cybersecurity Policies in support of an Open, Interoperable, Reliable, and Secure Internet -- Lead
List PI and collaborator names in an executive summary of two pages or fewer and send in PDF format to prior to the internal application deadline.
06/27/2022 07/28/2022
John Templeton Foundation Spiritual Yearning Research Initiative: The Search For Meaning Among The Nonreligious
Send PI name and a one page project summary to by the internal deadline. For more information please visit the sponsor website or reach out to Colleen Cross Quinn (
06/21/2022 08/19/2022
NSF Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) -- Research Partnerships (PFI-RP) track only
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
06/20/2022 07/13/2022
DOE Energyshed: Exploring Place-Based Generation -- DE-FOA-0002565
Send PI and collaborator names, a four page (maximum) project summary based on the NOFO review criteria pages 47-49 and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
06/20/2022 08/01/2022
NEA Our Town
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
06/16/2022 08/04/2022
DOE Basic Energy Sciences - Reaching a New Energy Sciences Workforce (BES-RENEW)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, primary and secondary science focus areas, a three page (maximum) project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline. Note the merit review criteria in the NOFO to guide your summary.
06/15/2022 08/02/2022
DOJ Evidence-based Workforce Development Partnership Training – Curriculum Development/Conversion -- Lead
Send PI and collaborator names and a one page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date.
06/06/2022 07/18/2022
Sexual Violence Research Initiative The SVRI Research Grant 2023 -- Knowledge for Action to End Violence Against Women and Violence Against Children
Send PI name, list of in-country partners and two page (maximum) project summary to by the internal deadline.
06/01/2022 07/19/2022
American Diabetes Association Pathway to Stop Diabetes -- Initiator or Accelerator
Send your one page project summary titled with Initiator or Accelerator and your current NIH biosketch in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
06/01/2022 08/01/2022
DOS Accelerating Women’s Empowerment in Energy (AWEE)
Send PI and collaborator names and a one page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date. Higher education institutions are eligible to apply.
05/31/2022 07/06/2022
DOD -- AFOSR FY 2022 Defense Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (DEPSCoR) – Capacity Building
Send listing of ND project participants and a three page (maximum) project summary addressing criteria one through four on page 38 of the NOFO in PDF format to by the internal deadline.
05/31/2022 02/21/2023
USAID Prime -- LAC Regional Higher Education Scholarships for Youth Workforce Development Addendum to the Higher Education for Leadership, Innovation, and Exchange (HELIX) New Partnerships Initiative (NPI) Annual Program Statement (APS) No. 7200AA20APS00009
Send PI and collaborator names and a one page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date.
05/26/2022 06/03/2022
DOJ FY 2022 Preventing School Violence: BJA’s STOP School Violence Program -- Category 2
Send PI and collaborator names and a two page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date.
05/19/2022 06/21/2022
NSF Regional Innovation Engines
Send PI name, four key team members and affilations, a four page (maximum) Concept Outline per the NOFO guidance pages 20-22 and the proposed title that includes "Track 1" or "Track 2" labeling to by the internal deadline.
05/19/2022 06/30/2022
DOS US-ASEAN Green Building Innovation Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page (maximum) executive summary per the NOFO guidelines and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
05/18/2022 06/28/2022
DOJ Objective Jail Classification Project
Send PI name, ND collaborators, a two page (maximum) project summary guided by the NOFO review criteria pages 26-27 and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
05/18/2022 07/05/2022
DOS Counterterrorism Financing Communications Initiative
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a four page (maximum) project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline. See page 4 of the NOFO for Concept Note guidance.
05/16/2022 06/01/2022
NSF Physics Frontiers Centers (PFC)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and a four page (maximum) project summary that addresses the merit review criteria and the solicitation specific review criteria to by the internal deadline.
05/16/2022 08/01/2022
DOE -- NNSA National Lab Jobs ACCESS Program
Send PI and collaborator names and institutions and a two page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date.
05/16/2022 07/07/2022
NIH NIH Director’s Early Independence Awards (DP5 Clinical Trial Optional)
Confirm eligibility per restrictions in the solicitation, prepare a two page (maximum) research strategy and your current NIH-format biosketch in one PDF document and send to by the internal deadline.
05/10/2022 09/02/2022
NIH NIAMS Rheumatic Diseases Research Resource-based Centers (P30 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and a two page (maximum) project summary that addresses the merit review criteria and the solicitation specific review criteria to by the internal deadline.
05/09/2022 09/13/2022
USSBA PRIME Technical Assistance (PR)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators, a one page (maximum) project overview (based on item 3 page 12 of NOFO Track 1 or item 3 page 16 of NOFO for Track 2) and Track 1 or 2 label to by the internal deadline.
05/09/2022 05/27/2022
NSF Resilient & Intelligent NextG Systems (RINGS) - Virtual Organization (RINGS-VO)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and a four page (maximum) project summary that addresses the merit review criteria and the solicitation specific review criteria to by the internal deadline.
05/09/2022 08/01/2022
Breast Cancer Alliance Young Investigator Grants
Send your one page (maximum) project summary and current NIH biosketch in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
05/05/2022 07/22/2022
NSF IUSE / Professional Formation of Engineers: Revolutionizing Engineering Departments (IUSE/PFE: RED)
Send PI & collaborator names, program track & a four page (maximum) summary in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline. Use the merit review and specific solicitation review criteria in the NOFO to inform your summary.
05/02/2022 07/18/2022
NIH Cystic Fibrosis Research and Translation Centers (P30 Clinical Trial Optional)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a two page (maximum) project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline. Note the review criteria to guide the content of your summary.
04/27/2022 07/28/2022
DOE 2022 Mathematical Multifaceted Integrated Capability Centers (MMICCs) -- Lead
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a two page (maximum) project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline. Note the merit review criteria in the NOFO to guide your summary.
04/26/2022 06/28/2022
Brain Research Foundation 2023 Scientific Innovations Award -- For full time associate or full professors
Send your one page (maximum) project summary and NIH biosketch in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
04/26/2022 06/23/2022
DOE Randomized Algorithms for Combinatorial Scientific Computing -- Lead
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a two page (maximum) project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline. Note the merit review criteria in the NOFO to guide your summary.
04/26/2022 06/30/2022
DOE Data Visualization for Scientific Discovery, Decision-Making, and Communication -- Lead
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a two page (maximum) project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline. Note the merit review criteria in the NOFO to guide your summary.
04/26/2022 06/21/2022
DOE Management and Storage of Scientific Data
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a two page (maximum) project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline. Note the merit review criteria in the NOFO to guide your summary.
04/25/2022 06/13/2022
DOE EXPRESS: 2022 Exploratory Research for Extreme Scale Science
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a two page (maximum) project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline. Note the merit review criteria in the NOFO to guide your summary.
04/25/2022 06/23/2022
NIH NIH Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) (R25 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page (maximum) project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
04/20/2022 07/13/2022
NIH Bridges to the Doctorate Research Training Program (T32)
Send PI and collaborator names and a one page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date.
04/19/2022 09/27/2022
Lever for Change Maternal & Infant Health Award
Send PI and collaborator names and a two page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date.
04/18/2022 06/30/2022
Mellon Foundation Higher Learning Program: Call for Concepts
Send PI name(s) and a two-page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date.
04/13/2022 05/16/2022
Pew Charitable Trust Pew Biomedical Scholars (for Assistant Professors)
Send your two (2) page maximum research summary including your declaration of eligibility and your CV in the current NIH biosketch format highlighting your work as an independent investigator in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
04/11/2022 05/18/2022
HRSA Transforming Pediatrics for Early Childhood (TPEC)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a two page (maximum) project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
04/07/2022 05/23/2022
University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics (UCAH) Challenge Projects -- TEES/JHTO-RPP-2022-001
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
04/05/2022 04/27/2022
DOE FY2022 Artificial Intelligence Research for High Energy Physics -- Seed Applications
Send PI name, ND collaborators, a two page (maximum) project summary and proposed title to by the internal deadline. The project summary should contain a clear description of the objectives and technical approach of the proposed research.
04/02/2022 05/24/2022
DOE Urban Integrated Field Labs (IFL)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, a four page (maximum) project summary and the proposed title in one PDF document to by the internal deadline. The review criteria on page 19 of the NOFO should guide your project summary content.
03/31/2022 04/19/2022
NSF National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) Program
Send 1) your proposed title & priority area from the NOFO, PI name & ND collaborators, 2) PI's NSF biosketch, 3) one page project summary and 4) any NSF reviews from previous submissions to NRT to by the internal deadline.
03/30/2022 09/06/2022
NIH Jointly Sponsored Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Institutional Predoctoral Training Program in the Neurosciences (T32 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, a four page project summary and the proposed title in one PDF document to by the internal deadline. The scored review criteria in the NOFO should guide your project summary content.
03/30/2022 05/25/2022
DOS FY 2022 Arts Envoy Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, a two page project summary and the proposed title in one PDF document to by the internal deadline. The review criteria in the NOFO should guide your project summary content.
03/29/2022 05/16/2022
NEH Infrastructure and Capacity Building Challenge Grants
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline. Indicate Capital Project or Digital Infrastructure track.
03/28/2022 05/17/2022
NIH Emergency Awards: Biocontainment Facility Improvements and Building System Upgrades to Support Pandemic Preparedness (G20 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, a two page project summary and the proposed title in one PDF document to by the internal deadline. The scored review criteria in the NOFO should guide your project summary content.
03/28/2022 04/19/2022
DOS Supporting Partner Nations to Counter Foreign Disinformation and Propaganda -- Prime
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
03/22/2022 04/07/2022
CDC US Platform to Measure Effectiveness of Seasonal Influenza, COVID-19 and other Respiratory Virus Vaccines for the Prevention of Acute Illness in Ambulatory Settings
Send PI and collaborator names and a two page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date. See merit review criteria to guide your summary.
03/21/2022 05/04/2022
CDC Building Mathematical Modeling Workforce Capacity to Support Infectious Disease and Healthcare Research
Send PI and collaborator names and a two page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date. See merit review criteria to guide your summary.
03/21/2022 05/04/2022
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Creating Equitable Pathways to STEM Graduate Education
Send PI name, ND and Minority Serving Institution collaborators, a two page (maximum) project summary focused on merit review criteria in the NOFO and the proposed title to in one PDF document by the internal deadline.
03/16/2022 05/01/2022
DOS FY 2022 John McCain Study of the U.S. Institute (SUSI) for Student Leaders on the Rule of Law and Public Service
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a two page (maximum) project summary focused on merit review criteria in the NOFO and the proposed title to in one PDF document by the internal deadline.
03/14/2022 04/18/2022
NIH Immune Drivers of Autoimmune Disease (IDAD) (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a two page (maximum) project summary focused on merit review criteria in the NOFO and the proposed title to in one PDF document by the internal deadline.
03/14/2022 07/01/2022
NSF Expanding Capacity in Quantum Information Science and Engineering (ExpandQISE) -- Track 2
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a three page (maximum) project summary focused on merit review criteria in the NOFO and the proposed title to in one PDF document by the internal deadline.
03/10/2022 04/01/2022
Lego Foundation Build A World Of Play Challenge -- Lead Organization
Send PI and collaborator names and a two page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date. Note the scoring rubric provided in the NOFO used to help guide your summary.
03/03/2022 04/07/2022
U.S. Small Business Administration -- Office of Veterans Business Development Boots to Business Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) B2B-2022-01
Send PI name, ND collaborators and a one page (maximum) project summary to by the internal interest deadline.
03/03/2022 03/28/2022
DOE Research Development and Partnership Pilot (RDPP)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, a two page (maximum) project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline. Refer to the merit review criteria in the NOFO to inform your summary.
03/03/2022 04/20/2022
NIH Team-Based Design in Biomedical Engineering Education (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI and collaborator names and a two page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date. Refer to the review criteria in the NOFO to inform your summary.
03/02/2022 05/30/2022
Breast Cancer Alliance Exceptional Project Grants
Send in PDF format your one page LOI with the project title and hypothesis, an outline of the research aim(s) and methods, and a discussion of the project’s potential impact and your current NIH biosketch to by the internal deadline.
02/28/2022 04/01/2022
NIH NIH Faculty Institutional Recruitment for Sustainable Transformation (FIRST) Program: FIRST Cohort (U54 Clinical Trial Optional)
Send PI and collaborator names and a two page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date.
02/28/2022 07/12/2022
NSF Training-based Workforce Development for Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (CyberTraining) -- CIP Track
Send PI and collaborator names and a three page (maximum) project summary addressing the merit review criteria in the NOFO in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date.
02/28/2022 05/16/2022
DOE Chemical and Materials Sciences to Advance Clean Energy Technologies and Low-Carbon Manufacturing
Send PI and collaborator names, project title, primary topic area per the NOFO and a three page (maximum) summary that addresses the review criteria on page 16 of the NOFO in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date.
02/24/2022 03/16/2022
NSF NSF Innovation Corps Hubs Program (I-Corps™ Hubs)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
02/22/2022 05/11/2022
NSF Research Visioning for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE): Future Research Directions for the CISE Community (CISE-RV)
Send PI and collaborator names and a three page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date. Refer to the merit review criteria in the NOFO when creating your summary.
02/21/2022 05/10/2022
USAID Local Empowerment And Resilience Network (LEARN) Activity -- Burma USAID - Rangoon
Send PI name, ND collaborators, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
02/21/2022 03/23/2022
HRSA Catalyst for Infant Health Equity
Send PI and collaborator names and a one page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date.
02/17/2022 04/19/2022
NRC U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), Research and Development Grant, Fiscal Year (FY) 2022
Send your two page (maximum) summary in PDF format to by the internal deadline. Use the executive summary content on page 11 and the selection criteria on pages 17 & 18 of the NOFO to inform the content your summary.
02/17/2022 04/05/2022
HRSA Maternal and Child Environmental Health Network (MCEHN)
Send PI and collaborator names and a one page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date.
02/14/2022 03/28/2022
DOS DRL FY2021 Security Force Engagement in Africa
Send PI and collaborator names and a one page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date.
02/10/2022 03/25/2022
NSF Cultural Transformation in the Geoscience Community (CTGC) -- Lead
Send PI and collaborator names and a two page (maximum) summary written to address the NOFO merit review criteria in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date. Indicate Planning or Instrumentation track.
02/10/2022 05/02/2022
Send PI and collaborator names and a one page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date. Note Topic Area 1 or 2 in your summary.
02/10/2022 03/18/2022
NIH Environmental Health Sciences Core Centers (EHSCC) (P30 Clinical Trial Optional)
Send PI and collaborator names and a one page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date.
02/09/2022 04/14/2022
USAID FY21 People-To-People (P2P) Reconciliation Program -- Lead Niger or Lead Yemen
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a 3 page project summary (maximum) based on concept note content in the NOFO in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
02/04/2022 01/23/2023
DOS FY 2022 Study of the U.S. Institutes for Scholars
Send PI and collaborator names and a one page (maximum) summary with a title including the Institute Theme per the NOFO in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date.
02/04/2022 02/22/2022
NIH Genome Research Experiences to Attract Talented Undergraduates into Genomic Fields to Enhance Diversity (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a two page (maximum) project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
02/03/2022 07/01/2022
DOS U.S. Mission to South Africa
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a two page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
02/03/2022 04/30/2022
HRSA MCH Research Network Programs -- Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Research Network (CYSHCN-RN)
Send PI and collaborator names and a three page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date.
01/31/2022 04/04/2022
ORAU Events Sponsorship Program -- For events occurring between May 1 thru September 30, 2022
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
Send questions to Do not contact the institutional ORAU Councilor at this point in the process. Thank you in advance.
01/31/2022 03/01/2022
DOE Topical Collaborations in Nuclear Theory
Send PI & collaborator names, topic area as listed on page 2 of the NOFO & a 3 page (maximum) summary of the scientific merit of the project & the appropriateness of the proposed approach in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline.
01/27/2022 05/18/2022
NEA Challenge America
Send PI name and one page project summary (with "Challenge America" in the title) to by the internal deadline
01/26/2022 04/21/2022
NEA Grants for Arts Projects
Send PI name and one page project summary (with "Grants for Arts" in the title) to by the internal deadline.
01/26/2022 02/10/2022
Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research The New Innovator in Food & Agriculture Research Award -- Early Career
Send PI name, Challenge Area and research strategy including how it is innovative in three pages (maximum) in one PDF by the internal deadline.
01/20/2022 02/23/2022
NIH NCI Pathway to Independence Award for Outstanding Early Stage Postdoctoral Researchers (K99/R00 - Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send your name, institutional mentor name, confirmation of eligibility, and NIH biosketch in one PDF document by the internal deadline. Include the NIH RFA number in your message.
01/18/2022 02/28/2022
DOS DRL FY22 Internet Freedom Annual Program Statement
Send a three page (maximum) program statement with elements described on page 10 of the NOFO in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
01/18/2022 03/11/2022
NIH Biomedical Research Facilities (C06 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, collaborators, the proposed title and a one page project summary in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
01/18/2022 03/15/2022
NIH NCI Pathway to Independence Award for Outstanding Early Stage Postdoctoral Researchers (K99/R00 - Independent Clinical Trial Required)
Send your name, institutional mentor name, confirmation of eligibility, and NIH biosketch in one PDF document by the internal deadline. Include the NIH RFA number in your message.
01/18/2022 02/28/2022
NIH NCI Pathway to Independence Award for Outstanding Early Stage Postdoctoral Researchers (K99/R00 - Independent Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required)
Send your name, institutional mentor name, confirmation of eligibility, and NIH biosketch in one PDF document by the internal deadline. Include the NIH RFA number in your message.
01/18/2022 02/28/2022
DOE Scientific Discovery Through Advanced Computing (SCiDAC): Partnership in Nuclear Physics
Send PI name, collaborators, the proposed title, the description of the objectives and technical approach of the proposed research in one three page (maximum) PDF to by the internal interest deadline.
01/17/2022 04/26/2022
DHHS-CDC Enhancing Capacity for Strategic and Applied Research Activities in Support of Control and Elimination of Malaria and Other Parasitic Diseases
Send PI and collaborators and a two page (maximum) summary in PDF format to Choose Category 1 or Category 2. Refer to scored review criteria on pages 30 & 31 in the solicitation to guide the content of your internal application.
