The Grants Program Management Team (GPM) is the University’s post-award research administration unit within NDRAC. The GPM team is responsible for assisting the Notre Dame Research Community with Award processing, Award Management and Sponsor Communication. Some of those activities include but not limited to:

  • Facilitate and secure approval for pre-award spending/advance accounts
  • Establish award budget and accounts for grant expenditures
  • Communicate terms of award and requirements to research team
  • Conduct first grant meetings with faculty receiving first sponsored award at ND
  • Conduct “launch meetings” with research teams for complex projects to identify and coordinate complex project business needs
  • Serve as liaison for researchers with other central University business offices, such as Human Resources, Payroll, and Research and Sponsored Programs Accounting (RSPA).
  • Approve or forward to sponsor for approval, re-budget requests, no-cost extensions, or changes of scope or PI
  • Develop account projections/internal financial tools for PIs to monitor and plan for grant expenditures
  • Proactively monitor technical reporting compliance and escalate as necessary
  • Address questions about sponsor terms and requirements, allowability of charges, etc.
  • Provide proactive notification prior to account expiration

Notre Dame Systems

Internal systems used for award processing, purchasing, and payment, include:

Grants Program Management Processes and Guidelines

Please review Advance Fund Request/Pre-Award Spending for Grants Program Management Processes and Guidelines.

Meet the Team

  1. Dante Brinkley

    Grants Program Management Director

  2. Shannon M. Buchmann

    Grants Program Manager

  3. Raquel Cotuno

    Grants Program Manager

  4. Maria Harding

    Grants Program Manager

  5. Lori D. McDonald

    Senior Grants Program Manager

  6. Photo of Tanyalon Monroe is missing

    Tanyalon Monroe

    Grants Program Manager

  7. Jeff Pethick

    Senior Grant Financial Program Manager

  8. Liz Rulli

    Associate Vice President for Research

  9. Cortney Swift

    Senior Grants Program Manager

  10. Sunny Thompson

    Senior Grants Program Manager

  11. Katrina Wicks

    Grants Program Manager

Need More Information?

For more information on any of the budgeting and reporting services or to request one-on-one consultation for grants, please contact your designated Grants Program Manager or email Please also review Frequently Asked Questions about Award Management.