01/12/2022 03/01/2022
DOE Energy Frontier Research Centers
Send PI and collaborators and a three page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date. Refer to page 14 of the solicitation regarding pre-proposal content to guide your internal application.
01/11/2022 05/03/2022
DOE Scientific Discovery Through Advanced Computing (SciDAC): Partnership in Nuclear Energy
Send PI and ND collaborator names and a two page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date. Describe the objectives and technical approach of the proposed research in your summary.
01/06/2022 02/17/2022
DHHS - HRSA National Fetal, Infant, and Child Death Review Center
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page (maximum) project summary and the proposed title in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
01/05/2022 02/16/2022
CDC Optimization and Standardization of Methods to Suppress Ixodes scapularis and Disrupt Enzootic Pathogen Transmission in Settings Posing an Elevated Risk to Humans
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page (maximum) project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
01/05/2022 02/15/2022


Sponsor Opportunity Internal Expression of Interest Deadline Sponsor Application Deadline
NIH Enhancing Science, Technology, EnginEering, and Math Educational Diversity (ESTEEMED) Research Education Experiences (R25)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a two page (maximum) project summary and the proposed title in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
12/17/2021 06/24/2022
DOE High-Energy-Density Plasma Laboratory Science
Send PI name, ND collaborators, a two page (maximum) project summary including relevant research areas of interest from the FOA and the proposed title in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
12/14/2021 12/28/2021
NIH Environmental Health Sciences Core Centers (EHSCC) (P30 Clinical Trial Optional)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a two page (maximum) project summary and the proposed title in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
12/14/2021 04/14/2022
NSF Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (STEM Ed PRF) -- Individual or Institutional Cohort
Send PI name or PI and ND collaborators, a two page project summary that addresses the relevant merit review criteria for the chosen proposal track and the proposed title in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
12/13/2021 03/01/2022
NEA Creative Forces®: NEA Military Healing Arts Network (Capacity)
Send PI name, name of collaborators, a one page (maximum) project summary and the proposed title in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
12/13/2021 01/18/2022
DOS FY 2022 Study of the U.S. Institutes for Young Women Leaders
Send PI name and ND collaborators, a one page (maximum) project summary and the proposed title in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
12/13/2021 01/13/2022
NIH Network for Emergency Care Clinical Trials: Strategies to Innovate EmeRgENcy Care Clinical Trials Network (SIREN) - Network Clinical Center (Hub) (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
12/09/2021 01/18/2022
NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM)
Send tile, PI and ND collaborators on the cover page and a one page (maximum) project summary per item 3 in the solicitation (addressing track number and STEM-eligible discipline of focus) in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
12/09/2021 02/22/2022
Keck Foundation Research Program
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
12/09/2021 05/01/2022
DOE Computational Chemical Sciences -- Lead Institution
Send PI and collaborator names and a three page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date. Include background, objectives and proposed research and methods per p. 19-20 in the solicitation.
12/06/2021 01/07/2022
NSF ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions (ADVANCE)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline. List track of interest.
12/02/2021 04/28/2022
Mary Kay Ash Foundation Innovative/Translational Cancer Research Grant
Send your NIH biosketch (5 pages maximum) and one page (maximum) project summary in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
12/01/2021 02/04/2022
NSF Innovations in Graduate Education (IGE) Program
Send PI and collaborator names and a three page (maximum) project summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline. Refer to all merit review criteria in the solicitation to guide the content of your project summary.
11/30/2021 03/25/2022
NEH National Digital Newspaper Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
11/29/2021 01/13/2022
The Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program
Send your biosketch (5 pages max) & research/teaching statement (2 pages max) focused on your past accomplishments as an independent faculty member, future plans & dedication to education in the chemical sciences in one PDF by the internal deadline.
11/29/2021 02/22/2022
USAID Market Based Resilience for Marginalized Populations (MB-RMP) Activity -- East Africa USAID-Kenya
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
11/22/2021 01/14/2022
HRSA Leadership Education in Adolescent Health (LEAH) Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
11/15/2021 02/01/2022
NSF MPS-Ascend External Mentoring (MPS-Ascend EM)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
11/15/2021 02/15/2022
NSF Ethical and Responsible Research (ER2)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, a two page (maximum) project summary and the proposed title in one PDF document to by the internal deadline. State type of proposal in your project title per the categories in the solicitation.
11/15/2021 02/22/2022
NSF Taking Action: COVID-19 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Challenge
Send PI name, ND collaborators, the chosen category (2, 3 or 4) and a one page (maximum) project description in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
11/09/2021 12/30/2021
NSF Science and Technology Centers: Integrative Partnerships (STC) -- Discovery and Innovation to Address Vexing Scientific and Societal Challenges
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
11/09/2021 02/01/2022
DOS Countering Russian Chemical and Biological Threats
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
11/08/2021 01/31/2022
St. Baldrick's Foundation Scholar (Career Development) Awards
Send your five page (maximum) NIH biosketch and one page (maximum) research statement in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
11/04/2021 12/03/2021
USAID -- Kosovo Private Sector Partnerships to Strengthen Higher Education
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and at least one Kosovar Higher Education Institution, a two page (maximum) project summary based on the merit review criteria and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
11/02/2021 01/05/2022
Brain Research Foundation Seed Grant Program
Send your one page (maximum) research summary and five page (maximum) NIH biosketch in one PDF document to by the internal deadline, using Surname_BRFSeed_2022 in your document filename.
11/01/2021 01/04/2022
CDC National Initiative to Advance Health Equity in K-12 Education by Preventing Chronic Disease and Promoting Healthy Behaviors
Send PI and collaborator names and a two page summary (maximum) with a title in one PDF to prior to the internal deadline date. Include the Priority Number of your proposed project per the solicitation.
11/01/2021 12/18/2021
NSF National Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research Institutes Accelerating Research, Transforming Society, and Growing the American Workforce
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
10/28/2021 01/14/2022
DHHS - HRSA Family-to-Family Health Information Centers
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
10/27/2021 01/05/2022
NIH SUNBEAM - Analysis and Bioinformatics Center (ABC) (UM1 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a four page (maximum) project summary that speaks to the merit review criteria and the proposed title in one PDF document to by the internal interest deadline.
10/26/2021 02/15/2022
ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
10/26/2021 01/07/2022
Carnegie Corporation of New York Andrew Carnegie Fellows 2022
Send your five page (maximum) CV and two page (maximum) research summary/project description to by the internal deadline.
10/25/2021 11/22/2021
NSF Centers for Innovation and Community Engagement in Solid Earth Geohazards
Send the title indicating Track 1 or 2, PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and a four page (maximum) project summary that addresses merit review criteria in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
10/21/2021 11/30/2021
NIH Pediatric Obesity Discovery Science Research to Improve Understanding of Risk and Causal Mechanisms for Obesity in Early Life (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a two page (maximum) project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
10/18/2021 03/08/2022
NSF Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (MRSEC)
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
10/18/2021 06/20/2022
DOS FY 2022 Gandhi-King Scholarly Exchange Initiative
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
10/11/2021 11/22/2021
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Moore Inventor Fellows 2021-2022
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
10/07/2021 11/12/2021
DOS Global Biological Threat Reduction and Border Security
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
10/07/2021 11/22/2021
NIH The NCI Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition Award (F99/K00 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
10/06/2021 11/18/2021
NIH Modern Equipment for Shared-use Biomedical Research Facilities: Advancing Research-Related Operations (R24 Clinical Trials Not Allowed)
Send PI and collaborator names and a two page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date. Address the scored and additional review criteria from the FOA in your summary.
10/05/2021 12/01/2021
DHHS Emerging Infections Sentinel Networks (EISN) Research
Send PI and collaborator names and a one page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date.
09/27/2021 11/01/2021
NSF Facilitator of Polar STEAM (Polar STEAM) -- Polar Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
09/24/2021 02/25/2022
Department of the Interior -- National Park Service Japanese American Confinement Sites Grant Program
Send PI and collaborator names and a one page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date.
09/23/2021 11/09/2021
University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics (UCAH) TEES/JHTO–RPP–2021–003 Request for Proposal and Documents
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
09/23/2021 10/20/2021
VentureWell Course and Program Grants
Send PI name, ND collaborators, the proposed title, a one page (maximum) project summary and the PI's CV in one PDF document to by 11:59 PM Eastern Time before or on the internal deadline.
09/20/2021 11/03/2021
NSF Major Research Instrumentation Program: (MRI) Instrument -- Acquisition or Development
Complete your internal application and submit by the internal deadline. Use your netid and password to access the instructions on the Limited Submissions web page. You will upload your document to a Google Form noted in the instructions..
No late submissions will be accepted.
09/20/2021 01/01/2022
The Blavatnik Family Foundation The Blavatnik National Awards for Young Scientists
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
09/15/2021 10/29/2021
NIH NCI Research Specialist (Clinician Scientist) Award (R50 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, the proposed title and a two page summary (maximum) to by the internal interest deadline.
09/15/2021 02/08/2022
NSF Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) -- Research Partnerships (PFI-RP) track only
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
09/13/2021 01/12/2022
DOE Fiscal Year 2022 Scientific Infrastructure Support for Consolidated Innovative Nuclear Research -- GSI Support
Send PI and collaborator names and a one page (maximum) summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date. See merit review criteria to guide your one page summary.
09/09/2021 11/11/2021
HHMI Gilliam Fellowships for Advanced Study
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
09/08/2021 10/27/2021
USDA -- Natural Resources Conservation Service Conservation Outreach: Racial Equity and Justice Conservation Cooperative Agreements
Send PI and collaborator names and a two page summary (maximum) with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date. Refer to the project proposal template in the NOFO to guide the content of your project summary.
09/07/2021 10/25/2021
DOS Gang Resistance Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.) Program Evaluation and Outcomes Study for El Salvador, Honduras, Panama, and Costa Rica
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
09/02/2021 10/18/2021
NIH Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Independent Careers (MOSAIC) Institutionally-Focused Research Education Award to Promote Diversity (UE5 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name and collaborators, a two page project summary and the proposed title in one PDF to by the internal deadline. Customize your project summary in reference to the review criteria in Section V in the NOFO.
08/31/2021 11/18/2021
Google Google Research -- Google PhD Fellowship Program
Advisors and Mentors please forward -- Ph.D. students forward, in one PDF, their CV, name of primary advisor, Google Research Area and, if relevant, self-identification as underrepresented to by the internal deadline.
08/27/2021 09/30/2021
NEH Summer Stipends
Send PI name, confirmation of eligibility per the solicitation and humanities category as listed in the solicitation and a one page project description in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
08/25/2021 09/22/2021
NIH Collaborative Program Grant for Multidisciplinary Teams (RM1) (Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a two page maximum project summary and the proposed title in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
08/23/2021 01/27/2022
USAID The USAID/Mozambique Broad Agency Announcement for Resilient Coastal Communities
Send PI and collaborator names and a one page summary with a title in PDF format to prior to the internal deadline date. See page 5 of the NOFO for required content of the Expression of Interest to guide your one page summary.
08/19/2021 08/30/2021
U.S. Forest Service Landscape Scale Restoration (LSR)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a two page project summary (maximum) focusing on merit criteria on pages 5-7 in the NOFO and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
08/18/2021 09/24/2021
ORAU Events Sponsorship Program -- Events between 10/1/2021 and 4/30/2022
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
08/16/2021 09/01/2021
NEA 2022 NEA National Heritage Fellowship Awards Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a two page project summary addressing merit review criteria on pages 10 & 11 of the NOFO and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
08/16/2021 09/03/2021
NIH Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (R25)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a two page project summary (focused on the review criteria in the solicitation) and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
08/16/2021 01/27/2022
Library of Congress Of the People: Widening the Path: Community Collections grants to Organizations
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a two page project summary (focused on merit review criteria on pages 13 and 14 of the NOFO) and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
08/12/2021 09/07/2021
NSF Competition for the Management of Operations and Maintenance of the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
08/10/2021 10/01/2021
DOE FY21 Advanced Manufacturing Office Multi-Topic FOA
In one PDF, send PI name, ND and external collaborators, a two page concept note and the proposed title with Topic Number and Name to by the internal deadline. Conform your concept note to the page 64-65 merit review criteria.
08/10/2021 09/10/2021
NRC University Nuclear Leadership Program (formerly the Integrated University Program), Scholarship and Fellowship Education Grant and Faculty Development Grant
Send one PDF with PI name, ND collaborators & a one page project summary to List area of interest -- Scholarship, Fellowship or Faculty Development -- and tailor your summary to the criteria listed on pp. 25-26 of the NOFO.
08/09/2021 10/04/2021
USAID Surveillance for Malaria Elimination (S4ME) Activity -- Ethiopia USAID-Addis Ababa
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators & their organizations, a 2 page project summary & the proposed title to by the internal deadline. Conform the project summary to the merit review criteria on pp. 56-57 in the NOFO.
08/09/2021 09/10/2021
TD Bank 2021 TD Ready Challenge
In a one page PDF, send alignment of research & solutions for pandemic-related learning loss in math & reading for disproportionately impacted students in grades K-12 & confirmation of geographical eligibility to by the internal deadline.
08/05/2021 08/26/2021
The Greenwall Foundation Faculty Scholars Program in Bioethics -- For Junior Faculty
Send your CV (five pages maximum) and a one page research project summary in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
08/02/2021 09/20/2021
EPA Children’s Healthy Learning Environments in Low-Income and/or Minority Communities
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
07/29/2021 09/10/2021
USAID Civil Society Resilience Strengthening activity in Serbia -- Prime Organization
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
07/27/2021 08/30/2021
NSF 2024 American National Election Study Competition (ANES)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
07/22/2021 09/20/2021
NSF Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science (NSF INCLUDES) NSF INCLUDES Alliances
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
07/20/2021 10/05/2021
DOS Building a Regional Community of Practice Against Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing (IUUF)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
07/20/2021 08/09/2021
DOE Advancing Wave Energy Technologies through Open Water Testing at PacWave
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a two page project summary (addressing concept paper elements on page 41 of the FOA) and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
07/20/2021 08/13/2021
DOD -- AFOSR 2021 (FY21) Defense Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (DEPSCoR) – Capacity Building
Send listing of ND project participants and a three page maximum project summary addressing criteria one through four on page 37 of the solicitation to by the internal deadline.
07/19/2021 09/20/2021
University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics (UCAH) Core Projects -- TEES/JHTO-RPP-2021-001
Submit your PDF document (two pages maximum) that includes Topic Name and Number, names of co-PIs, Abstract, Objectives statement and Benefits of Proposed Solutions as related to the Statement of Need by the internal deadline. Put CORE in the filename.
07/16/2021 07/26/2021
University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics (UCAH) Challenge Projects -- TEES/JHTO–RPP–2021–002
Submit your PDF document (two pages maximum) that includes Topic Name and Number, co-PI names, Abstract, Objectives statement and Benefits of Proposed Solutions as related to the Statement of Need by the internal deadline. Put CHALLENGE in the filename.
07/16/2021 08/02/2021
The Kinship Foundation Searle Scholars Program
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page (link below), then use your netid and password.
07/15/2021 09/30/2021
NEH Infrastructure and Capacity Building Challenge Grants
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline. Indicate Capital Project or Digital Infrastructure track.
07/14/2021 09/28/2021
Alfred P Sloan Foundation Sloan Fellowship
Send your NIH biosketch and one page statement describing your significant scientific work and immediate research plans (include your Research Area in your one page header) in one PDF by the internal deadline.
07/13/2021 09/15/2021
USAID Supporting Local Civil Society and Human Rights in Cuba
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
07/12/2021 07/30/2021
NSF Community Facility Support: Synchrotron-based analytical capabilities advancing Earth and Environmental Sciences research and training
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
07/12/2021 03/04/2022
NSF GERMINATION: Germination of Research Questions for Addressing Critical Societal Challenges
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
07/08/2021 09/27/2021
NEA American Rescue Plan Grants to Organizations
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
07/08/2021 08/12/2021
DOS -- U.S. Mission to Vietnam Battery Energy Storage System Pilot (BESSP)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
07/06/2021 07/30/2021
NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) Program
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
07/06/2021 09/06/2021
DOC -- NIST Manufacturing USA Technology Roadmap (MfgTech) Grant Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
07/01/2021 08/17/2021
DOS -- U.S. Mission to Singapore Supporting U.S. Cybersecurity Capacity Building for ASEAN Countries
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
06/28/2021 07/23/2021
DOS Administrative Support – American Spaces in Sri Lanka
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
06/24/2021 07/15/2021
DOJ BJA FY 21 Preventing School Violence: BJA’s STOP School Violence Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline. Category 2 is relevant to Notre Dame.
06/24/2021 08/02/2021
DOS Promoting American Leadership, Values, and Economic Prosperity in Artificial Intelligence
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
06/21/2021 07/21/2021
Keck Foundation Research Program
Complete your internal application and send to by the internal deadline. Click on the PDF icon below and use your netid and password to access the internal application instructions.
06/21/2021 11/01/2021
NIH Resource Center for the Support for Research Excellence (SuRE) Program (U24 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
06/17/2021 09/24/2021
NIH Launching Future Leaders in Global Health (LAUNCH) Research Training Program (D43 Clinical Trial Optional)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
06/17/2021 08/20/2021
DOS Global Telecommunications and Emerging Technology Training
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
06/17/2021 07/12/2021
DOS Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Returning Families of Foreign Terrorist Fighters
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
06/14/2021 07/13/2021
DOS Mitigating Bias and Countering Discrimination Training Development
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
06/10/2021 07/21/2021
The Edward Mallinckrodt, Jr. Foundation Mallinckrodt Grant Program
Submit your two-page project summary (including why this support is essential to move the project forward to the point where R01 or other independent funding can be obtained) and your NIH biosketch in one PDF document by the internal deadline.
06/07/2021 08/01/2021
NEA Our Town
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
06/07/2021 08/05/2021
NSF ADVANCE -- Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline. List track of interest.
06/01/2021 08/02/2021
DOS Public outreach to address demand for endangered and protected species in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
05/26/2021 06/26/2021
1907 Research 1907 Trailblazer Award -- For early career scientists to investigate the causes and cures of mental illness
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. In one PDF document, list your name and address section C/"Novel Idea Advice" in 500 words or fewer --
05/26/2021 06/15/2021
USAID Civil Society and Media - Strengthened Together and Advancing in New Directions (CSM-STAND) -- Prime
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
05/18/2021 06/02/2021
DOE Quantum Horizons: QIS Research and Innovation for Nuclear Science
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
05/14/2021 06/18/2021
NIH NIH Director’s Early Independence Awards (DP5 Clinical Trial Optional)
Confirm eligibility per restrictions in the solicitation, prepare a two page maximum research strategy and your current NIH-format biosketch in one PDF document and send to by the internal deadline.
05/12/2021 09/03/2021
DOS Countering Violent Extremist Ideology
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal interest date.
05/11/2021 06/22/2021
The William T. Grant Foundation 2021 Scholars Program
Submit a one page PDF that 1) confirms your eligibility; 2) identifies 1-2 mentors (from any institution) who could provide references & mentorship if you are selected; & 3) describes the alignment between your research & the Foundation's focus areas.
05/10/2021 06/16/2021
DOS FY 2022 Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
05/10/2021 06/30/2021
NEA Grants for Arts Projects
See Choose your area in the drop down box, describe your concept using what NEA outlines as a competitive project and submit your 2 page PDF by the internal deadline.
05/10/2021 07/08/2021
NIH Hubs of Interdisciplinary Research and Training in Global Environmental and Occupational Health (GEOHealth) – Research Training (Collaborative U2R Clinical Trial Optional)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
05/05/2021 07/08/2021
NSF CyberCorps(R) Scholarship for Service (SFS) Defending America's Cyberspace
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a two page project summary focused on Additional Solicitation Specific Review Criteria and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
05/05/2021 07/28/2021
NIH Centers for Multiple Chronic Diseases Associated with Health Disparities: Prevention, Treatment, and Management (P50 Clinical Trial Required)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
05/04/2021 06/11/2021
Breast Cancer Alliance Young Investigator Grants
Send your one page project summary and biosketch in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
05/03/2021 07/23/2021
DOS FY 2021 TechGirls Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
04/29/2021 06/04/2021
Brain Research Foundation Scientific Innovations Award
For full-time associate or full professors, send your one page research summary and NIH biosketch in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
04/29/2021 06/24/2021
NIH Bridges to the Doctorate Research Training Program (T32)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
04/29/2021 09/28/2021
The Pew Foundation Pew Biomedical Scholars
Send your two (2) page maximum research summary and NIH biosketch in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
04/27/2021 05/17/2021
NIH NIMHD Multiple Chronic Disease Disparities Research Coordinating Center (RCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
04/26/2021 06/11/2021
DOE Data Reduction for Science
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
04/22/2021 05/06/2021
DOS FY 2021 Professional Fellows Congress
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
04/21/2021 06/07/2021
DOE FY21 BETO Scale-up and Conversion FOA DE-FOA-0002396 -- for Topic Area 1b (Pilot for Biofuels and Bioproducts) and Topic Area 1c (Demonstration for Biofuels and Bioproducts)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title including the Topic Area to by the internal deadline.
04/20/2021 04/30/2021
HRSA Screening and Interventions for Adverse Childhood Experiences in Primary Care Settings Demonstration Project
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
04/19/2021 05/17/2021
USAID Communities REsilient to DIsinformation Building Local Engagement (CREDIBLE)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
04/14/2021 05/03/2021
NIH NLM Institutional Grants for Research Training in Biomedical Informatics and Data Science (T15 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
04/13/2021 05/14/2021
NIH Program to Advance the Career Development of Scientists from Diverse Backgrounds Conducting Nutrition, Obesity, Diabetes, and Related Research (U24 Clinical Trial Optional)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
04/13/2021 06/17/2021
DOE Data-Intensive Scientific Machine Learning and Analysis -- Lead
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
04/12/2021 05/27/2021
VentureWell Sustainable Design Faculty Grants Guidelines (Spring 2021)
Send PI name and CV and a one page project summary with the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
04/08/2021 05/19/2021
USGS National Climate Adaptation Science Center Program (NCASC) -- Host Institution (Midwest)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a two page maximum project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
04/07/2021 06/14/2021
DOE Flow Battery Systems Manufacturing FOA
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
04/07/2021 04/29/2021
DHS Insider Threats in American Law Enforcement -- Lead
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
04/07/2021 05/16/2021
DOE EXPRESS: Randomized Algorithms for Extreme-Scale Science
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
04/06/2021 04/16/2021
DOE Data Science to Advance Chemical and Materials Sciences -- Lead
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
03/30/2021 06/01/2021
DOE Critical Minerals & Materials: Chemical and Materials Sciences Research on Rare Earth and Platinum Group Elements -- Lead or Sole Applicant
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations (if relevant), a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
03/29/2021 04/12/2021
NRC U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), Research and Development Grant, Fiscal Year (FY) 2021
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
03/29/2021 05/14/2021
DOE Entanglement Management and Control in Transparent Optical Quantum Networks -- Lead
Send PI name, ND collaborators, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
03/25/2021 05/17/2021
DOS DRL Programs for Protection of Migrant Domestic Workers in Lebanon
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
03/24/2021 05/10/2021
American Council of Learned Societies Emerging Voices Fellowships
For recent Ph.D.s in the humanities and humanistic social sciences -- Submit your CV (two pages maximum) and a dissertation abstract (one page maximum, single-spaced) in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
03/23/2021 04/19/2021
DOE Industrial Assessment Centers
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
03/18/2021 04/22/2021
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation 2021 Rebuilding Better RFP
Send PI name, ND collaborators, a one page project summary including the chosen track per the solicitation and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
03/17/2021 04/05/2021
NEH Infrastructure and Capacity Building Challenge Grants
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline. Indicate Capital Project or Digital Infrastructure track.
03/16/2021 05/18/2021
DOE Materials and Chemical Sciences Research for Direct Air Capture of Carbon Dioxide -- Single Applicant or Lead
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
03/15/2021 03/30/2021
NSF Scholarships in STEM Network (S-STEM-Net)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline. Indicate interest in Resource & Evaluation Center or Research Hub track.
03/11/2021 06/16/2021
EDA Build to Scale (B2S) Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline. Note interest in Venture or Capital challenge.
03/11/2021 04/29/2021
DOS FY 2021 Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
03/10/2021 04/23/2021
Breast Cancer Alliance Exceptional Project Grants
In one PDF, include 1) your one page LOI with the project title and hypothesis, an outline of the research aim(s) and methods, and a discussion of the project’s potential impact and 2) your CV in the current NIH biosketch format by the internal deadline.
03/10/2021 04/01/2021
NIH Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (U-RISE) (T34)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
03/09/2021 05/26/2021
DOS DRL FY2020: Global Participation and Protection of Women Civil Society Activists, Journalists, and Peacebuilders
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
03/04/2021 04/19/2021
NIH Maximizing Access to Research Careers (T34)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
03/04/2021 04/26/2021
DOS FY 2021 Request for Concept Notes for Humanitarian Research
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline. List the topic area of interest per page 3 of the solicitation.
03/01/2021 03/19/2021
DOJ FY 2021 Continuation of the Federal Justice Statistics Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
03/01/2021 03/30/2021
USAID President's Malaria Initiative Eliminate Malaria (PMI-EM) Activity -- Burma USAID - Rangoon
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
02/22/2021 03/15/2021
NEA Challenge America
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
02/22/2021 04/22/2021
NIH Human Immunology Project Consortium (HIPC) Coordinating Center (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, the proposed title and a one page project summary to by the internal deadline.
02/18/2021 06/04/2021
NSF Innovation Corps Hubs Program (I-CorpsTM Hubs)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
02/18/2021 04/01/2021
NIH Human Immunology Project Consortium (HIPC) (U19 Clinical Trial Optional)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, the proposed title and a one page project summary in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
02/17/2021 06/04/2021
DOE Chemical Upcycling of Polymers -- Lead
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page project summary and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
02/17/2021 03/10/2021
NIH Screening for Conditions by Electronic Nose Technology (SCENT) (U01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal deadline. Include a one page (maximum) project summary. Submit document in PDF format.
02/15/2021 06/10/2021
EPA Innovative Water Infrastructure Workforce Development Grant Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal deadline. Include a one page maximum project summary that includes the Project Number and Title per the solicitation.
02/11/2021 03/26/2021
DOE X-Stack: Programming Environments for Scientific Computing
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
02/08/2021 03/01/2021
USAID The Microbicide 2021 Introduction and Access Project
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, the proposed title and a one page project summary in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
02/08/2021 03/28/2021
NSF Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Coordination Ecosystem: Services & Support - Coordination Office (ACCESS-ACO) -- Lead
Send PI name, ND collaborators & external collaborators to by the internal deadline. Include a 3 page maximum (PDF) description of your Executive Council Plan, External Advisory Plan & Communications & Outreach Plan per the solicitation..
02/08/2021 06/16/2021
NSF Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Coordination Ecosystem: Services & Support (ACCESS) -- Lead
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, the proposed title, a one page project summary and Track Number 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 in PDF format to by the internal deadline.
02/04/2021 06/16/2021
NSF Enabling Quantum Leap: Quantum Interconnect Challenges for Transformational Advances in Quantum Systems (QuIC-TAQS)
Send your one page project summary and one page project description per the directions in the solicitation for the pre-proposal to by the internal deadline. Send the document as one PDF.
02/01/2021 04/12/2021
Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship
Send your CV, eligibility statement and self-identification as a member of a group underrepresented in the field of computing (if relevant) per the solicitation and your 2 page research statement in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
02/01/2021 02/22/2021
DOJ OVW Fiscal Year 2021 Grants to Reduce Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking on Campus Program Solicitation
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
02/01/2021 03/02/2021
NIH Biomedical Research Facilities (C06 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, the proposed title and a 1 page maximum PDF project overview per the solicitation to by the internal deadline.
02/01/2021 03/17/2021
ORAU Events Sponsorship Program -- Events between 5/1/2021 and 9/30/2021
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
Send questions to Do not contact the institutional ORAU Councilor at this point in the process. Thank you in advance.
02/01/2021 03/01/2021
USAID Reducing Pollution -- Vietnam
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
01/28/2021 03/01/2021
NIH Tuberculosis Research Advancement Centers (P30 Clinical Trials Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
01/25/2021 06/15/2021
NIH NCI Pathway to Independence Award for Outstanding Early Stage Postdoctoral Researchers (K99/R00 - Independent Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required)
Send your name, institutional mentor name, confirmation of eligibility and NIH biosketch, and scientific area (data science, cancer control science or other sciences) as described per the solicitation by the internal deadline.
01/21/2021 02/26/2021
NIH NCI Pathway to Independence Award for Outstanding Early Stage Postdoctoral Researchers (K99/R00 - Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send your name, institutional mentor name, confirmation of eligibility and NIH biosketch, and scientific area (data science, cancer control science or other sciences) as described per the solicitation by the internal deadline.
01/21/2021 02/26/2021
NIH New Chemistries for Un-drugged Targets through A Specialized Platform for Innovative Research Exploration (ASPIRE) Collaborative Research Program (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trials Not Allowed)
Your internal application includes PI and collaborators, an overview of the collaboration plan and an overview of the milestone plan per the solicitation in one PDF not to exceed 4 pages total sent to by the internal deadline.
01/21/2021 07/08/2021
NIH NCI Pathway to Independence Award for Outstanding Early Stage Postdoctoral Researchers (K99/R00 - Independent Clinical Trial Required)
Send your name, institutional mentor name, confirmation of eligibility and NIH biosketch, and scientific area (data science, cancer control science or other sciences) as described per the solicitation by the internal deadline.
01/21/2021 02/26/2021
DHS S&T Engineering Secure Environments from Targeted Attacks (ESE) Center of Excellence (COE) - Lead
Your completed internal application is one PDF (5 pages maximum) addressing Leadership (p. 18-20 of the call) and specific Research Questions your team will address (p. 29 of the call -- use Table 1 as a guide) submitted by the internal deadline.
01/18/2021 03/10/2021
NIH A Multidisciplinary Approach to Study Vaccine-elicited Immunity and Efficacy against Malaria (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
01/14/2021 02/08/2021
NEA Grants for Arts Projects
See Choose your area in the drop down box, describe your concept using what NEA outlines as a competitive project and submit your 2 page PDF by the internal deadline.
01/14/2021 02/11/2021
The Henry Luce Foundation Theology Program -- Advancing Public Knowledge on Race, Justice, and Religion in America
Send PI name, collaborators, the proposed title and a one page project summary in one PDF document to by the internal deadline. Questions? Contact Amanda Retartha at and Suzanne DeGuilio at
01/11/2021 02/15/2021
NIH Research Experience in Genomic Research for Data Scientists (R25)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
01/11/2021 05/25/2021
USDA-NIFA Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research Grants Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
01/08/2021 02/24/2021
NIH Faculty Institutional Recruitment for Sustainable Transformation (FIRST) Program: FIRST Coordination and Evaluation Center
Send PI name, collaborators and the proposed title to by the internal deadline. Include a 3 page maximum summary of the research strategy per the solicitation, with a focus on data standardization across FIRST Cohort awardees
01/08/2021 03/01/2021
NIH Faculty Institutional Recruitment for Sustainable Transformation (FIRST) Program: FIRST Cohort (U54 Clinical Trial Optional)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal deadline. Submit a three page maximum overview of how the project will address Goals 1, 2 and 3 per the solicitation.
01/07/2021 03/01/2021
NSF Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) -- Research Partnerships (PFI-RP) track only
Send PI name and affiliation, the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
01/07/2021 02/10/2021
DOE Materials and Chemical Sciences Research for Quantum Information Science -- Lead Institution
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
01/07/2021 01/27/2021
CDC Clinical and Applied Research Strategies for the Prevention and Control of Fungal Diseases
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, a one page (maximum) project summary and the proposed title in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
01/05/2021 02/15/2022


Sponsor Opportunity Internal Expression of Interest Deadline Sponsor Application Deadline
DOE Scientific Discovery Through Advanced Computing: Partnerships in Basic Energy Sciences
Send PI name, collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal deadline. Include description of the topic, objectives, and technical approach of the proposed research (maximum two pages).
12/16/2020 04/06/2021
HRSA Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disorders Training Program (LEND)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
12/15/2020 02/16/2021
DOS Kenya Community Grant Initiative - Data Collection Platform
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
12/14/2020 01/01/2021
CDC Reducing Inequities in Cancer Outcomes through Community-Based Interventions on Social Determinants of Health
Send PI name and collaborators and their organizations to by the internal deadline. Include proposed title, intention of Component A, B or C and one page maximum summary of specific aims per page 25 of the solicitation.
12/14/2020 02/10/2021
NSF National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) Program
Complete your internal application and send to by the internal deadline. Click on the PDF icon at the Limited Submissions page and use your netid and password to access the internal application instructions.
12/14/2020 02/25/2021
American Honda Foundation Community Grants
Send PI name, ND collaborators and the proposed title to by the internal deadline. Include a one page maximum description of your youth education program focused on STEM, the environment, job training and/or literacy.
12/10/2020 02/01/2021
DOS DRL Internet Freedom Annual Program Statement -- Lead Institution
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal deadline. Include theme is of interest: technology, digital safety, policy & advocacy, or applied research.
12/09/2020 03/05/2021
USAID Investing in Resilient Families
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal deadline. Include expected results intended (p. 12 of the call) and partnership model intended (pp. 15-16 of the call).
12/08/2020 01/04/2021
DOS FY 2021 TechWomen Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
12/07/2020 01/21/2021
NIH Understanding the Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Gastroparesis in Adults and Children (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
12/03/2020 03/03/2021
NIH Environmental Health Sciences Core Centers (EHSCC) (P30 Clinical Trial Optional)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
12/02/2020 04/16/2021
CDC -- DHHS Conducting Research to Inform Pandemic Response and Recovery of Emergency-Affected Populations by Determining Public Health Needs, Improving Methods, and Integrating Services to Mitigate Morbidity and Mortality
Send PI name, collaborators and their organizations, proposed title, objective(s) of focus (per page 3 of the solicitation) and WHO region(s) of focus (page 17 of the solicitation) to by the internal deadline.
11/30/2020 02/18/2021
University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics -- Texas A&M and DOD Project Call
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations to by the internal deadline. List technology area and topic area by both name and number (per the solicitation) with a 5-6 sentence maximum description.
11/30/2020 02/14/2020
CDC -- DHHS Promoting the Importance of Infant and Childhood Vaccination Among Pregnant Women by Prenatal Care Providers
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
11/30/2020 02/02/2021
DHHS - HRSA Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Leadership, Education, and Advancement in Undergraduate Pathways (LEAP) Training Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
11/30/2020 01/07/2021
USDA Women and Minorities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Fields Program (WAMS)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
11/19/2020 01/21/2021
USAID YouthPower 2 (YP2) Annual Program Statement (APS)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, the proposed title and a two page (maximum) project summary addressing proposed approach and organizational capacity to by the internal deadline.
11/18/2020 03/29/2021
The Mary Kay Foundation Innovative/Translational Cancer Research Grant
Send NIH biosketch and one page maximum project summary to by the internal deadline.
Use your netid and password to view additional information about the opportunity.
11/18/2020 02/05/2021
NEA National Folklife Network
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
11/17/2020 12/17/2020
DOE Energy Program for Innovation Clusters (EPIC)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
11/17/2020 02/03/2021
DOS FY20 DRL Statements of Interest for China
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
11/16/2020 12/02/2021
NEH National Digital Newspaper Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
11/12/2020 01/14/2021
DOE Computational Chemical Sciences
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, proposed title and a one page (maximum) project summary to by the internal deadline.
11/12/2020 02/08/2021
The Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation The Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program
Send your biosketch (5 pages) and research/teaching statement (2 pages) focused on your past accomplishments as an independent faculty member, future plans and dedication to education in the chemical sciences in one PDF by the internal deadline.
11/12/2020 02/04/2021
DOS FY 21 Reducing Revisionist State Biological and Chemical Weapons Threats
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
11/10/2020 01/29/2021
DOS FY21 Global Biosecurity Engagement Activities
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
11/10/2020 01/29/2021
DOS FY21 Chemical Security Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
11/09/2020 01/29/2021
Brain Research Foundation Brain Research Foundation Seed Grant Program
Send your expression of interest including your biosketch (5 pages maximum) and your research summary (1 page maximum) in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
11/05/2020 01/05/2020
NSF Ethical and Responsible Research (ER2)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, proposed title, proposal type (standard/transformation, conference or incubation) and a 1 page project summary to by the internal interest deadline.
11/05/2020 02/22/2021
DOS FY21 Countering North Korean WMD Proliferation
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, the proposed title and title of the funding opportunity to by the internal interest deadline.
11/02/2020 01/29/2021
DOS FY 21 Counter Russian Malign Influence
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
11/02/2020 01/29/2021
DOS FY21 Countering WMD Threats in Iraq
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, the proposed title and title of the funding opportunity to by the internal interest deadline.
11/02/2020 01/29/2021
DOS FY21 Countering the People's Republic of China Military Civil Fusion (MCF) Strategy and Balancing Risks and Rewards of Emerging Technologies with WMD
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, the proposed title and title of the funding opportunity to by the internal interest deadline.
11/02/2020 01/29/2021
DOS FY 21 Partnership for Nuclear Threat Reduction
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
10/29/2020 01/29/2021
DHHS-HRSA Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Leadership, Education, and Advancement in Undergraduate Pathways (LEAP) Training Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
10/28/2020 01/07/2021
St. Baldrick’s Foundation St. Baldrick's Scholar Award (Career Development)
Send your expression of interest including your biosketch (5 pages maximum) and your research summary (1 page maximum) in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
10/28/2020 12/04/2020
ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
10/28/2020 01/08/2020
Carnegie Corporation of New York Andrew Carnegie Fellows 2021
Send in one PDF document your CV (5 pages maximum) and your research summary/project description (2 pages maximum) by the internal deadline. Note eligibility requirements in the solicitation.
10/19/2020 11/17/2020
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Global Grand Challenges -- Balance the Equation - A Grand Challenge for Algebra 1 -- Lead Organization
Send PI name, ND collaborators, the proposed title and a one page (maximum) project summary to by the internal interest deadline.
10/19/2020 11/06/2020
NSF Major Research Instrumentation Program: (MRI)
Click on the PDF icon below, then use your netid and password. You will submit your internal application to a Google Form by 11:59 PM Eastern 10/15/20. The link is embedded in the PDF instructions for the internal application.
The submission form URL is embedded in the PDF instructions, and requires your netid and password. Proposers are encouraged to contact Dr. Rick Billo prior to 10/12/2020 to discuss their proposal.
10/15/2020 01/01/2020
The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Moore Inventor Fellows 2020-2021
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline.
Click on this PDF icon, then use your netid and password to access the internal instructions.
10/14/2020 11/16/2020
CDC Implementing and Evaluating a Data-to-Care Rx Strategy RFA-PS-21-004
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
10/14/2020 01/05/2020
CDC Monitoring Cause-specific School Absenteeism for Estimating Community-wide Influenza and SARS-CoV-2 Transmission (RFA-CK-21-003)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, the proposed title and a one page (maximum) description of specific aims (p. 15 of the solicitation) to by the internal interest deadline.
10/13/2020 12/18/2020
CDC Emerging Infections Network - Research for Preventing, Detecting, and Managing Travelers who Acquire Infectious Diseases Abroad
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, the proposed title and a one page (maximum) description of specific aims (p. 20 of the solicitation) to by the internal interest deadline.
10/12/2020 12/18/2020
DHHS - HRSA Rural Health Research Dissemination Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
10/12/2020 11/17/2020
NIH Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (R25 - Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
10/09/2020 01/27/2021
VentureWell Faculty Grants
Send PI name, ND collaborators and the proposed title to by the internal interest date. Include a one page (maximum) summary of "context" of your project as described in the guidelines for the competition.
10/08/2020 11/04/2020
NIH Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Independent Careers (MOSAIC) Institutionally-Focused Research Education Award to Promote Diversity (UE5 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
10/08/2020 12/14/2020
NIH Collaborative Program Grant for Multidisciplinary Teams (RM1 - Clinical Trial Optional)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline. You may be asked to provide additional information after the close of the internal deadline.
09/28/2020 01/27/2021
NSF Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) -- PFI-RP Track Only
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
09/22/2020 01/08/2020
NSF Advanced Computing Systems & Services: Adapting to the Rapid Evolution of Science and Engineering Research -- Lead
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
09/17/2020 12/03/2020
Johnson & Johnson The WiSTEM2D Scholars Award Program
Send 1) your 3 page resume -- include a list of publications, presentations, abstracts, current financial support & other folio work & 2) your 2 page proposed research -- include the name of your category in one PDF document by the internal deadline.
09/17/2020 10/14/2020
New York Academy of Sciences Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
09/17/2020 10/28/2020
DOE Fiscal Year 2021 Scientific Infrastructure Support for Consolidated Innovative Nuclear Research
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
09/15/2020 11/12/2020
NIH The NCI Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition Award (F99/K00 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
09/14/2020 11/18/2020
NSF ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions (ADVANCE) -- IT-Preliminary, Adaptation, Catalyst or Partnership as Lead Organization
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline. Note which track is of interest to the proposing team in the expression of interest message.
09/14/2020 11/03/2020
DOE Fiscal Year 2021 Consolidated Innovative Nuclear Research
Send PI name, ND collaborators and the proposed NEET or NSUF track to by 12 Noon Eastern of the internal interest deadline. Three submissions only relevant to themes in Appendix B. Mandatory LOI for NSUF is 9/16/2020.
09/11/2020 09/16/2020
NSF National Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research Institutes Accelerating Research, Transforming Society, and Growing the American Workforce
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations, the proposed title and a one page project summary per the solicitation to in one PDF by 12 Midnight Eastern of the internal interest deadline.
09/04/2020 12/04/2020
USAID Critical Infrastructure Digitalization and Resilience (CIDR) Addendum to the 2020 Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity (CIC) Annual Program Statement (APS) No. 7200AA20APS00017
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
09/03/2020 10/14/2020
NSF Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Pathways into the Earth, Ocean, Polar and Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences (IUSE:GEOPAths)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
09/02/2020 11/17/2020
NSF Advancing Digitization of Biodiversity Collections (ADBC)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed Thematic Collections Networks (TCN) title to by the internal interest deadline.
08/31/2020 10/09/2020
NIH Collaborative Centers in Children's Environmental Health Research and Translation (P2C Clinical Trial Optional)
Send PI and Deputy Director names, collaborators and their affiliations and proposed title to by the internal deadline. Address qualifications regarding the additional eligibility criteria listed in the FOA in a one page maximum summary.
08/28/2020 11/23/2020
Google Ph.D. Fellowship 2021 -- Computer Science or related field -- Eligible to those who have completed coursework by fall of the award year
Advisors and Mentors please forward -- Ph.D. students forward their CV, name of primary advisor, Google Research Area and, if relevant, self-identification as underrepresented per the solicitation in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
08/27/2020 09/30/2020
NSF Harnessing the Data Revolution: Coordination Hub (HDR Central)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal deadline.
08/27/2020 11/12/2020
NSF Innovations in Graduate Education (IGE) Program
Send expression of interest indicating Grant or Hub to Include proposed title and names of collaborators. For "Grant", describe the innovation in one page. For "Hub", describe experience facilitating a national network in one page.
08/20/2020 11/04/2020
NIH Emergency Awards: RADx-rad Data Coordination Center (DCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
08/19/2020 09/18/2020
The Greenwall Foundation Faculty Scholars Program
Send your completed internal application to by the internal interest deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
08/19/2020 09/21/2020
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Sloan Research Fellowships
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
08/18/2020 09/15/2020
NIH Emergency Awards: Exosome-based Non-traditional Technologies Towards Multi-Parametric and Integrated Approaches for SARS-CoV-2 (U18 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
08/18/2020 09/18/2020
DOS Empowerment and Access for People with Disabilities in Kisangani
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
08/17/2020 09/08/2020
NIH Emergency Awards RADx-RAD: Screening for COVID-19 by Electronic-Nose Technology (SCENT) (U18 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
08/17/2020 09/18/2020
NEH Summer Stipends
Send PI name, confirmation of eligibility per the solicitation and humanities category as listed in the solicitation to by the internal interest deadline.
Open to U.S. citizens & foreign nationals living in the U.S. for 3 years preceding the 9/23/20 deadline. Projects in the social sciences and sciences that employ humanistic research methods are also eligible.
08/10/2020 09/23/2020
DOS Virtual Civic Engagement to Strengthen Democracy in Africa
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
07/22/2020 08/17/2020
DOS Public Affairs Abuja Annual Program Statement
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
07/20/2020 08/15/2020
DOS U.S. Embassy Abuja Northwest Programs
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
07/16/2020 07/31/2020
DOS U.S. Subject Matter Experts Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
07/13/2020 08/15/2020
DOS English Access and Advance
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
07/13/2020 08/15/2020
DOS English Language Exchanges Support
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
07/13/2020 08/15/2020
DOS English Language Teaching Logistical Support
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
07/13/2020 08/15/2020
The Kinship Foundation Searle Scholars Program
Send your completed internal application to by the internal interest deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
Applicants should have begun their appointment as an independent investigator at the assistant professor level on or after July 1, 2019.
07/13/2020 09/30/2020
DOS Exchanges Support
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest date.
07/13/2020 08/15/2020
DOS Uncovering the Hidden Costs of Using Untrusted Vendors for 5G
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline. Note that the FOA was posted July 7 and that one cooperative agreement is intended.
07/13/2020 07/24/2020
DOS Demonstrating and Supporting U.S. Values and Leadership in the Global Scientific Enterprise
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline. Indicate which of the five theme areas is of relevance to your expression of interest.
07/13/2020 08/10/2020
DOS Russian-American History Showcase - Online
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
07/13/2020 08/15/2020
DOS Moscow American Center Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
07/13/2020 08/15/2020
DOS Ukraine: Undergraduate Academic Exchange in STEM and Entrepreneurship
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
07/07/2020 08/01/2020
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Imaging Scientists
Send your completed internal application to by the internal interest deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
Applications are accepted from those affiliated with an imaging core.
07/07/2020 07/30/2020
DOS The Next 70 Years: NATO in 2089
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline. Note which priority area is targeted from the nine listed in the solicitation.
07/06/2020 07/31/2020
NIH Emergency Awards: RADx-UP Coordination and Data Collection Center (CDCC) (U24 Clinical Trial Optional)
Send PI name, NIH bio sketch, ND collaborators and a one page project summary in one PDF document to by the internal interest deadline.
06/30/2020 08/07/2020
NEA Our Town
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
06/24/2020 08/06/2020
DOS Mekong Connections: Supporting Governance, Transparency and Local Voices
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
06/24/2020 08/03/2020
DOS U.S.-Rwanda Training Program and Mentorship Exchange on University Advancement and International Partnerships
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
06/17/2020 06/30/2020
DOS Building Leaders for Cuban Civil Society
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
06/17/2020 07/27/2020
NEA Grants for Arts Projects
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
06/16/2020 07/09/2020
NIH NIH Director’s Emergency Early Independence Awards (DP5 Clinical Trial Optional)
Send your NIH biosketch and research summary (2 pages maximum) in one PDF document to by the internal interest deadline. Name your document YourSurname_CovidResponse.pdf
06/16/2020 09/04/2020
NIH NIH Director’s Early Independence Awards (DP5 Clinical Trial Optional)
Send your NIH biosketch and research summary (2 pages maximum) in one PDF document to by the internal interest deadline.
06/16/2020 09/04/2020
Keck Foundation Research Grants
Send your completed internal application to by the internal interest deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
06/15/2020 11/01/2020
DOS Women’s Empowerment Through Economic Inclusion -- Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
06/11/2020 06/28/2020
NIH Enhancing Science, Technology, EnginEering, and Math Educational Diversity (ESTEEMED) Research Education Experiences (R25)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
06/11/2020 07/24/2020
DOE FY20 Advanced Manufacturing Office Multi-Topic FOA
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline. Include number and title of sub-topic of interest from the FOA.
06/03/2020 06/25/2020
DOE FY2020 AMO Critical Materials FOA: Next‐Generation Technologies and Field Validation
Send PI name, department and ND collaborators to by the internal interest deadline. List whether Track One or Track Two is your focus and include a proposed title of your project.
06/01/2020 06/25/2020
The Edward Mallinckrodt, Jr. Foundation Grant
Send your two-page project summary and NIH biosketch in one PDF document to by the internal interest deadline. Applicants should be in the first to fourth year of their tenure track faculty position and not have current R01 funding.
06/01/2020 08/01/2020
NSF Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) -- Research Partnerships (PFI-RP) track only
Send PI name and affiliation, the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal interest deadline.
06/01/2020 07/08/2020
NIH Tuberculosis Research Units (U19 Clinical Trial Optional)
Send PI Name, all ND collaborators and proposed project title to by the internal interest deadline.
05/27/2020 09/28/2020
USAID Innovation-Based Economic Development and Private Sector Growth in Belarus (INNOVATE) Activity
Send PI Name, all ND collaborators and proposed project title to by the internal interest deadline.
05/27/2020 06/08/2020
Institute of Museum and Library Services IMLS CARES Act Grants for Museums and Libraries
Send PI name, collaborators and organizational unit expressing interest, proposed title and data on high need communities as described on page four of the solicitation if addressing digital inclusion to by the internal interest deadline.
05/26/2020 06/12/2020
NSF Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science (NSF INCLUDES) NSF INCLUDES Alliances -- Lead
Send PI Name, all ND collaborators and proposed project title to by the internal interest deadline.
05/21/2020 10/05/2020
Breast Cancer Alliance Young Investigator Grants
Send a one page project summary and NIH format biosketch to by the internal interest date.
05/20/2020 07/24/2020
NSF Panel Study of Income Dynamics Competition (PSID)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
05/20/2020 08/04/2020
Brain Research Foundation 2021 Scientific Innovations Award
For full-time associate or full professors, send your two page research summary and NIH biosketch to by the internal interest date.
05/18/2020 06/25/2020
USAID STOP Spillover
Send PI name, names and titles of ND and non-ND collaborators and proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
05/11/2020 06/01/2020
NIH Artificial Intelligence and Technology Collaboratories for Aging Research (P30 – Clinical Trial Optional)
Send PI Name, all ND collaborators and proposed project title to by the internal interest deadline.
05/05/2020 10/01/2020
DOJ The National Center on Restorative Justice -- FY 2020 Competitive Grant Solicitation
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest date.
05/04/2020 05/21/2020
NEH NEH CARES: Cultural Organizations
Send PI name and title, ND collaborators and university unit to by the internal interest date..
05/04/2020 05/11/2020
EPA National Environmental Education and Training Program -- Lead Organization
Send PI Name, all ND collaborators and proposed project title to by the internal interest deadline.
04/30/2020 05/29/2020
USDA NIFA Methyl Bromide Transition Program (MBT)
Send PI name, department and ND collaborators to by the internal interest deadline.
04/28/2020 05/22/2020
DOS FY 2020 Community Engagement Exchange Program
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest date.
04/27/2020 06/08/2020
NIH Jointly Sponsored Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Institutional Predoctoral Training Program in the Neurosciences (T32 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send your name, department and ND collaborators to by the internal interest deadline.
04/23/2020 05/26/2020
NIH NIAMS Rheumatic Diseases Research Resource-based Centers (P30 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send your name, department and ND collaborators to by the internal interest deadline.
04/22/2020 10/06/2020
USDA Food and Agriculture Service Learning Program (FASLP)
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest date.
04/22/2020 06/04/2020
The Pew Charitable Trusts Pew Biomedical Scholars
Send your two (2) page maximum research summary and NIH biosketch in one PDF document to by the internal deadline.
04/21/2020 05/18/2020
NIH Addressing Racial Disparities in Maternal Mortality and Morbidity (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Send your name, department and ND collaborators to by the internal interest deadline.
04/20/2020 05/29/2020
NIH NIH Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) (R25 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send your name, department and ND collaborators to by the internal expression of interest deadline.
04/16/2020 07/14/2020
USAID HELIX APS: Supporting Holistic and Actionable Research in Education (SHARE) Addendum
Send PI name, ND collaborators, collaborating organizations and proposed title of concept note to by the internal interest deadline.
04/16/2020 05/01/2020
DOD Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Educational Outreach Programs
Send your name, department and ND collaborators to by the internal interest deadline.
04/16/2020 05/18/2020
NSF ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions (ADVANCE) -- IT-Preliminary or Adaptation or Catalyst
Send PI Name, all ND collaborators, proposed project title and track designation -- IT-Preliminary or Adaptation or Catalyst -- to by the internal interest deadline.
04/14/2020 08/03/2020
NSF ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions (ADVANCE) -- Partnership as Lead
Send PI name, all ND collaborators, proposed project title and track designation – Partnership as Lead – to by the internal interest deadline.
04/14/2020 08/03/2020
NIH Team-Based Design in Biomedical Engineering Education (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send your name, department and ND collaborators to by the internal interest deadline.
04/13/2020 05/28/2020
DOE FAIR Data and Models for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest date.
04/13/2020 05/15/2020
NIH NIAMS Resource-based Centers for Bone, Muscle and Orthopaedic Research (P30 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND and any additional collaborators to by the internal deadline.
04/08/2020 08/11/2020
Dollar General Youth Literacy Grants Youth Literacy Grants
Send your name, department and ND collaborators to by the internal expression of interest deadline.
04/08/2020 05/21/2020
USAID YouthPower 2: Youth Excel Addendum
Send PI name and title and collaborator names and titles to by the internal interest deadline.
04/07/2020 04/30/2020
DOS Community Solutions Program
Send PI name, department and ND collaborator names and titles to by the internal interest deadline.
04/07/2020 05/08/2020
NIH NIAMS Skin Biology and Diseases Resource-based Centers (P30 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send the Principal Investigator's name, ND collaborators and collaborators from other insitutions to by the internal expression of interest deadline.
04/06/2020 08/11/2020
DOS FY 2020 Creative Arts Exchange
Send PI name and title, all ND collaborator names and titles , Theme Track (1, 2 or 3) and proposed project title to by the internal interest date.
04/06/2020 04/24/2020
DOE Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) Institutes -- Lead Institution
Send name and titles of 1) Institute Director, 2) Deputy Director, 3) Leads in conjunction with Primary Topic Areas and 4) collaborating institutions in a two page maximum PDF document to by the internal interest date.
04/02/2020 05/12/2020
NIH Alzheimer's Disease Research Centers (P30 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send PI name, ND collaborators and collaborating organizations to by the internal expression of interest deadline.
04/02/2020 09/15/2020
USAID Development Impact Science Corps (DISC) Addendum under STIP APS -- Lead
Send PI name, ND collaborators, proposed title and proposed 1-2 sentence project summary in a one page PDF to Interested parties may be asked to have collaboration possibility discussions with other interested ND groups.
04/01/2020 04/06/2020
DOS Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
03/30/2020 05/11/2020
HRSA Telehealth Network Grant Program
Universities can partner with a community-based health care provider originating in a rural area. Send PI name, ND collaborators and name of collaborating site to by 12 midnight Eastern before or on the internal interest date.
03/30/2020 04/13/2020
NSF NSF Innovation Corps Hubs Program (I-CorpsTM Hubs)
Send PI name, ND collaborators and collaborating organizations to by the internal expression of interest deadline.
03/26/2020 04/14/2020
DOS DRL Evaluation Innovation Fund – Understanding Factors and Conditions for Democracy and Rights Organizations
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
03/17/2020 04/28/2020
NSF Navigating the New Arctic Community Office (NNA-CO)
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
03/16/2020 06/10/2020
NSF Engineering Research Visioning Alliance (ERVA): Future Research Directions for the Engineering Research Community
Send your four page maximum PDF that describes your title, synopsis and team per the LOI instructions in the solicitation to by the internal deadline.
03/16/2020 07/08/2020
NEA Arts Education Partnership (AEP)
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
03/16/2020 04/20/2020
NIH Shared Instrumentation for Animal Research (SIFAR) Grant Program (S10 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
This opportunity has very specific eligibility criteria. Send your proposed title, names of all ND collaborators and description of "Major User Group" per the solicitation to by the internal deadline.
03/11/2020 06/01/2020
NSF General Social Survey (GSS) Competition
Send your name, department and ND collaborators to by the internal expression of interest deadline.
03/11/2020 06/01/2020
NIH Collaborative Program Grant for Multidisciplinary Teams (RM1 - Clinical Trial Optional)
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND and any additional collaborators to by the internal deadline.
03/09/2020 05/27/2020
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Sawyer Seminar
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. The instructions are below.
03/05/2020 05/04/2020
DOE Research to Enable Fuels from Sunlight
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
03/04/2020 03/24/2020
Breast Cancer Alliance Exceptional Project Grants
Send a one page LOI with the project title and hypothesis, an outline of the research aim(s) and methods, and a discussion of the project’s potential impact. Include your CV in the current NIH biosketch format. Send your PDF to
03/02/2020 04/05/2020
USDA AFRI Education and Workforce Development Program
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline. List the Program Area of Interest to you and your team.
02/21/2020 04/28/2020
DOD Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Educational Outreach Programs
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
02/21/2020 03/11/2020
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Scholarship or Fellowship or Faculty Development Grant
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline. Include whether you would pursue the Scholarship or Fellowship or Faculty Development track.
02/19/2020 04/10/2020
DOE FY2020 Geothermal Technologies Office Hydrothermal and Low Temperature Multi-Topic FOA
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title, names and titles of ND collaborators and topic area intended (Topic 1 or Topic 2) to by the internal deadline.
02/17/2020 03/02/2020
ORAU Events Sponsorship Program -- Events between 4/1/2020 and 9/30/2020
Send your expression of interest including 1) the proposed title, 2) names and titles of ND collaborators and 3) purpose and scope of the planned event to by the internal deadline.
02/12/2020 03/01/2020
USAID Greater Internet Freedom (GIF)
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
02/10/2020 03/30/2020
NSF Ethical and Responsible Research (ER2)
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
02/03/2020 02/22/2020
NIH Biomedical Research Facilities (C06 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send your one page document including project title, PI, co-PIs and how your project would serve institution-wide biomedical research needs and address improvements to the institutional research infrastructure to by the internal deadline.
01/29/2020 03/17/2020
State of Indiana Planning, Implementation and Evaluation of Pilot Programs to Address Substance Abuse Prevention and Mental Health Promotion at Indiana’s Institutions of Higher Education
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of all ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
01/27/2020 02/18/2020
DOE National Quantum Information Science Research Centers -- Lead Institution
Submit a one page PDF that includes the proposed title of the center, name and title of PI and the names and titles of ND and non-ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
01/24/2020 02/10/2020
NSF NSF Innovation Corps Hubs Program (I-CorpsTM Hubs)
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title, participant type (Principal, Partner or Affiliate) and names and titles of ND and non-ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
01/22/2020 04/14/2020
NSF Competition for the Management of Operations and Maintenance of the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)
Send your expression of interest including the names and titles of ND and non-ND collaborators to, including a one-page description of the strategic vision and proposed management concept for the operations and maintenance of NEON.
01/21/2020 06/19/2020
CDC Prevention Epicenters Program: Protecting Patients from Infections, Antibiotic Resistance and Other Adverse Events
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND and non-ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
01/16/2020 03/10/2020
NIFA Women and Minorities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Fields Program (WAMS)
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND and non-ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
01/15/2020 02/24/2020
CDC Malaria Operations Research to Improve Malaria Control and Reduce Morbidity and Mortality in Western Kenya
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
01/13/2020 03/02/2020
The Keck Foundation Research Program
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
01/08/2020 05/01/2020
NIH Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program
Send your name, department and ND collaborators to by the internal expression of interest deadline.
01/06/2020 02/21/2020
NIH Immune Tolerance Network
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators as well as non-ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
01/03/2020 03/03/2020


Sponsor Opportunity Internal Expression of Interest Deadline Sponsor Application Deadline
CDC Natural Experiments of the Impact of Population-targeted Policies to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes and Diabetes Complications
Send your expression of interest including your interest in Component A or Component B, the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
12/17/2019 02/04/2020
NIH NIH Blueprint Program for Enhancing Neuroscience Diversity through Undergraduate Research Education Experiences (BP-ENDURE) (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators and collaborating institutions in your email message as well as the proposed title of your project.
12/10/2019 02/19/2020
DOS 2020 CTR Countering Threats from Acquisition or Misuse of Emerging and Advanced Technologies for WMD and WMD-Related Delivery Systems
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
12/03/2019 01/31/2020
DOE Energy Frontier Research Centers
Send your expression of interest as the one page pre-application cover page described on page 20 of the solicitation to by the internal due date. Additional information may be requested of each team.
12/02/2019 04/07/2020
NSF Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Pathways into the Earth, Ocean, Polar and Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences (IUSE:GEOPAths)
Send your name, title, list of all collaborators and their affiliations, proposed title and interest in the GEOPAths:Informal Network (IN) track or GEOPAths:Graduate Opportunities (GO) track to by the internal deadline date.
12/02/2019 02/14/2020
The Mary Kay Foundation Cancer Research -- Translational Research in Ovarian, Uterine, Breast or Cervical Cancer
Send your NIH biosketch and research summary (2 pages maximum) to by the internal application deadline. Full time Assistant Professors and above are eligible.
12/02/2019 02/07/2020
The Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
11/18/2019 02/06/2020
The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Moore Inventor Fellows
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
10/28/2019 11/15/2019
Brain Research Foundation Seed Grant Program
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Your completed application is a 2 page (maximum) letter of intent and a 5 page (maximum) biosketch combined into one PDF named YOURSURNAME_BRFSeed.pdf
10/24/2019 01/07/2020
ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
10/22/2019 01/08/2020
NIH Collaborative Program Grant for Multidisciplinary Teams (RM1) (Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND and any additional collaborators to by the internal deadline.
10/14/2019 01/25/2020
NSF Ethical and Responsible Research (ER2)
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title of your project and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
10/14/2019 02/24/2020
NSF Major Research Instrumentation Program: (MRI)
Upload your internal application to the NDR Submittable system here: Click on the PDF icon at the Limited Submissions page and your netid and password to access internal application instructions.
Proposers are encouraged to meet with Dr. Rick Billo prior to 10/10/19 to discuss their ideas. For meeting requests, contact Ms. Joey Dreitzler at cc'ing
10/10/2019 01/01/2010
Carnegie Corporation of New York Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program
Send your completed internal application (C.V. five pages maximum and research summary/project description two pages maximum combined in one PDF document) by the internal deadline. Questions? Contact Suzanne DeGuilio at
10/10/2019 11/14/2019
NSF ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions (ADVANCE) -- Partnership as Lead
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as "Partnership as Lead."
10/08/2019 11/01/2019
NSF ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions (ADVANCE) -- Adaptation
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as "Adaptation Track."
10/08/2019 11/01/2019
NSF Mid-Scale Innovations Program in Astronomical Sciences (MSIP)
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
10/07/2019 12/19/2019
NSF IUSE / Professional Formation of Engineers: Revolutionizing Engineering Departments (IUSE/PFE: RED)
Send your expression of interest including the proposed track, title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
10/07/2019 02/07/2019
DOS FY 2020 Study of the U.S. Institutes for Scholars
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline. Indicate which topic you would pursue: Religious Freedom & Pluralism or U.S. Economics & Business.
09/19/2019 10/28/2019
Blavatnik Family Foundation The Blavatnik National Awards for Young Scientists
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
09/18/2019 11/13/2019
NSF Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) -- Research Partnerships (PFI-RP) track only
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
09/18/2019 01/08/2020
NSF National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) Program
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
An eligible organization may participate in two proposals per competition. Participation includes serving as a lead organization, non-lead organization, or subawardee on any proposal.
09/17/2019 11/25/2019
Microsoft Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
09/11/2019 09/30/2019
DOE Scientific Infrastructure Support for Consolidated Innovative Nuclear Research
Send your name, department and ND collaborators to by the internal expression of interest deadline.Universities are permitted to submit one single application to the General Scientific Infrastructure Support section of this FOA.
09/11/2019 11/14/2019
NEA Sound Health Network
Send your name, department and ND collaborators to by the internal expression of interest deadline.
09/11/2019 11/19/2019
NSF Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL)
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
09/09/2019 11/06/2019
DOE Fiscal Year 2020 Consolidated Innovative Nuclear Research
This opportunity is limited to three pre-applications per institution per work scope area in Appendix B. Send your name, names of collaborators and work scope area to by the internal deadline.
09/09/2019 02/12/2020
Francis Family Foundation Parker B. Francis Fellowship Program
Send your expression of interest including your confirmation of eligibility on all criteria to by the internal deadline.
08/29/2019 10/14/2019
The Henry Luce Foundation Advancing Public Scholarship on Religion and Theology
Submit your proposed title and project description (up to one page), including proposed project duration in years and estimated total budget amount. If applicable, include names of potential internal and/or external collaborators.
08/15/2019 10/15/2019
NSF Advancing Digitization of Biodiversity Collections (ADBC)
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
08/14/2019 10/11/2019
NIH The NCI Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition Award (F99/K00)
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
08/13/2019 12/04/2019
The Keck Foundation Research Program
Send your completed internal application to by the deadline. Access the instructions with a click on the PDF icon below this entry on the Limited Submissions web page, then use your netid and password.
08/01/2019 11/01/2019
DHS DHS S&T Terrorism Prevention and Counterterrorism Research (TPCR) Center of Excellence (COE) - Lead
Send a PDF document with 1) all ND internal and external collaborators and affiliations (1 page); 2) strategic approach (2 pages, see solicitation) and 3) list of potential research projects, with PI and title (1 page) to
07/30/2019 09/13/2019
Johnson & Johnson WiSTEM2D Scholars Award Program
Send your PDF with 1) resume (3 pages), including publications, presentations, abstracts, current financial support & other folio work and 2) your proposed research (2 pages -- include the name of your category for the competition) to
07/30/2019 09/25/2019
Sloan Research Fellowships
Send your one-page research statement (include your Sloan research field of interest) and your biosketch in one PDF titled "Sloan2020_YourSurname.pdf" to
07/29/2019 09/16/2019
ORAU Events Sponsorship Program -- Events between 10/1/2019 and 3/31/2020
Use your netid and password to access internal competition application directions at the Limited Submissions website.
07/16/2019 09/01/2019
The Kinship Foundation The Searle Scholars Program
Click on the PDF icon and use your netid and password to access the internal competition directions.
Applicants should have begun their appointment as an independent investigator at the assistant professor level on or after July 1, 2018.
07/10/2019 09/27/2019
NSF Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) in Engineering and Computer Science -- Supplements and Sites
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title, whether your focus is Engineering or Computer Science, and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
07/09/2019 09/18/2019
DOJ Establishment of a National Center on Restorative Justice
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
07/02/2019 08/12/2019
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Inclusive Excellence
Send your one page project summary with CV of lead PI to
07/01/2019 07/31/2019
DOL Equal Access to Quality Jobs for Women and Girls (EQUAL)
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
06/26/2019 08/26/2019
DOC Enabling Federal Technology Transfer Program (EFTT)
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
06/26/2019 08/16/2019
NIH NINDS Neuroscience Development for Advancing the Careers of a Diverse Research Workforce (R25)
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
06/18/2019 09/25/2019
NSF Innovations in Graduate Education (IGE) Program
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
06/18/2019 09/27/2019
NEA Creative Placemaking Technical Assistance Program
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
06/18/2019 07/29/2019
DOJ OVC Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 Transforming America’s Response to Elder Abuse: Enhanced Multidisciplinary Teams (E-MDTs) for Older Victims of Abuse and Financial Exploitation
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
06/18/2019 07/08/2019
NSF Advanced Computing Systems & Services: Adapting to the Rapid Evolution of Science and Engineering Research
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
06/17/2019 11/05/2019
NSF Critical-Zone Collaborative Network
Send your expression of interest, including either Cluster or Hub designation, PI name and list of ND collaborators and two-page project summary.
06/17/2019 12/02/2019
NEA Research Labs
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
06/17/2019 07/15/2019
NIH NIH Director’s Early Independence Awards
Send your expression and interest and current NIH biosketch to by the internal interest date.
06/17/2019 09/13/2019
NIH Summer Institute for Research Education in Biostatistics (R25 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
06/11/2019 06/28/2019
The Edward Mallinckrodt, Jr. Foundation Mallinckrodt Grant
Submit your two-page project summary and CV to by the internal deadline.
06/10/2019 08/01/2019
DOE FY19 Advanced Manufacturing Office Multi-Topic FOA
Send your expression of interest, including your name and all ND collaborators and the number and name of your subtopic area to by the internal deadline.
06/05/2019 06/20/2019
The Pew Charitable Trusts Pew Biomedical Scholars
Send your 2 page research summary and biosketch in one PDF to by the internal deadline.
06/03/2019 06/14/2019
NSF Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) -- Research Partnerships (PFI-RP) track only
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
05/30/2019 07/10/2019
American Diabetes Association Pathway to Stop Diabetes -- Initiator or Accelerator or Visionary Track
Send your one page research summary titled with Initiator or Accelerator or Visionary Track and your current biosketch to by the internal deadline.
05/29/2019 07/01/2019
National Endowment for the Arts Our Town
Send your expression of interest including the proposed title and names and titles of ND collaborators to by the internal deadline.
05/22/2019 08/08/2019
NSF Physics Frontier Centers
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
05/02/2019 08/01/2019
Dollar General Literacy Foundation Youth Literacy Grants
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
04/29/2019 05/16/2019
Breast Cancer Alliance Young Investigator Grants
Send a one page project summary to by the internal interest date.
04/24/2019 07/19/2019
Brain Research Foundation 2020 Scientific Innovations Award
For full-time associate professor/full professor rank working in neuroscience/brain function in health and disease. Send a project summary of up to two pages and a current NIH biosketch to by the internal interest date.
04/23/2019 06/25/2019
DOE Subsurface Stress and Lost Circulation in Geothermal Drilling
List your interest in Topic 1 or Topic 2 and name all ND collaborators in your email to
04/17/2019 04/26/2019
NIH Maximizing Access to Research Careers (T34)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
04/16/2019 05/21/2019
DOE Water Power Technologies Office 2019 Research Funding Opportunity -- Advancing Wave Energy Device Design Limitation Only
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
04/15/2019 05/13/2019
DOE Accelerated Research in Quantum Computing (ARQC)
Your expression of interest to lists Team Director name per the solicitation and name, title and departmental affiliation of all ND collaborators.
04/10/2019 05/01/2019
NSF Science and Technology Centers: Integrative Partnerships
Your internal application is a one-page cover sheet that lists PI, co-PIs and partners (including titles and institutional affiliations) and a one-page Project Summary per the solicitation. Combine the two pages into one PDF document.
04/09/2019 06/26/2019
NIH NIH Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA)(R25)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
04/08/2019 07/09/2019
DOE Clean Energy Manufacturing Innovation Institute : Cybersecurity in Energy Efficient Manufacturing
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
04/08/2019 05/15/2019
NIH Collaborative Program Grant for Multidisciplinary Teams (RM1) (Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
04/02/2019 05/25/2019
NIH Enhancing Science, Technology, EnginEering, and Math Educational Diversity (ESTEEMED) Research Education Experiences (R25)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
04/02/2019 05/24/2019
USAID Regional Civil Society Program in Central Asia -- Kazakhstan USAID-Almaty
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
03/28/2019 05/15/2019
NSF Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Computing in Undergraduate Education (IUSE: CUE)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND and non-ND collaborators in your email message.
03/28/2019 05/09/2019
NIH Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (U-RISE) (T34)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
03/28/2019 05/21/2019
USAID Supporting Emergency Agriculture Design and Standards (SEADS)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
03/27/2019 04/15/2019
NIH Team-Based Design in Biomedical Engineering Education (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
03/25/2019 05/31/2019
NSF Faculty Development in the Space Sciences
Send your expression of interest to
03/05/2019 05/24/2019
NSF ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions (ADVANCE) -- Partnership as Lead Organization
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the title Partnership as Lead track.
03/05/2019 05/01/2019
NSF ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions (ADVANCE) -- IT-Preliminary OR Adaptation OR Catalyst
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the track of interest.
03/05/2019 05/01/2019
ORAU Events Sponsorship Program -- Events between 4/1/2019 and 9/30/2019
Your completed internal competition application serves as your expression of interest. Return it to by the internal deadline.
02/07/2019 03/01/2019
NSF Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science (NSF INCLUDES) -- Alliances
Send your expression of interest to, listing all collaborators from ND and partner institutions. Note mandatory participation of a PI or CoPI from a NSF INCLUDES Design and Development Launch Pilot award.
02/06/2019 04/02/2019
The Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research New Innovator in Food and Agriculture Research Early Career Award
Send your name, title, department and title of your research program to by 12 midnight Eastern of the internal deadline.
02/04/2019 03/11/2019
DOS FY 2019 Population, Refugees and Migration Request for Concept Notes for Humanitarian Research
Send your name, department, ND collaborators and relevant research question (1, 2, 3 or 4 per the solicitation) to by the internal expression of interest deadline.
02/04/2019 02/19/2019
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation The Moore Inventor Fellows
Send your two page statement of invention as described in the guidelines to by 12 midnight Eastern by the internal deadline. Make your name, title and department the header of page one of your statement.
01/31/2019 03/04/2019
USDA-NIFA NIFA Partnership Awards Program
Note land grant partnership/cooperating institution/NIFA relationship requirements. Send your expression of interest to, listing ND and partnership institution collaborators by name and title.
01/16/2019 02/15/2019
NIH Biomedical Research Facilities (C06 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as a one-page summary that addresses the funding opportunity purpose.
01/15/2019 03/04/2019
DOE Low Temperature Plasma Science Centers and Facilities
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
01/09/2019 01/25/2019
St. Baldrick’s Foundation Childhood Cancer Research Grant
Send a one page summary of your proposed project with your current CV to by the internal interest date. Note "Childhood Cancer Research Grant" at the top of your one page summary.
01/07/2019 01/31/2019
St. Baldrick’s Foundation St. Baldrick’s Scholars
Send a one page summary of your proposed project with your current CV to by the internal interest date. Note "St. Baldrick's Scholars" at the top of your research summary.
01/07/2019 01/31/2019
St. Baldrick’s Foundation Consortium Research Grant
Send a one page summary of your proposed project with your current CV to by the internal interest date. Note "Consortium Research Grant" at the top of your project summary.
01/07/2019 01/31/2019
DOE Energy-Water Desalination Hub
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
01/04/2019 02/07/2019
NIH Research Evaluation and Commercialization Hub (REACH) Awards (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
01/03/2019 02/19/2019
NSF Long Term Ecological Research National Coordination Office (LTER-NCO)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
01/02/2019 01/18/2019


Sponsor Opportunity Internal Expression of Interest Deadline Sponsor Application Deadline
Keck Foundation Research Program
Use your netid and password to access internal competition application directions.
12/19/2018 05/01/2019
DOS FY19 Countering DPRK Missile and Nuclear Program
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
12/19/2018 02/01/2019
DOS FY19 Iraq Chemical and Biological Threat Reduction Activities
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
12/18/2018 02/01/2019
American Honda Foundation Grant -- Youth Education with a focus on STEM
Send a one page summary of your proposed project as your expression of interest to List all names of ND and non-ND collaborators in your one page summary.
12/18/2018 02/01/2019
DOS FY19 Countering Ballistic Missile and Related Technology Proliferation
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
12/18/2018 02/01/2019
DOS FY19 Global Chemical Security Engagement Activities
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
12/13/2018 02/01/2019
DOS FY19 Global Nuclear Security Engagement Activities
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
12/13/2018 02/01/2019
DOS FY19 Global Biosecurity Engagement Program Activities
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
12/13/2018 02/01/2019
NIH Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD) (T32)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
12/11/2018 02/22/2019
The Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program
Send your one page research statement and one page teaching statement to by the internal application date.
12/11/2018 02/07/2019
The Mary Kay Foundation Translational Research Grant
Send your NIH biosketch and your 1-2 page research summary to by or on the internal application date.
12/10/2018 02/08/2019
NSF Advanced Computing Systems & Services: Adapting to the Rapid Evolution of Science and Engineering Research
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as your interest in Category 1 or Category 2.
12/04/2018 03/04/2019
NSF Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (MRSEC)
Your expression of interest consists of two pages sent to The first page lists the PI and all co-PIs and collaborators, as well as the proposed title of your project. The second page is a project summary.
12/03/2018 06/24/2019
NSF Materials Innovation Platforms (MIP)
Your expression of interest consists of two pages sent to The first page lists the PI and all co-PIs and collaborators, as well as the proposed title of your project. The second page is a project summary.
11/27/2018 02/04/2019
NIH Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (R25)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the proposed title of your project.
11/15/2018 01/24/2019
NSF Cultivating Cultures for Ethical STEM (CCE STEM)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the proposed title of your project.
11/14/2018 02/22/2019
NSF Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR): Data Science Corps (DSC) Building Capacity for HDR
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the proposed title of your project.
11/13/2018 01/28/2019
NSF IUSE / Professional Formation of Engineers: Revolutionizing Engineering Departments (IUSE/PFE: RED)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the proposed title of your project.
11/08/2018 01/24/2019
NSF Enabling Access to Cloud Computing Resources for CISE Research and Education (Cloud Access)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the proposed title of your project.
11/05/2018 12/20/2018
NSF Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) -- RP Research Partnership Track Limitation Only
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the proposed title of your project.
11/05/2018 01/17/2019
Brain Research Foundation Fay/Frank Seed Grant Program
Send your expression of interest to Include the proposed title of your project, as well as whether you are an Assistant Professor or an Associate Professor.
10/16/2018 01/08/2019
USDA FY2019 Farm to School Training and Curricula
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND and external collaborators in your email message.
10/15/2018 11/26/2018
Keck Foundation Research Program
Send your internal application concept note to by 12 midnight Eastern by the noted deadline.
Click on the PDF icon. Use your netid and password to access the internal competition application instructions.
10/12/2018 11/01/2018
NIH The NCI Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition Award (F99/K00)
Your completed internal competition application serves as your expression of interest.
Click on this icon. Use your netid and password to access the internal competition application instructions.
10/11/2018 01/22/2019
NRC U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission -- Scholarship, Fellowship, Faculty Development
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the track you have interest in. If you are interested in the Fellowship track, contact Rick Billo at
10/10/2018 11/30/2018
NSF National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) Program
Your completed internal competition application serves as your expression of interest. Click the PDF icon below and use your netid and password to access the internal competition directions.
10/09/2018 12/06/2018
NSF Big Data Regional Innovation Hubs (BD Hubs) Accelerating the Big Data Innovation Ecosystem
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the proposed title of your project.
10/08/2018 12/18/2018
ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards
Your completed internal competition application serves as your expression of interest. Click on the PDF icon below to access the directions.
10/04/2018 01/07/2019
NIH NIH Blueprint Program for Enhancing Neuroscience Diversity through Undergraduate Research Education Experiences (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the proposed title of your project.
10/04/2018 01/15/2019
NSF Major Research Instrumentation Program: (MRI) Instrument Acquisition or Development
Your completed internal competition application serves as your expression of interest.
Use your netid and password to access the internal competition application instructions.
10/02/2018 01/22/2019
Francis Family Foundation Parker B. Francis Fellowship Program
Send your expression of interest to Confirm your eligibility in your email message to
10/01/2018 10/15/2018
The Greenwall Foundation Greenwall Faculty Scholars Program
Send your expression of interest to
09/27/2018 10/01/2018
NIH Collaborative Program Grant for Multidisciplinary Teams (RM1) (Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the proposed title of your project.
09/24/2018 01/25/2019
DOE Scientific Infrastructure Support for Consolidated Innovative Nuclear Research
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
09/19/2018 11/15/2018
NSF Advancing Digitization of Biodiversity Collections
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
09/17/2018 10/12/2018
NSF Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Pathways into Geoscience (IUSE: GEOPATHS)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
09/04/2018 09/21/2018
DOC/NIST Public Safety Innovation Accelerator Program – i-Axis
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the proposed title of your project.
09/04/2018 10/19/2018
NSF Enabling Quantum Leap: Convergent Accelerated Discovery Foundries for Quantum Materials Science, Engineering and Information (Q-AMASE-i)
Send a letter of intent with the content described in the solicitation of no more than two pages to by the internal due date. Additional information may be requested of each team after the internal deadline has passed.
08/15/2018 09/17/2018
NSF Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the proposed title of your project.
08/13/2018 11/07/2018
Johnson & Johnson WiSTEM2D Scholars
Send your expression of interest to Attach your current CV and include your discipline category: Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Manufacturing & Design.
The awards will fund one woman per discipline who has completed her advanced degree, who is working as an assistant professor and who is not yet tenured.
08/03/2018 09/25/2018
DOE Machine Learning for Geothermal Energy
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as whether you are interested in Topic 1 or Topic 2.
08/02/2018 08/23/2018
NIH NINDS Neuroscience Development for Advancing the Careers of a Diverse Research Workforce (R25)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
07/31/2018 09/25/2018
Simons Foundation Simons Investigators in the Mathematical Modeling of Living Systems
Go to the NDR Limited Submissions website. Click on the PDF icon below and use your netid and password to access the internal application instructions.
07/31/2018 10/31/2018
Henry Luce Foundation Advancing Public Scholarship on Religion and Theology
Send your expression of interest to Provide all names of ND collaborators, the proposed title of your project and a paragraph describing your project in your email message.
07/30/2018 10/15/2018
NSF Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) in Engineering and Computer Science Supplements and Sites
Send your expression of interested to Include names and affiliations of all ND collaborators as well as title of proposed project and whether it applies to the engineering track or computer/information science track per the solicitation.
07/25/2018 09/19/2018
NSF Innovations in Graduate Education (IGE) Program
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the proposed title of your project.
07/23/2018 09/27/2018
DOL Strengthening Government Labor Law Enforcement
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
07/23/2018 09/05/2018
DOL Empowering Women and Girls in Supply Chains
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the proposed title of your project.
07/19/2018 08/20/2018
DOS Community-Based Activities to Build Civil Society and Youth Capacity in Mali
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
07/05/2018 08/20/2018
USAID Health Equity and Financial Protection Platform (HEFPP)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
07/05/2018 08/03/2018
USAID Advancing Human Rights and Democratic Values
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
06/29/2018 07/16/2018
USDA USDA Participant Research Innovation Laboratory for Enhancing WIC Services
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
06/25/2018 07/16/2018
NIH Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Awards (IRACDA) (K12)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
06/18/2018 09/19/2018
NEA National Endowment for the Arts Research Labs
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
06/07/2018 07/09/2018
The Kinship Foundation Searle Scholars
Send your completed internal application to by 12 midnight Eastern 5-29-18.
Use your netid and password to access the internal competition application instructions.
05/29/2018 09/28/2018
The Pew Charitable Trusts Pew Biomedical Scholars
Send your completed internal application to by 12 midnight Eastern 5-24-18
Use your netid and password to access the internal competition application instructions.
05/24/2018 06/29/2018
Edward Mallinckrodt, Jr. Foundation Mallinckrodt Grants
Send your completed internal application to by 12 midnight Eastern 5-23-18
05/23/2018 08/01/2018
ADA Pathways
Send your completed internal application to by 12 midnight Eastern 5-23-18
Use your netid and password to access the internal competition application instructions.
05/23/2018 07/02/2018
NEA Our Town
Send your expression of interest to
05/22/2018 08/09/2018
NIH Summer Institute for Research Education in Biostatistics (R25 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
05/07/2018 05/28/2018
DOS FY 2018 U.S. Exchange Alumni Network and Capacity Building Program
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
04/30/2018 06/01/2018
USAID Feed the Future Strengthening Agricultural Innovation Capacities
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the proposed title of your project.
04/30/2018 05/11/2018
DOE Computational Chemical Sciences Research
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
04/30/2018 05/16/2018
Brain Research Foundation Scientific Innovations Award
For associate and full professors. Send your expression of interest to Include a one page description of your proposed project and why it is innovative.
04/23/2018 06/22/2018
NIH Team-Based Design in Biomedical Engineering Education (R25)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
04/19/2018 05/31/2018
NIH Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement (RISE) (R25)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
04/19/2018 05/25/2018
DOE Materials and Chemical Sciences Research for Quantum Information Science
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the proposed title of your project.
04/17/2018 05/03/2018
NIH Enhancing Science, Technology, EnginEering, and Math Educational Diversity (ESTEEMED) Research Education Experiences (R25)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the proposed title of your project.
04/16/2018 04/24/2018
NIH NIH Director's Early Independence Award (DP5 - Clinical Trial Optional)
Send 1) your current NIH biosketch and 2) your "Early Independence Rationale" in 250 words or fewer (see the solicitation for details) to
04/10/2018 08/27/2018
DOE Research at the Frontiers of X-Ray Free Electron Laser Ultrafast Chemical and Materials Sciences
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
04/10/2018 04/30/2018
DOS FY 2018 TechGirls Central Asia Program
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
04/02/2018 05/14/2018
DOE Preliminary Design and Techno-Economic Analysis of MWe-Class Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Systems
Send your expression of interest to List names of all ND collaborators in your email message.
03/27/2018 05/07/2018
DOS Request for Statements of Interest and Capacity (SOIC) Countering State-Sponsored Propaganda and Disinformation
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message. Include which program objective(s) you are targeting in your message.
03/20/2018 04/23/2018
NSF Cybersecurity Innovation for Cyberinfrastructure (CICI)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the proposed Program Area listed in the solicitation.
03/19/2018 06/04/2018
USAID Accelerating Local Potential Addendum to the Science, Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships in Higher Education
Institute for Global Development is coordinating the prime submission for University of Notre Dame. Should you be interested in this opportunity, contact Tom Purekal at 574-631-9637 or to discuss potential engagement.
03/19/2018 04/06/2018
NIH Health-Professional Education Partnership Initiative (HEPI) (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators, partner institutions and the proposed title of your project in your email message.
02/28/2018 03/28/2018
NIH Maximizing Access to Research Careers Undergraduate - Student Training in Academic Research (MARC U-STAR) (T34)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
02/26/2018 05/24/2018
United States - India Educational Foundation U.S.-India 21st Century Knowledge Initiative Awards
Send one page executive summary containing 1) PI name and names and affiliations of collaborators, 2) name of Indian Partner Institution, 3) Project Title, 4) Statement of need and project objectives, and 5) Brief statement about long-term impact.
02/23/2018 04/02/2018
Foundation for Food and Agricultural Research (FFAR) New Innovator in Food and Agriculture Research Award
Eligible for those on tenure track with start date on or after 8/1/2014. Send full CV and one page description of proposed research program to
02/16/2018 02/28/2018
NIH Programs to Increase Diversity Among Individuals Engaged in Health-Related Research (PRIDE) -- Summer Institute
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
02/15/2018 04/06/2018
NIH Coordination Center for Programs to Increase Diversity Among Individuals Engaged in Health-Related Research (PRIDE) (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
02/15/2018 04/06/2018
USDA-NIFA Women and Minorities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Fields Program (WAMS)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
02/12/2018 03/28/2018
Keck Foundation Research Program
Send your completed internal application to by 12 PM Eastern 2-9-18
02/09/2018 05/01/2018
ORAU Event Sponsorship -- Events between 4/1/18 and 9/30/18
Your expression of interest is your completed internal application, accessible with your netid and password.
02/08/2018 03/01/2018
NSF ADVANCE -- IT-Preliminary, Institutional Transformation (IT), or Adaptation
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the proposed track of the program.
02/06/2018 08/08/2018
Breast Cancer Alliance Exceptional Project Grants
Send your current NIH biosketch and a description of your proposed project in 250 or fewer non-technical words to
02/01/2018 07/20/2018
NSF Cultivating Cultures for Ethical STEM (CCE STEM)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the proposed title of your project.
01/30/2018 04/17/2018
NSF Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science (NSF INCLUDES) NSF INCLUDES Alliances
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the proposed title of your project.
01/18/2018 04/04/2018
NIH NextGen Tissue Chip Testing Centers: Validating Microphysiological Systems (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the proposed title of your project.
01/17/2018 03/21/2018
NIH Microphysiological Systems Data Center (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the proposed title of your project.
01/17/2018 03/21/2018
NSF Innovation Corps (I-Corps TM) - National Innovation Network Nodes Program (I-Corps Nodes)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
01/15/2018 02/08/2018
NSF Innovation Corps- National Innovation Network Sites Program (I-Corps Sites)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the proposed title of your project.
01/15/2018 02/08/2018
USAID Community Based Counter Wildlife Trafficking Activity
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
01/15/2018 02/07/2018
DOE U.S. Offshore Wind Research and Development Consortium FOA
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the proposed title of your project.
01/03/2018 01/23/2018
USAID Long-term Assistance and SErvices for Research (LASER)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the proposed title of your project.
01/03/2018 01/24/2018


Sponsor Opportunity Internal Expression of Interest Deadline Sponsor Application Deadline
The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation The Moore Inventor Fellows
Send your completed internal application to by 12 PM Midnight Eastern 12-11-17.
Use your netid and password to access the internal competition application instructions.
12/11/2017 03/05/2018
HRSA Advancing Systems of Services for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as which one of the three topic areas you would pursue.
12/11/2017 01/16/2018
DOE Energy Frontier Research Centers
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the proposed title of your project.
12/06/2017 01/31/2018
NSF American National Election Studies Competition (ANES)
Send your email message expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators as well as chosen track -- Face-to-Face or Web
12/06/2017 02/21/2018
NIH Environmental Health Sciences Core Centers (EHSCC)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
12/04/2017 03/17/2018
DHHS/CDC Reducing Disparities in Vaccination Coverage by Poverty Status Among Young Children: An Assessment of Parental Experience, Barriers, and Challenges with Accessing Quality Vaccination Services
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
11/30/2017 01/18/2018
USDA/NIFA Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research Grants Program (BRAG)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message and list the program title of interest.
11/29/2017 12/21/2017
NIH Research Education: Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD) Program (R25)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
11/29/2017 01/26/2018
DOS Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, Office of Cooperative Threat Reduction (ISN/CTR) -- Global Chemical Security Engagement Activities
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
11/28/2017 01/19/2018
DOS Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, Office of Cooperative Threat Reduction (ISN/CTR) -- Global Nuclear Security Engagement Activities
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
11/28/2017 01/19/2018
DOS Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, Office of Cooperative Threat Reduction (ISN/CTR) -- Global Biosecurity Engagement Activities
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
11/28/2017 01/19/2018
Brain Research Foundation 2018 Fay/Frank Seed Grant
For full time assistant or associate professors. Send your NIH biosketch (5 page maximum) and summary of program project (2 page maximum) to by 5 PM Eastern 11-21-17.
11/21/2017 01/08/2018
Henry Luce Foundation Advancing Public Scholarship on Religion and Theology
Submit your expression of interest by 11-17-17 5 PM Eastern to both and List names of collaborators and proposed project title.
11/17/2017 12/15/2017
ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards
Send your completed internal application to by 5 PM Eastern 11-16-17
Click on the PDF icon to the left and use your netid and password to access the internal application instructions.
11/16/2017 01/08/2018
DOS FY 2018 Study of the U.S. Institutes for Student Leaders on Women's Leadership
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
11/16/2017 12/27/2017
ORAU Travel Grants Program
Sponsor deadline variable; for travel between award date and September 30, 2018.
Click on the PDF icon to the left and use your netid and password to access the internal application instructions.
11/16/2017 09/09/9999
DOE Scientific Infrastructure Support for Consolidated Innovative Nuclear Research
Send your expression of interest to
11/16/2017 11/30/2017
NSF Partnerships for Innovation (PFI)
Send your email message expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators as well as chosen track -- Technology Translation or Research Partnerships.
11/14/2017 02/01/2018
NIH Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (R25)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
11/14/2017 01/14/2018
The Mary Kay Foundation Translational Research Grant Application
Send your completed internal application to by 5 PM Eastern 11-14-17
Click on the PDF icon to the left and use your netid and password to access the internal application instructions.
11/14/2017 02/02/2018
DOS FY2018 TechGirls Program
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
11/13/2017 12/27/2018
NSF National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) Program
Send your completed internal application to by 5 PM Eastern 11-13-17
Click on the PDF icon to the left and use your netid and password to access the internal application instructions.
11/13/2017 11/27/2017
Craig H. Nielsen Foundation Creating Opportunity and Independence
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
10/31/2017 01/04/2018
NSF Major Research Instrumentation (MRI)
Click on the icon and use your netid and password to access the internal application instructions.
10/25/2017 01/10/2018
DOS DRL Global Religious Freedom Programs (FY17/18)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the category of interest.
10/10/2017 11/06/2017
NIH Collaborative Program Grant for Multidisciplinary Teams (RM1)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as the proposed title of your project.
10/04/2017 01/25/2018
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Programs for Scholarship, Fellowship or Faculty Development Grant FY2018
Send your expression of interest to List names of ND collaborators as well as your topic area -- scholarship, fellowship or faculty development.
09/27/2017 10/30/2017
NIH NIH Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA)(R25)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
09/26/2017 11/20/2017
The Greenwall Foundation Greenwall Faculty Scholars Program
Send your expression of interest with a five sentence maximum description of your goals in the field of bioethics to by 9/21/17 5PM Eastern.
09/21/2017 11/01/2017
DOE Advanced Power Electronics Design for Solar Applications
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well as your intended Topic Area.
09/19/2017 10/12/2017
Johnson & Johnson Johnson & Johnson Women in STEM²D Scholars Program
Send your expression of interest to by 5PM Eastern 9/18/17. Include your current CV with your email message.
09/18/2017 10/31/2017
NSF Mid-Scale Innovations Program in Astronomical Sciences (MSIP)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
09/07/2017 11/20/2017
NSF Inclusion Across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science (NSF INCLUDES) NSF INCLUDES Coordination Hub
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
09/06/2017 11/27/2017
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Building Bridges 2017-18 Grants Program
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
08/28/2017 09/08/2017
USAID Center for Digital Development
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
08/18/2017 08/28/2017
NSF Management and Operation of the Ocean Bottom Seismometer Instrument Center (OBSIC)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
08/09/2017 10/25/2017
NSF Innovations in Graduate Education (IGE) Program
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message as well at the title of the proposed project.
08/08/2017 10/25/2017
NSF CISE Research Infrastructure (CRI)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
08/02/2017 11/02/2017
NSF Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) in Engineering and Computer Science Supplements and Sites
Send your expression of interest to by 5 PM Eastern 7/31/17. List the title of your project and all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
07/31/2017 10/10/2017
NSF Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
07/26/2017 11/06/2017
NSF Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Pathways into Geoscience (IUSE: GEOPATHS)
Send your expression of interest to List all names of ND collaborators in your email message.
07/26/2017 08/18/2017
Simons Foundation Math + X Investigators
Send your expression of interest e-mail message to by 5 PM Eastern 7/25/17. Name all ND investigators and partnering departments in your email message.
07/25/2017 10/31/2017
Simons Foundation Simons Investigators in the Mathematical Modeling of Living Systems
Two submissions from Notre Dame
Click on the PDF icon. Use your netid and password to access the internal competition application instructions. Applications are due 7/25/17 5 PM Eastern.
07/25/2017 10/31/2017
AHA 2018 Vascular Disease Network
Send your expression of interest to by 5PM Eastern 7/18/17.
07/18/2017 09/26/2017
NIH NINDS Neuroscience Development for Advancing the Careers of a Diverse Research Workforce (R25)
Send your expression of interest to by 5 PM Eastern 7/10/17. List names of ND collaborators in your email message.
07/10/2017 09/25/2017
Kinship Foundation Searle Scholars
Your completed internal competition application serves as your expression of interest. Access the internal application by clicking on the icon.
07/06/2017 09/29/2017
Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research Accelerating Advances in Animal Welfare 06/15/2017 08/02/2017
Edward Mallinckrodt, Jr. Foundation Regular Grant
Click on this icon and use your netid and password to access the internal application instructions.
06/08/2017 08/01/2017
NEA Arts Research Labs 06/07/2017 07/18/2017
New York Life Foundation Grief Research 06/01/2017 08/07/2017
Keck Foundation Research Program
Click on this icon and use your netid and password to access the internal application instructions.
05/30/2017 11/01/2017
NSF Towards a Leadership-Class Computing Facility - Phase 1 05/18/2017 07/14/2017
The Pew Charitable Trusts Pew Biomedical Scholars
Click on this icon and use your netid and password to access the internal application instructions.
05/15/2017 07/07/2017
NIH Director's Early Independence Awards (DP5) 05/04/2017 08/22/2017
USDA NIFA Women and Minorities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Fields Program (WAMS) 05/01/2017 06/08/2017
NSF Competition for the Management and Operation of the National Center for Atmospheric Research 04/27/2017 08/07/2017
Brain Research Foundation 2018 Scientific Innovations Award 04/27/2017 06/29/2017
American Diabetes Association Pathway to Stop Diabetes Award 04/27/2017 07/03/2017
NIH Bridges to the Baccalaureate Program (R25) 04/26/2017 09/25/2017
NIH Bridges to the Doctorate (R25) 04/26/2017 09/25/2017
NSF STC -- in anticipation of potential 2017 solicitation release
Click on this feature and use your netid and password to access the internal competition application instructions.
04/24/2017 01/01/9999
DHS COE -- Center for Cross-Border Threat Screening and Supply Chain Defense – Center Lead 04/06/2017 08/04/2017
DOS DRL Global Religious Freedom - Europe and East Asia and the Pacific
Note which category and region of in your expression of interest to
04/05/2017 04/26/2017
The New York Academy of Sciences -- Takeda 2017 Innovators in Science Award -- Neuroscience
Internal apps consist of: 1) a brief statement of support from your department chair (1 page limit); 2) your CV (4 page limit); and 3) your research statement (4 page limit). Combine into one PDF and submit to by 12 Noon Eastern 3/31/17.
03/31/2017 04/26/2017
NSF Big Data Regional Innovation Hubs: Establishing Spokes to Advance Big Data Applications (BD Spokes) 03/27/2017 09/18/2017
NIH Enhancing Science, Technology, EnginEering, and Math Educational Diversity (ESTEEMED) Research Education Experiences (R25) 03/23/2017 04/24/2017
NIH Team-Based Design in Biomedical Engineering Education (R25) 03/09/2017 04/28/2017
NIH Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement (RISE) (R25) 03/08/2017 05/25/2017
NIH Data Science Research: Personal Health Libraries for Consumers and Patients (R01) 02/21/2017 03/31/2017
Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research New Innovator Program 02/17/2017 02/28/2017
NIH CTSA Program Data to Health (CD2H) Coordinating Center (U24) 02/16/2017 03/14/2017
DOS Evaluation Innovation Fund: Democratizing Learning and Evaluation—Building evaluation skills and documenting local M&E solutions 02/14/2017 04/03/2017
NSF NSF – Tomorrow’s Internet Project Office (TIPOFF): Building on the Success of the Global Environment for Network Innovations 02/09/2017 05/02/2017
ORAU Event Sponsorship -- Events between 4/1/17 and 9/30/17
Use your netid and password to access internal competition application directions.
02/06/2017 03/01/2017
DHHS Partnerships to Achieve Health Equity 02/01/2017 03/31/2017
DOE DOE – Plasma Science Facilities 01/31/2017 03/03/2017
Keck Foundation Research Program
Your completed internal competition application serves as your expression of interest.
Use your netid and password to access the internal competition application instructions as well as guidance on applying for Keck Foundation programs.
01/27/2017 05/01/2017
DOE Combined Heat and Power Technical Assistance Partnerships 01/25/2017 02/14/2017
NIH Maximizing Access to Research Careers Undergraduate – Student Training in Academic Research (MARC U-STAR) (T34) 01/24/2017 05/24/2017
01/11/2017 03/03/2017
DOE Advanced Manufacturing Projects for Emerging Research Exploration 01/10/2017 01/31/2017
DOE Innovative Pathways 01/10/2017 01/18/2017
The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation The Moore Inventor Fellows
Your completed internal competition application serves as your expression of interest.
Click on this icon. Use your netid and password to access the internal competition application instructions.
01/09/2017 02/09/2017
NIH The NCI Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition Award (F99/K00)
Your completed internal competition application serves as your expression of interest.
Click on this icon. Use your netid and password to access the internal competition application instructions.
01/09/2017 02/17/2017
NSF Innovation Corps (I-Corps TM) - National Innovation Network Nodes Program (I-Corps Nodes)
PI must be the level of Dean or higher
01/05/2017 02/09/2017
Saint Baldrick’s Foundation – Pediatric Cancer Research Several opportunities 01/05/2017 01/31/2017


Sponsor Opportunity Internal Expression of Interest Deadline Sponsor Application Deadline
NSF Cybersecurity Innovation for Cyberinfrastructure (CICI) 12/20/2016 03/01/2017
NSF S2I2 Conceptualization Proposals 12/20/2016 04/11/2017
NSF Management and Operation of the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) 12/05/2016 01/18/2017
DOS Official U.S. Presentation at the 16th International Architecture Exhibition, Venice, Italy, May through November, 2018 12/05/2016 01/12/2017
NSF Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science (NSF INCLUDES) 11/29/2016 02/14/2017
NSF Cultivating Cultures for Ethical STEM (CCE STEM) 11/29/2016 02/16/2017
The Mary Kay Foundation Translational Cancer Research Grant
Your completed internal competition application serves as your expression of interest.
11/29/2016 02/03/2017
HRSA The MCH Adolescent and Young Adult Health Research Network (AYAH-RN) 11/29/2016 01/06/2017
HRSA Maternal and Child Environmental Health Network 11/29/2016 01/20/2017
HRSA Maternal and Child Environmental Health Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network (CoIIN) 11/29/2016 01/31/2017
DOE Solar Forecasting 11/22/2016 03/24/2017
NIH Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (R25) 11/17/2016 01/24/2017
Koch Foundation, Inc. Preparation of Evangelists or Direct Evangelization 11/15/2016 01/01/2017
AHA Strategically Focused Children’s Research Network 11/15/2016 02/21/2017
NIH Coordinating Center for Population-based Research to Optimize the Screening Process (PROSPR) (U24) 11/10/2016 02/09/2017
NIH Research Education: Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD) Program (R25) 11/09/2016 01/27/2017
DOE Scaling Up the Next Generation of Building Efficiency Packages 11/02/2016 11/21/2016
Department of State Programs Fostering Civil, Political, and Labor Rights in Cuba 10/28/2016 11/18/2016
ORAU Powe Junior Faculty
Your completed internal competition application serves as your expression of interest.
You must use your netid and password to access these directions.
10/17/2016 01/09/2017
HRSA National Coordinating Center for the Regional Genetics Networks 10/17/2016 11/01/2016
Brain Research Foundation Seed Grant Opportunity
Your completed internal competition application serves as your expression of interest.
You must use your netid and password to access these directions.
10/17/2016 01/04/2017
NSF IUSE/Professional Formation of Engineers: Revolutionizing engineering and computer science Departments (IUSE/PFE:RED)
10/17/2016 12/09/2017
American Honda Foundation Grant -- Youth Education with a focus on STEM
Your completed internal competition application serves as your expression of interest.
You must use your netid and password to access these directions.
10/12/2016 02/10/2017
NSF Advancing Digitization of Biodiversity Collections 10/03/2016 10/14/2016
NIH T Cell Reagent Research for the Study of Allergic Diseases (U19 09/28/2016 03/03/2017
NSF Scalable Nanomanufacturing for Integrated Systems (SNM-IS) 09/28/2016 01/13/2017
NSF Major Research Instrumentation
Your completed internal competition application serves as your expression of interest.
Click on this feature and use your netid and password to access the internal competition application instructions.
09/26/2016 01/07/2017
Simons Foundation Math + X Encouraging Interactions 09/21/2016 10/31/2016
Simons Foundation Simons Investigators in the Mathematical Modeling of Living Systems
Your completed internal competition application serves as your expression of interest.
You must use your netid and password to access these directions.
09/20/2016 10/31/2016
09/14/2016 02/07/2017
NSF RET Engineering and Computer Science 09/13/2016 11/01/2016
ORAU Travel Grants for Faculty
Access the internal application instructions by clicking on the icon below and using your netid and password.
Your completed internal competition application serves as your expression of interest.
09/07/2016 10/01/2016
Harry J. Lloyd Charitable Trust Melanoma Research Grants (3 tracks) 08/31/2016 11/10/2016
NSF Network for Computational Nanotechnology (NCN) Supporting the Next Phase of NCN Nodes Programs
Required LOI due November 3, 2016
08/31/2016 12/02/2016
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission multiple opportunities 08/29/2016 10/14/2016
NSF Partnerships for Innovation: Building Innovation Capacity (PFI:BIC)
Required LOI by 10/14/16
08/29/2016 11/16/2016
American Heart Association Strategically Focused Obesity Research Network
LOI due 8/25/16. Send expression of interest to by 5PM Eastern 8/22/16.
08/22/2016 11/08/2016
Blavatnik Foundation Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists
Your completed internal competition application serves as your expression of interest.
Click on this feature and use your netid and password to access the internal competition application instructions.
08/22/2016 11/16/2016
NIH BD2K Research Education Curriculum Development: Data Science Overview for Biomedical Scientists (R25)
08/22/2016 12/07/2016
Oak Ridge Associated Universities Event Sponsorship
Complete and return the internal application by 5 PM August 16, 2016.
Click on this document icon and use your netid and password to access the internal competition directions.
08/16/2016 09/01/2016
Francis Family Foundation Parker B. Francis Fellowship Program
Check eligibility criteria
08/15/2016 10/17/2016
NIH Limited Competition for the Continuation of Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC) Study Biostatistics Research Center (Collaborative U01) Cooperative agreement 08/09/2016 11/18/2016
DHS DHS Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) Center of Excellence (COE) Center for Homeland Security Quantitative Analysis 08/09/2016 11/01/2016
NIH Academic-Community Partnership Conference Series (R13) 08/09/2016 11/17/2016
SAS Foundation 2016 Cancer Research Grant
Use your netid and password to access internal competition application directions below.
08/05/2016 09/15/2016
Army DoD-led Manufacturing Innovation Institutes
One concept note from Notre Dame due 3:00 PM local Durham, NC time on Thursday, 1 September 2016
08/01/2016 09/01/2016
NIH Cancer Target Discovery and Development Network (U01)
Optional LOI due thirty days before proposal due date
07/27/2016 10/30/2016
NSF Platforms for Advanced Wireless Research (PAWR): Establishing the PAWR Project Office (PPO) (PAWR/PPO)
Pre-proposal due September 20, 2016
07/22/2016 11/23/2016
NSF Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Pathways into Geoscience (IUSE:GEOPATHS)
Required LOI due August 16, 2016
07/21/2016 10/11/2016
NSF Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE)
Your completed internal competition application serves as your expression of interest. Submit to by 7/18/16 by 5PM Eastern.
You must use your netID to access this document.
07/18/2016 09/14/2016
Avon Avon Breast Cancer Crusade 07/18/2016 08/19/2016
NIH Clinical Research Education and Career Development (CRECD) Program (R25)
LOI due August 1, 2016
07/14/2016 09/01/2016
The Kinship Foundation Searle Scholars
Internal competition application due to by 5 PM Eastern July 11, 2016. Your completed internal application serves as your expression of interest.
You must use your netid and password to access these directions.
07/11/2016 09/30/2016
Department of Labor America’s Promise Job Driven Grant Program 07/06/2016 08/25/2016
DOE Clean Energy Manufacturing Innovation Institute for Reducing EMbodied-energy And Decreasing Emissions (REMADE) in Materials Manufacturing
One concept paper from Notre Dame due 7/28/16 5PM Eastern. One full application due 9/28/16 5PM Eastern.
06/29/2016 07/28/2016
Edward Mallinckrodt Jr. Fdtn Junior Faculty - Mallinckrodt Grants
Applicants should be in the first to fourth year of their tenure track faculty position and not have current R01 funding
06/21/2016 08/01/2016
Dept of Homeland Security Center of Excellence Criminal Investigations and Network Analysis 06/15/2016 09/01/2016
HHMI Inclusive Excellence: Engaging all students in science 2018 Competition
Intent to apply due July 12, 2016 2PM ET
06/14/2016 12/06/2016
Keck Foundation Keck Foundation Competition
Send your completed concept note which follows the instructions (per the two attached documents) to by 5PM June 10, 2016 for consideration for a Phase 1 application.
06/10/2016 11/01/2016
NIH BD2K Predoctoral Training on Biomedical Big Data Science (T32) 06/02/2016 07/25/2016
DOE Modular Chemical Process Intensification Institute for Clean Energy Manufacturing
Concept paper due 6/15/2016 5:00 PM ET
05/18/2016 08/17/2016
Concept Paper Submission Deadline: 6/6/2016 5:00 PM ET
05/18/2016 07/22/2016
NSF Curatorial Stewardship of a National Collection of Geological Rock & Sediment Cores from Antarctica and the Southern Ocean 05/18/2016 08/03/2016
NIH Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA)
Optional LOI May 22, 2016
05/17/2016 06/22/2016
HHS/CDC Operations Research (Implementation Science) for Strengthening Global Health Protection Implementation
LOI due 05-25-2016
05/12/2016 06/28/2016
NSF Physics Frontier Centers
Preliminary proposal due 5PM Eastern August 1, 2016
05/11/2016 01/30/2017
DOE Enabling Extreme Real-Time Grid Integration of Solar Energy (ENERGISE)
Concept papers due 6/17/16 5PM Eastern
05/11/2016 08/26/2016
DOE Machine Learning and Understanding for High Performance Computing Scientific Discovery
Pre-application due 5/20/16 5PM Eastern. The June deadline date for invited only.
05/05/2016 06/21/2016
DOE Industrial Assessment Centers 04/18/2016 05/20/2016
Brain Research Foundation 2017 Scientific Innovations Award Grant 04/14/2016 06/29/2016
Dept of State FY 2016 International Sports Programming Initiative 04/04/2016 05/10/2016
DOE U.S. China Clean Energy Research Center -- Medium and Heavy Duty Trucks 03/29/2016 05/15/2016
NIH International Centers for Excellence Malaria Research (U19)  03/28/2016 04/15/2016
NIH Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement (RISE) (R25)  03/22/2016 05/25/2016
NIH Director’s Early Independence Awards (DP5) 03/20/2016 09/12/2016
USDA/NIFA Women and Minorities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Fields Program (WAMS) 03/15/2016 04/07/2016
DOE Marine and Hydrokinetic Energy Conversion and Environmental Monitoring Technology Advancement 03/14/2016 05/26/2016
NIH Bridges to the Baccalaureate (R25)  03/09/2016 09/25/2016
NIH Bridges to the Doctorate (R25) 03/09/2016 09/25/2016
NIH Institutional Training Grants for Research Training in Biomedical Informatics and Data Science (T15) 03/08/2016 04/18/2016
NIH Team-Based Design in Biomedical Engineering Education (R25) 03/07/2016 05/31/2016
NIH Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Awards (IRACDA) (K12) 03/07/2016 09/19/2016
NSF NSF – Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (MRSEC) 03/04/2016 12/02/2016
NSF Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science (NSF INCLUDES) 03/03/2016 06/24/2016
NIST/DOC National Network for Manufacturing Innovation (NNMI) Institute Awards 03/03/2016 07/22/2016
ADA Pathway to Stop Diabetes – Initiator OR Accelerator OR Visionary Nomination 02/24/2016 07/01/2016
NSF Software Infrastructure for Sustained Innovation – S212 02/24/2016 06/03/2016
NSF Innovation Corps – National Innovation Network Nodes Program (I-Corps) Track One 02/22/2016 05/20/2016
DOE Computational Materials Sciences 02/16/2016 04/25/2016
NIH Environmental Health Sciences Core Centers (EHS CC) (P30) 02/16/2016 05/06/2016
DOE Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRC) 02/16/2016 04/19/2016
ArtPlace National Creative Placemaking Fund 02/04/2016 03/02/2016
NSF Cybersecurity Innovation for Cyberinfrastructure
01/28/2016 04/19/2016
Dept of State Overseas Refugee Assistance Programs for Strategic Global Priorities 01/26/2016 03/11/2016
Dept of State Overseas Refugee Assistance Programs for Strategic Global Priorities 01/21/2016 03/11/2016


Sponsor Opportunity Internal Expression of Interest Deadline Sponsor Application Deadline
Conservation, Food & Health Foundation Geographic Focus Developing World 12/09/2015 01/01/2016
CDC Evaluating the Impact of Non-pharmaceutical Measures on the Incidence of Influenza-like Illness (ILI) among K-12 Students in the United States 12/08/2015 01/15/2016
Mary Kay Fdtn The Mary Kay Foundation 2015 Innovative/Translational Cancer Research Grant 12/07/2015 02/02/2015
USDA/NIFA Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research Grants Program 12/01/2015 04/15/2016
NSF Cultivating Cultures for Ethical STEM (CCE STEM) 11/24/2015 02/16/2016
NSF Scalable Nanomanufacturing (SNM) 11/24/2015 02/16/2016
ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards 11/12/2015 01/11/2016
BRF Brain Research Foundation Fay/Frank Seed Grant Program 11/10/2015 04/01/2015
NIH Outstanding New Environmental Scientist (ONES) Award (R01) 11/10/2015 02/26/2015
AHA Winter 2016 Strategically Focused Heart Failure Research Network 11/03/2015 02/13/2016
NIH NIH Director's Early Independence Awards (DP5) 11/02/2015 01/29/2016
NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) Program -- Innovations in Graduate Education (IGE) Track 10/26/2015 02/09/2016
NSF Major Research Instrumentation Program (MRI) 10/05/2015 01/13/2016
NIH Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD) (R25) 09/29/2015 01/26/2016
NSF Partnerships for Innovation: Building Innovation Capacity (PFI-BIC) 09/29/2015 01/27/2016
NIH Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (R25) 09/28/2015 01/25/2016
NSF Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) -- Professional Formation of Engineers: Revolutionizing Engineering and Computer Science Departments (RED) 09/28/2015 12/15/2015
DOE Manufacturing Innovation Institute for Smart Manufacturing 09/28/2015 01/29/2016
Blavatnik Family Foundation Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists 09/22/2015 11/28/2015
Parker B. Francis Fellowship Program 09/22/2015 10/19/2015
DOE Solar Decathlon 09/10/2015 10/29/2015
NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) Program -- Innovations in Graduate Education (IGE) Track 09/09/2015 02/22/2016
NSF NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) Program -- Trainee Track 09/09/2015 02/22/2016
NSF Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) in Engineering and Computer Science 09/02/2015 11/02/2015
The Greenwall Fdtn Faculty Scholars & Junior Faculty in Bioethics 08/27/2015 01/11/2016
NIH -- NIMHD Transdisciplinary Collaborative Centers for Health Disparities Research on Chronic Disease Prevention (U54) 08/27/2015 12/16/2015
United States-India Educational Foundation Obama-Singh 21st Century Knowledge Initiative (OSI) 08/13/2015 11/02/2015
Simons Fdtn Math+X Investigators 08/10/2015 10/28/2015
Simons Fdtn Simons Investigators in the Mathematical Modeling of Living Systems (MMLS) 08/10/2015 10/28/2015
Kinship Foundation Searle Scholars 08/10/2015 09/30/2015
Simons Fdtn Simons Investigators in Mathematics, Physics, and Theoretical Computer Science 08/10/2015 10/28/2015
NSF Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) 08/07/2015 11/04/2015
NSF Management and Operation of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory (ICNO) 07/16/2015 10/07/2015
NIH Comprehensive Evaluation of Interactions between Engineered Nanomaterials and Biological System (U01) 07/16/2015 11/30/2015
DHS 2015 Homeland Security National Training Program 07/08/2015 08/10/2015
NSF Advancing Digitization of Biodiversity Collections 07/07/2015 10/09/2015
NSF Collections in Support of Biological Research (CSBR) 07/07/2015 09/10/2015
NSF Mid-scale innovations program in astronomical sciences. 06/29/2015 02/22/2016


Sponsor Opportunity Internal Expression of Interest Deadline Sponsor Application Deadline
Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation Program Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program 12/10/2014 02/10/2015
NSF Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Pathways into Geoscience (IUSE: GEOPATHS) 12/10/2014 03/16/2015
NSF Materials Innovation Platforms (MIP) 12/03/2014 03/02/2015
NIH Academic-Community Partnership Conference Series (R13) 11/25/2014 01/29/2015
NSF National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure 11/25/2014 04/03/2015
AFRL Integrated Photonics Institute for Manufacturing Innovation (IP-IMI) 11/19/2014 03/15/2015
DOS Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Internet Freedom 11/19/2014
DOS FY 2015 Study of the U.S. Institutes for Student Leaders on Women's Leadership 11/10/2014 12/01/2014
DOS FY 2015 Study of the U.S. Institutes for Student Leaders on U.S. History and Government 11/10/2014 12/08/2014
ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards 11/06/2014 01/12/2015
NIH Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD) 10/30/2014 01/26/2015
NSF Scalable Nanomanufacturing (SNM) 10/30/2014 01/20/2015
NIH Director's Early Independence Awards (DP5) 10/29/2014 01/30/2015
Blavatnik Family Foundation Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists 10/13/2014 11/25/2014
NSF Partnerships for Innovation: Building Innovation Capacity (PFI:BIC) 10/07/2014 01/28/2015
NSF Major Research Instrumentation Program (MRI) 09/29/2014 01/22/2015
NSF Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (2015-2019) (NHERI) 09/08/2014 12/03/2014
NIH Hazmat Training at DOE Nuclear Weapons Complex (UH4) 09/05/2014 11/06/2014
NIST Forensic Science Center of Excellence Program 09/04/2014 12/11/2014
NSF Cultivating Cultures for Ethical STEM (CCE STEM) 09/04/2014 02/17/2014
NSF Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) -- Professional Formation of Engineers: Revolutionizing Engineering Departments (RED) 08/28/2014 11/26/2014
NSF Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) in Engineering and Computer Science 08/28/2014 10/06/2014
NIH Hubs of Interdisciplinary Research and Training in Global Environmental and Occupational Health (GEOHealth) -- Research Training (U2R) 08/26/2014 10/22/2014
NSF Science and Technology Centers: Integrative Partnerships 08/25/2014 06/16/2015
DOE Resilience for Extreme Scale Supercomputing Systems 08/11/2014 11/03/2014
Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation Beckman Young Investigators 08/07/2014
NIST Advance Manufacturing Technology Consortia (AmTech) Program Planning Awards 08/07/2014 10/31/2014
Burroughs Wellcome Fund Investigators in the Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease 08/07/2014 11/03/2014
NSF ADVANCE: Increasing the Participation and Advancement of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Careers (ADVANCE) IT Catalyst 08/01/2014 11/03/2015
NSF ADVANCE: Increasing the Participation and Advancement of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Careers (ADVANCE) Institutional Transformation 08/01/2014 01/20/2016
United States-India Educational Foundation Obama-Singh 21st Century Knowledge Initiative (OSI) 07/30/2014 11/03/2014
NSF Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) 07/29/2014 05/15/2015
Greenwall Fdtn Faculty Scholars -- Junior Faculty in Bioethics 07/24/2014 01/30/2015
NIST Community Resilience Center of Excellence Program 07/21/2014 09/12/2014
NSF Advancing Digitization of Biodiversity Collections (ADBC) 07/21/2014 10/17/2014
Simons Fdtn Simons Investigators in the Mathematical Modeling of Living Systems (MMLS)
More information available by request at
07/08/2014 10/28/2014
Simons Fdtn Math+X Investigators
More information available by request at
07/08/2014 10/28/2014
Simons Fdtn Simons Investigators in Mathematics, Physics, and Theoretical Computer Science
More information available by request at
07/08/2014 10/28/2014
ORAU Travel Grants Program
More information available by request at
07/08/2014 07/08/2014
NIEHS Superfund Hazardous Substance Research and Training Program (P42) 07/01/2014 09/03/2014
NIH Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Awards (IRACDA) (K12) 06/30/2014 09/22/2014
NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM) 06/11/2014 08/12/2014
NSF Theory Institute in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 06/11/2014 12/08/2014
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Building Bridges Grants Program -- Islamic Art 06/03/2014 06/27/2014
Edward Mallinckrodt Jr. Foundation Mallinckrodt Grants 05/29/2014 08/01/2014
DOE Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) 05/27/2014 06/30/2014
NIH Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) (R25) 05/27/2014 07/30/2014
NSF Collections in Support of Biological Research 05/22/2014 08/11/2014
HRSA Bridging the Word Gap 05/20/2014 07/07/2014
NIH Developing and Improving Institutional Animal Resources (G20) 05/12/2014 08/01/2014
NIH Research Evaluation and Commercialization Hub (REACH) Awards (U01) 05/12/2014 06/26/2014
DOE Marine and Hydrokinetic R&D University Consortium 04/28/2014 05/30/2014
NIH Transdisciplinary Collaborative Centers for Health Disparities Research Coordination Center 04/28/2014 06/19/2014
DOE Biological and Chemical Upgrading for Advanced Biofuels and Products 04/25/2014 06/13/2014
DOE Wind Forecasting Improvement Project in Complex Terrain 04/22/2014 06/05/2014
NIH Agricultural, Forestry and Fishing Safety and Health Research (U01) 04/21/2014 06/09/2014
DHS Applications to serve as a lead institution for a Coastal Resilience Center of Excellence
Search for FOA Number DHS-14-ST-061-COE-001A
04/21/2014 07/03/2014
DHS Applications to serve as a lead institution for a Center for Borders, Trade and Immigration Research (CBTIR)
Search for FOA Number DHS-14-ST-061-COE-002A
04/21/2014 07/03/2014
NSF International Research Network Connections (IRNC) -- 'Backbone' Track Proposal Limitation Only 04/16/2014 07/07/2014
EPA Smart Growth Information Clearinghouse 04/11/2014 05/14/2014
DOE Technology Incubator for Wind Energy Innovations 04/11/2014 05/30/2014
Brain Research Foundation Scientific Innovations Award Grant 04/10/2014 10/24/2014
Paul G. Allen Family Foundation Allen Distinguished Investigators -- Artificial Intelligence 04/10/2014 05/30/2014
NIH Jointly Sponsored Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Institutional Predoctoral Training Program in the Neurosciences (T32) 04/08/2014 05/29/2014
NIH NIH Blueprint Program for Enhancing Neuroscience Diversity through Undergraduate Research Education Experiences (R25) 04/08/2014 05/28/2014
Phi Beta Psi National Project for Cancer Research 04/07/2014 06/14/2014
NSF Innovation Corps Sites Program (I-Corps Sites) 04/03/2014 06/27/2014
NSF National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) Program 04/03/2014 06/24/2014
NSF Scalable Nanomanufacturing (SNM) 03/27/2014 06/14/2014
NSF Cultivating Cultures for Ethical STEM (CCE STEM) 03/27/2014 06/17/2014
HRSA R40 MCH Autism Longitudinal Project 03/25/2014 05/12/2014
NIH Consortium for Food Allergy Research (U19) 03/25/2014 06/19/2014
NIH Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD) (R25) 03/25/2014 05/01/2014
DOE Administration of the Wave Energy Converter Prize 03/24/2014 05/14/2014
ADA Diabetes Research Career Initiator OR Diabetes Research Accelerator 03/21/2014 07/01/2014
CASE/Carnegie Foundation 2014 U.S. Professors of the Year 03/14/2014 04/14/2014
DSSS Funding Money
note here here here
link link link
03/14/2014 04/14/2014
RWJF Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Impact Project 03/12/2014 06/25/2014
HRSA Safe Infant Sleep Systems Integration Program 03/11/2014 04/30/2014
NSF Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education (NUE) in Engineering 03/11/2014 05/27/2014
V Foundation Scholar 03/10/2014 04/07/2014
V Foundation Translational 03/10/2014 05/13/2014
DOE Bioenergy Technologies Incubator
Search for DE-FOA-0000974
03/07/2014 05/23/2014
DOE Clean Energy Manufacturing Innovation Institute for Composite Materials and Structures
Search for DE_FOA_0000977
03/07/2014 06/19/2014
AHF Youth education, specifically in the areas of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, the environment, job training and literacy 03/04/2014 05/01/2014
NSF Innovation Corps -- Regional Node (I-Corps Node) 02/25/2014 04/18/2014
NSF High Performance Computing System Acquisition: Continuing the Building of a More Inclusive Computing Environment for Science and Engineering 02/25/2014 05/14/2014
DOS Ngwang Choephel Fellows Cultural Exchange with Tibetan communities in China 02/20/2014 03/20/2014
NRC Faculty Development Grant 02/20/2014 03/31/2014
NRC Fellowship 02/20/2014 03/31/2014
NRC Scholarship 02/20/2014 03/31/2014
DOS Community Solutions Cultural Exchange for Young Leaders, Africa, East Asia and the Pacific, Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, South and Central Asia, and the Western Hemisphere 02/20/2014 03/31/2014
DOS Promoting Transitional Justice and Accountability in the Western Hemisphere Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor 02/06/2014 02/28/2014
NSF Sustainability Research Networks Competition: Urban Sustainability (SRN 02/06/2014 04/29/2014
NIH Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) (R25) 02/06/2014 03/31/2014
CDC Research Approaches to Improve the Care and Outcomes of People Living with Spina Bifida 02/06/2014 03/07/2014
CDC Population Surveillance -- Muscular Dystrophy and Spina Bifida 02/06/2014 03/07/2014
DOE Vehicle Technologies Incubator 01/30/2014 04/16/2014
NIH Director's Biomedical Research Workforce Innovation Award: Broadening Experiences in Scientific Training (BEST) (DP7) 01/27/2014 03/31/2014
NIH NIH Coordination and Evaluation Center for Enhancing the Diversity of the NIH-Funded Workforce Program (U54) 01/20/2014 03/18/2014
NIH Environmental Health Sciences Core Centers (EHS CC) (P30) 01/20/2014
NIH Resources to Assist Investigations in Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases (U24) 01/20/2014 04/17/2014
NIH Building Infrastructure Leading to Diversity (BUILD) Initiative (U54) 01/20/2014 03/19/2014


Sponsor Opportunity Internal Expression of Interest Deadline Sponsor Application Deadline
HRSA Women’s Preventive Services Initiative
Send PI name, ND collaborators, external collaborators and their organizations and the proposed title to by the internal interest deadline.
07/29/0020 10/05/2020